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INNOTERE磷酸鈣 TCP/HAP 骨水泥 3D打印支架 發表百篇文獻

來源:世聯博研(北京)科技有限公司   2024年04月12日 16:15  


- 3D打印合成骨塊增強牙槽嵴:臨床病例系列。Perez A, Lazzarotto B, Marger L, Durual S. 臨床病例報告 2023

- 異種和合成骨塊替代材料的有效性與/或重組人骨形態發生蛋白-2:使用兔顱骨模型的前臨床研究。Lim HC, Paeng KW, Jung UW, Benic GI. 臨床牙周病學雜志 2021

- 三種骨塊替代材料用于骨再生的比較:在比格犬中的長期觀察。Sawada K, Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Iizuka T, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Igarashi K, Saulacic N. 牙科學 2018

- 鈣磷酸鹽支架中鍶(II)和機械加載的疊加增強骨形成。Reitmaier S, Kovtun A, Schuelke J, Kanter B, Lemm M, Hoess A, Heinemann S, Nies B, Ignatius A. 骨科研究雜志 2017

- 使用三維打印的TCP/HA骨移植進行大型骨垂直增強:在狗下頜的初步研究。Carrel JP, Wiskott A, Scherrer S, Durual S. 臨床植入牙科和相關研究 2016

- 通過BMP-2激活模擬的3D打印TCP/HA結構作為新型成骨誘導支架用于垂直骨增強的中期功能。Moussa M, Carrel JP, Scherrer S, Cattani-Lorente M, Wiskott A, Durual S. 材料 2015

- 3D打印的TCP/HA結構作為新型成骨導引支架用于垂直骨增強。Carrel JP, Wiskott A, Moussa M, Rieder P, Scherrer S, Durual S. 臨床口腔植入研究 2014

- 介孔生物活性玻璃-摻雜的可注射含鍶鈣磷酸水泥增強了骨質疏松大鼠骨干缺陷的成骨性。Ray S, Thormann U, Kramer I, Sommer U, Budak M, Schumacher M, Bernhardt A, Lode A, Kern C, Rohnke M, Heiss C, Lips KS, Gelinsky M, Alt V. 生物工程 2023

- 實驗性鎂磷酸鹽水泥糊增強了人股骨頭中粗隆固定釘的扭矩。Hoelscher-Doht S, Heilig M, von Hertzberg-Boelch SP, Jordan MC, Gbureck U, Meffert RH, Heilig P. 臨床生物力學 2023

- 同種異體松質骨與可注射骨替代材料用于內窺鏡治療簡單骨囊腫和跟骨內脂肪瘤的比較,跟骨內脂肪瘤是簡單骨囊腫的發育階段嗎?Toepfer A, Str?ssle M, Lenze U, Lenze F, Harrasser N. 臨床醫學雜志 2023

- 在副鼻竇開發新的臨界尺寸缺陷模型并嘗試缺陷重建 - 綿羊的上頜骨缺陷研究。Rothweiler R, Kuhn S, Stark T, Heinemann S, Hoess A, Fuessinger MA, Brandenburg LS, Roelz R, Metzger MC, Hubbe U. 材料科學:醫學材料 2022

- 使用3D打印的鈦支架進行顱骨重建的植入:在綿羊使用臨界尺寸缺陷的結果。Hubbe U, Beiser S, Kuhn S, Stark T, Hoess A, Schmitz HC, Vasilikos I, Metzger MC, Rothweiler R. 生物材料進展 2022

- 使用三維可視化和分割軟件確認牙槽骨增強周圍磷酸鈣水泥的生物降解。Alkhasawnah Q, Elmas S, Sohrabi K, Attia S, Heinemann S, El Khassawna T, Heiss C. 材料 2021

- 鎖定板固定近端肱骨骨折的水泥增強的初步穩定性:可吸收與不可吸收水泥的比較。Sch?bel T, Schleifenbaum S, Nitsch V, Hepp P, Theopold J. 臨床生物力學 2021

