Manual of tabletop centrifuge
- Description:
Centrifuge is a conventional laboratory centrifuge is widely used in biology, chemistry, medicine, education and scientific research and production departments. Centrifuge maximum speed is 4000 rev / min for radioimmunoassay and chromatographic identification, decentralized cells.
- Technical Specifications:
Model | Speed(r/min) | Volume | Time Range | Speed Display | Supply Power | Centrifugal force | Notes |
800 |
Start ~ | 20ml×6 | NO | NO |
220V 50Hz |
1430xg |
800B | 20ml×6 |
Open OR 0~60分 | NO | ||||
YXJ-1 | 20ml×6 | NO | |||||
80-1 | 20ml×6 | NO | |||||
80-1A | 20ml×6 | NO | Speed display | ||||
80-2 | 20ml×12 | NO |
| ||||
80-2A |
| 20ml×12 |
| Exist | Speed display | ||
TDL-300 | 50ml×8 | NO |
| ||||
TDL-400 | 100ml×4 | NO | |||||
TDL-400B | 100ml×4 | Exist |
- The use of precautions:
1 Before using this product should read all the instructions.
2 Should be checked before work can work without exceptions.
3 Turned in a load imbalance is prohibited under state operation.
4 It is necessary to properly cover centrifuge machine covered to prevent objects into the damaged machine when running.
5 Replace the fuse, be the first plug from the outlet.
6The table should be flat solid centrifuge, the workplace should be neat and clean, dry and well ventilated, the ambient temperature to 5 ~ 35 ℃ appropriate.
7 The power supply must have a good grounding!
- Instruction:
1 The tube corresponding to the pre-weighing the same hole into the centrifugal.
2 Close the centrifuge lid, set timer time, close the power switch.
3 Adjust speed control, up to the required speed.
4The work is completed, the speed control knob placed on the minimum, put the timer to zero. Turn off the power switch off the power. - Working Principle:
- Packing List:
Name | Quantity | Notes |
Host | 1 |
Centrifuge tubes | Depending on the model to check the specifications and quantities |
Manual, warranty card, fuse tubes | Each 1 | 800 except |
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