a-MoO3 is a layered vdW semiconductor with a crystal structure that belongs to the space group Pbnm 62 (see unit cell parameters below). In its layered form, Each layer has three atomic thick arrangement consisting of MoO6 octahedra layers as shown in the diagram in product images. The material is environmentally stable in air, water, and different gases. Layers can easily exfoliated onto desired substrates with minimal efforts as shown in the product images.
a-MoO3 is a layered vdW semiconductor with a crystal structure that belongs to the space group Pbnm 62 (see unit cell parameters below). In its layered form, Each layer has three atomic thick arrangement consisting of MoO6 octahedra layers as shown in the diagram in product images. The material is environmentally stable in air, water, and different gases. Layers can easily exfoliated onto desired substrates with minimal efforts as shown in the product images.