- 磷酸鈣水泥在增強綿羊椎骨方面的性能 - 一項體外研究。Kinne RW, Gunnella F, Kunisch E, Heinemann S, Nies B, Maenz S, Horbert V, Illerhaus B, Huber R, Firkowska-Boden I, Bossert J, Jandt KD, Sachse A, Bungartz M, Brinkmann O. 材料 2021

- 創新的即用型磷酸鈣水泥增強股骨粗隆骨折。Fuchs A, Langenmair E, Hirschmueller A, Suedkamp NP, Konstantinidis L. 骨科和骨研究雜志 2019

- 將硅納入改良磷酸鈣骨水泥促進了人外周單核血細胞的破骨細胞生成。Wagner AS, Schumacher M, Rohnke M, Glenske K, Gelinsky M, Arnhold S, Mazurek S, Wenisch S. 生物醫學材料 2019

- 通過飛行時間二次離子質譜法研究鍶在大鼠皮質骨中的傳輸和定量。Kern C, Quade M, Ray S, Thomas J, Schumacher M, Gemming T, Gelinsky M, Alt V, Rohnke M. 學會界面雜志 2019

- 含有腦源性神經營養因子功能化介孔生物活性玻璃顆粒的糊狀骨水泥對新鼠骨質疏松性骨折模型中的骨干愈合的影響。Kauschke V, Schneider M, Jauch A, Schumacher M, Kampschulte M, Rohnke M, Henss A, Bamberg C, Trinkaus K, Gelinsky M, Heiss C, Lips KS. 國際分子科學雜志 2018

- 磷酸鈣磷酸鹽水泥的即用型注射骨水泥糊作為藥物載體。Vorndran E, Geffers M, Ewald A, Lemm M, Nies B, Gbureck U. 生物材料學報 2013

- 注射型磷酸鈣水泥基水不混溶液體的物理性質。Heinemann S, R?ssler S, Lemm M, Ruhnow M, Nies B. 生物材料學報 2013

- 研究制造偏差的CPC支架以改進設計過程。Seidler A, Pendzik M, Hilbig A, Sembdner P, Holtzhausen S, Paetzold-Byhain K. 當前生物醫學工程方向 2023

- 使用磷酸鈣水泥和介孔生物活性玻璃治療臨界骨缺陷,提供時空藥物遞送。Richter RF, Vater C, Korn M, Ahlfeld T, Rauner M, Pradel W, Stadlinger B, Gelinsky M, Lode A, Korn P. 生物活性材料 2023

- 由溶劑型3D打印制備的微孔PLGA/β-TCP/TPU支架,用于骨組織工程目的。Hatt LP, Wirth S, Ristaniemi A, Ciric DJ, Thompson K, Eglin D, Stoddart MJ, Armiento AR. 再生生物材料 2023

- 磷酸鈣水泥支架的機械強度。Bertrand E, Zankovic S, Vinke J, Schmal H, Seidenstuecker M. 設計 2023

- 無機和有機墨水在生物打印組織替代物中的協同作用:構建穩定性和體外長期培養中的細胞反應。Liu S, Bernhardt A, Wirsig K, Lode A, Hu Q, Gelinsky M, Kilian D. 復合材料B部分:工程 2023

- 3D打印合成骨塊增強牙槽嵴:臨床病例系列。Perez A, Lazzarotto B, Marger L, Durual S. 臨床病例報告 2023

- 多功能性三維打印銅負載磷酸鈣支架用于骨再生。Pillai A, Chakka J, Heshmathi N, Zhang Y, Alkadi F, Maniruzzaman M. 藥物 2023

- 應用神經肽NPVF增強骨再生中的血管生成和成骨。Yu H, Wang Y, Gao J, Gao Y, Zhong C, Chen Y. 通訊生物學 2023

- 蛋清改善了藻酸鹽-甲基纖維素生物墨水的生物性能,用于3D生物打印體積骨結構。Liu S, Kilian D, Ahlfeld T, Hu Q, Gelinsky M. 生物制造 2023

- 細胞殖民和3D支架中成骨分化的綜合監測的協議,使用生化分析和多光子成像。Sommer KP, Krolinski A, Mirkhalaf M, Zreiqat H, Friedrich O, Viel

·       Alveolar ridge augmentation with 3D-printed synthetic bone blocks: A clinical case series. Perez A, Lazzarotto B, Marger L, Durual S. Clinical Case Reports 2023

·       Effectiveness of xenogeneic and synthetic bone-block substitute materials with/without recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2: A preclinical study using a rabbit calvarium model. Lim HC, Paeng KW, Jung UW, Benic GI. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2021

·       Comparison of three block bone substitutes for bone regeneration: long-term observation in the beagle dog. Sawada K, Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Iizuka T, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Igarashi K, Saulacic N. Odontology 2018

·       Strontium(II) and Mechanical Loading Additively Augment Bone Formation in Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds. Reitmaier S, Kovtun A, Schuelke J,  Kanter B, Lemm M, Hoess A, Heinemann S, Nies B, Ignatius A. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2017

·       Large Bone Vertical Augmentation Using a Three-Dimensional Printed TCP/HA Bone Graft: A Pilot Study in Dog Mandible. Carrel JP, Wiskott A, Scherrer S, Durual S. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2016

·       Medium-Term Function of a 3D Printed TCP/HA Structure as a New Osteoinductive Scaffold for Vertical Bone Augmentation: A Simulation by BMP-2 Activation. Moussa M, Carrel JP, Scherrer S, Cattani-Lorente M, Wiskott A, Durual S. Materials 2015

·       A 3D Printed TCP/HA Structure as a New Osteoconductive Scaffold for Vertical Bone Augmentation. Carrel JP, Wiskott A, Moussa M, Rieder P, Scherrer S, Durual S. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2014

·       Mesoporous Bioactive Glass-Incorporated Injectable Strontium-Containing Calcium Phosphate Cement Enhanced Osteoconductivity in a Critical-Sized Metaphyseal Defect in Osteoporotic Rats. Ray S, Thormann U, Kramer I, Sommer U, Budak M, Schumacher M, Bernhardt A, Lode A, Kern C, Rohnke M, Heiss C, Lips KS, Gelinsky M, Alt V. Bioengineering 2023

·       Experimental magnesium phosphate cement paste increases torque of trochanteric fixation nail advanced™ blades in human femoral heads. Hoelscher-Doht S, Heilig M, von Hertzberg-Boelch SP, Jordan MC, Gbureck U, Meffert RH, Heilig P. Clinical Biomechanics 2023

·       Allogenic Cancellous Bone versus Injectable Bone Substitute for Endoscopic Treatment of Simple Bone Cyst and Intraosseous Lipoma of the Calcaneus and Is Intraosseous Lipoma a Developmental Stage of a Simple Bone Cyst? Toepfer A, Str?ssle M, Lenze U, Lenze F, Harrasser N. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023

·       Development of a new critical size defect model in the paranasal sinus and first approach for defect reconstruction - An in vivo maxillary bone defect study in sheep. Rothweiler R, Kuhn S, Stark T, Heinemann S, Hoess A, Fuessinger MA, Brandenburg LS, Roelz R, Metzger MC, Hubbe U. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2022

·       A fully ingrowing implant for cranial reconstruction: Results in critical size defects in sheep using 3D-printed titanium scaffold. Hubbe U, Beiser S, Kuhn S, Stark T, Hoess A, Schmitz HC, Vasilikos I, Metzger MC, Rothweiler R. Biomaterials Advances 2022

·       Confirmation of Calcium Phosphate Cement Biodegradation after Jawbone Augmentation around Dental Implants Using Three-Dimensional Visualization and Segmentation Software. Alkhasawnah Q, Elmas S, Sohrabi K, Attia S, Heinemann S, El Khassawna T, Heiss C. Materials 2021

·       Primary stability of cement augmentation in locking plate fixation for proximal humeral fractures: A comparison of absorbable versus non-absorbable cement. Sch?bel T, Schleifenbaum S, Nitsch V, Hepp P, Theopold J. Clinical Biomechanics 2021

·       Performance of Calcium Phosphate Cements in the Augmentation of Sheep Vertebrae—An Ex Vivo Study. Kinne RW, Gunnella F, Kunisch E, Heinemann S, Nies B, Maenz S, Horbert V, Illerhaus B, Huber R, Firkowska-Boden I, Bossert J, Jandt KD, Sachse A, Bungartz M, Brinkmann O. Materials 2021

·       Implant Augmentation for Trochanteric Fractures with an Innovative, Ready to Use Calcium-Phosphate-Cement. Fuchs A, Langenmair E, Hirschmueller A, Suedkamp NP, Konstantinidis L. Journal of Orthopaedics and Bone Research 2019

·       Incorporation of silicon into strontium modified calcium phosphate bone cements promotes osteoclastogenesis of human peripheral mononuclear blood cells. Wagner AS, Schumacher M, Rohnke M, Glenske K, Gelinsky M, Arnhold S, Mazurek S, Wenisch S. Biomedical Materials 2019

·       Investigation of strontium transport and strontium quantification in cortical rat bone by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. Kern C, Quade M, Ray S, Thomas J, Schumacher M, Gemming T, Gelinsky M, Alt V, Rohnke M. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2019

·       Effects of a Pasty Bone Cement Containing Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor-Functionalized Mesoporous Bioactive Glass Particles on Metaphyseal Healing in a New Murine Osteoporotic Fracture Model. Kauschke V, Schneider M, Jauch A, Schumacher M, Kampschulte M, Rohnke M , Henss A, Bamberg C, Trinkaus K, Gelinsky M, Heiss C, Lips KS. International Journal of Molecular Science 2018

·       Strontium-Modified Premixed Calcium Phosphate Cements for the Therapy of Osteoporotic Bone Defects. Lode A, Heiss C, Knapp G, Thomas J, Nies B, Gelinsky M, Schumacher M.  Acta Biomaterialia 2018

·       Ready-to-use Injectable Calcium Phosphate Bone Cement Paste as Drug Carrier. Vorndran E, Geffers M, Ewald A, Lemm M, Nies B, Gbureck U. Acta Biomater 2013

·       Properties of Injectable Ready-to-Use Calcium Phosphate Cement Based on Water-Immiscible Liquid. Heinemann S, R?ssler S, Lemm M, Ruhnow M, Nies B. Acta Biomater 2013 

·       Investigation of manufacturing deviations of CPC scaffolds for improving the design process. Seidler A, Pendzik M, Hilbig A, Sembdner P, Holtzhausen S, Paetzold-Byhain K. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 2023

·       Treatment of critical bone defects using calcium phosphate cement and mesoporous bioactive glass providing spatiotemporal drug delivery. Richter RF, Vater C, Korn M, Ahlfeld T, Rauner M, Pradel W, Stadlinger B, Gelinsky M, Lode A, Korn P. Bioactive Materials 2023

·       Micro-porous PLGA/β-TCP/TPU scaffolds prepared by solvent-based 3D printing for bone tissue engineering purposes. Hatt LP, Wirth S, Ristaniemi A, Ciric DJ, Thompson K, Eglin D, Stoddart MJ, Armiento AR. Regenerative Biomaterials 2023

·       About the Mechanical Strength of Calcium Phosphate Cement Scaffolds. Bertrand E, Zankovic S, Vinke J, Schmal H, Seidenstuecker M. Designs 2023

·       Synergy of inorganic and organic inks in bioprinted tissue substitutes: Construct stability and cell response during long-term cutivation in vitro. Liu S, Bernhardt A, Wirsig K, Lode A, Hu Q, Gelinsky M, Kilian D. Composites Part B: Engineering 2023

·       Alveolar ridge augmentation with 3D-printed synthetic bone blocks: A clinical case series. Perez A, Lazzarotto B, Marger L, Durual S. Clinical Case Reports 2023

·       Multifunctional Three-Dimensional Printed Copper Loaded Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration. Pillai A, Chakka J, Heshmathi N, Zhang Y, Alkadi F, Maniruzzaman M. Pharmaceuticals 2023

·       Application of the neuropeptide NPVF to enhance angiogenesis and osteogenesis in bone regeneration. Yu H, Wang Y, Gao J, Gao Y, Zhong C, Chen Y. Communications Biology 2023

·       Egg white improves the biological properties of an alginate-methylcellulose bioink for 3D bioprinting of volumetric bone constructs. Liu S, Kilian D, Ahlfeld T, Hu Q, Gelinsky M. Biofabrication 2023

·       Protocol for Cell Colonization and Comprehensive Monitoring of Osteogenic Differentiation in 3D Scaffolds Using Biochemical Assays and Multiphoton Imaging. Sommer KP, Krolinski A, Mirkhalaf M, Zreiqat H, Friedrich O, Vielreicher M. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023

·       A dual osteoconductive-osteoprotective implantable device for vertical alveolar ridge augmentation. Dairaghi J, Benito Alston C, Cadle R, Rogozea D, Solorio L, Barco CT, Moldovan NI. Frontiers in Dental Medicine 2023

·       3D extrusion printing of density gradients by variation of sinusoidal printing paths for tissue engineering and beyond. Kilian D, Holtzhausen S, Groh W, Sembdner P, Czichy C, Lode A, Stelzer R, Gelinsky M. Acta Biomaterialia 2022

·       Alternative Geometries for 3D Bioprinting of Calcium Phosphate Cement as Bone Substitute. Blankenburg J, Vinke J, Riedel B, Zankovic S, Schmal H, Seidenstuecker M. Biomedicines 2022

·       3D Printing of Human Ossicle Models for the Biofabrication of Personalized Middle Ear Prostheses. Dairaghi J, Rogozea D, Cadle R, Bustamante J, Moldovan L, Petrache HI, Moldovan NI. Applied Sciences 2022

·       Chondrogenic differentiation of human bone marrow MSCs in osteochondral implants under kinematic mechanical load is dependent on the underlying osteo component. Monaco G, Qawasmi F, El Haj AJ,
Forsyth NR, Stoddart MJ. 
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2022

·       3D Plotting of Calcium Phosphate Cement and Melt Electrowriting of Polycaprolactone Microfibers in One Scaffold: A Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Process. Kilian D, von Witzleben M, Lanaro M, Wong CS, Vater C, Lode A, Allenby MC, Woodruff MA, Gelinsky M. Journal of Functional Biomaterials 2022

·       Treatment of Critical Size Femoral Bone Defects with Biomimetic Hybrid Scaffolds of 3D Plotted Calcium Phosphate Cement and Mineralized Collagen Matrix. Culla AC, Vater C, Tian X, Bolte J, Ahlfeld T, Bretschneider H, Pape A, Goodman SB, Gelinsky M, Zwingenberger S. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022

·       Magnetic resonance imaging as a tool for quality control in extrusion-based bioprinting. Schmieg B, Gretzinger S, Schuhmann S, Guthausen G, Hubbuch J. Biotechnology Journal 2022

·       Three-dimensional printing of clinical scale and personalized calcium phosphate scaffolds for alveolar bone reconstruction. Anderson M, Dubey N, Bogie K, Cao C, Li J, Lerchbacker J, Mendon?a G, Kauffmann F, Bottino MC, Kaigler D. Dental Materials 2022

·       Composites consisting of calcium phosphate cements and mesoporous bioactive glasses as a 3D plottable drug delivery system. Richter RF, Ahlfeld T, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Acta Biomaterialia 2022

·       GDF-5 variant loading on composite scaffolds promotes spinal fusion through coupling of osteogenesis and angiogenesis: a preclinical study in rhesus monkeys. Li L, Ling Z, Vater C, Chen X, Huang S, Qi Q, Zhou Z, Li X, Zou Z, Gelinsky M, Lou J, Zou X, Stiehler M. Smart Materials in Medicine 2021

·       3D printing of patient-specific implants for osteochondral defects: workflow for an MRI-guided zonal design. Kilian D, Sembdner P, Bretschneider H, Ahlfeld T, Mika L, Lützner J, Holtzhausen S, Lode A, Stelzer R, Gelinsky M. Bio-Design and Manufacturing 2021

·       Effectiveness of xenogeneic and synthetic bone-block substitute materials with/without recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2: A preclinical study using a rabbit calvarium model. Lim HC, Paeng KW, Jung UW, Benic GI. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2021

·       Comparison of amniotic membrane versus the induced membrane for bone regeneration in long bone segmental defects using calcium phosphate cement loaded with BMP-2. Fenelon M, Etchebarne M, Siadous R, Grémare A, Durand M, Sentilhes L, Catros S, Gindraux F, L'Heureux N, Fricain JC. Materials Science and Engineering C 2021

·       Coaxial Micro-Extrusion of a Calcium Phosphate Ink with Aqueous Solvents Improves Printing Stability, Structure Fidelity and Mechanical Properties. Bagnol R, Sprecher C, Peroglio M, Chevalier J, Mahou R, Büchler P, Richards G, Eglin D. Acta Biomaterialia 2021

·       A dual-ink 3D printing strategy to engineer pre-vascularized bone scaffolds in-vitro. Twohig C, Helsinga M, Mansoorifar A, Athirasala A, Tahayeri A, Fran?a CM, Pajares SA, Abdelmoniem R, Scherrer S, Durual S, Ferracane J, Bertassoni LE. Materials Science and Engineering C 2021

·       Toward Biofabrication of Resorbable Implants Consisting of a Calcium Phosphate Cement and Fibrin - A Characterization In Vitro and In Vivo. Ahlfeld T, Lode A, Richter RF, Pradel W, Franke A, Rauner M, Stadlinger B, Lauer G, Gelinsky M, Korn P. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021

·       3D Printed Calcium Phosphate Cement (CPC) Scaffolds for Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery. Wu Y, Woodbine L, Carr AM, Pillai AR, Nokhodchi A, Maniruzzaman M. Pharmaceutics 2020

·       3D Bioprinting of Osteochondral Tissue Substitutes – In Vitro Chondrogenesis in Multi-Layered Mineralized Constructs. Kilian D, Ahlfeld T, Akkineni AR, Bernhardt A, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Scientific Reports 2020

·       3D Printing of Bone Grafts for Cleft Alveolar Osteoplasty – In vivo Evaluation in a Preclinical Model. Korn P, Ahlfeld T, Lahmeyer F, Kilian D, Sembdner P, Stelzer R, Pradel W, Franke A, Rauner M, Range U, Stadlinger B, Lode A, Lauer G, Gelinsky M. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2020

·       A Novel Plasma-Based Bioink Stimulates Cell Proliferation and Differentiation in Bioprinted, Mineralized Constructs. Ahlfeld T, Cubo-Mateo N, Cometta S, Guduric V, Vater C, Bernhardt A, Akkineni AR, Lode A, Gelinsky M. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020

·       Calcium Phosphate Bone Graft Substitutes with High Mechanical Load Capacity and High Degree of Interconnecting Porosity. Hettich G, Schierjott RA, Epple M, Gbureck U, Heinemann S, Mozaffari-Jovein H, Grupp TM. Materials 2019

·       Development and Characterization of Composites Consisting of Calcium Phosphate Cements and Mesoporous Bioactive Glass for Extrusion-Based Fabrication. Richter RF, Ahlfeld T, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Materials 2019

·       3D Plotted Biphasic Bone Scaffolds for Growth Factor Delivery: Biological Characterization In Vitro and In Vivo. Ahlfeld T, Schuster FP, F?rster Y, Quade M, Akkineni AR, Rentsch C, Rammelt S, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2019

·       Evaluation of Bone Sialoprotein Coating of Three-Dimensional Printed Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds in a Calvarial Defect Model in Mice. Baranowski A, Klein A, Ritz U, G?tz H, Mattyasovszky SG, Rommens PM, Hofmann A. Materials 2018

·       A Methylcellulose Hydrogel as Support for 3D Plotting of Complex Shaped Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds. Ahlfeld T, K?hler T, Czichy C, Lode A, Gelinsky M. Gels 2018

·       Bioprinting of Mineralized Constructs Utilizing Multichannel Plotting of a Self-Setting Calcium Phosphate Cement and a Cell-Laden Bioink. Ahlfeld T, Doberenz F, Kilian D, Vater C, Korn P, Lauer G, Lode A, Gelinsky M. Biofabrication 2018

·       Endosteal and Perivascular Subniches in a 3D Bone Marrow Model for Multiple Myeloma. Braham MVJ, Ahlfeld T, Akkineni AR, Minnema MC, Dhert WJA, ?ner FC, Robin C, Lode A, Gelinsky M, Alblas J. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 2018

·       Comparison of three block bone substitutes for bone regeneration: long-term observation in the beagle dog. Sawada K, Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Iizuka T, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Igarashi K, Saulacic N. Odontology 2018

·       Effect of Bone Sialoprotein Coated Three-Dimensional Printed Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds on Primary Human Osteoblasts. Klein A, Baranowski A, Ritz U, G?tz H, Heinemann S, Mattyasovszky S, Rommens PM, Hofmann A. Journal Biomedical Materials Research Part B 2018

·       Strontium(II) and Mechanical Loading Additively Augment Bone Formation in Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds. Reitmaier S, Kovtun A, Schuelke J,  Kanter B, Lemm M, Hoess A, Heinemann S, Nies B, Ignatius A. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2017

·       In Situ Functionalization of Scaffolds During Extrusion-Based 3D Plotting Using a Piezoelectric Nanoliter Pipette. Giron S, Lode A, Gelinsky M. Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine 2016

·       Design and Fabrication of Complex Scaffolds for Bone Defect Healing: Combined 3D Plotting of a Calcium Phosphate Cement and a Growth Factor-Loaded Hydrogel. Ahlfeld T, Akkineni AR, F?rster Y, K?hler T, Knaack S, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016

·       Large Bone Vertical Augmentation Using a Three-Dimensional Printed TCP/HA Bone Graft: A Pilot Study in Dog Mandible. Carrel JP, Wiskott A, Scherrer S, Durual S. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2016

·       3D Plotting of Growth Factor Loaded Calcium Phosphate Cement Scaffolds. Akkineni AR, Luo Y, Schumacher M, Nies B, Lode A, Gelinsky M. Acta Biomaterialia 2015

·       Medium-Term Function of a 3D Printed TCP/HA Structure as a New Osteoinductive Scaffold for Vertical Bone Augmentation: A Simulation by BMP-2 Activation. Moussa M, Carrel JP, Scherrer S, Cattani-Lorente M, Wiskott A, Durual S. Materials 2015

·       A 3D Printed TCP/HA Structure as a New Osteoconductive Scaffold for Vertical Bone Augmentation. Carrel JP, Wiskott A, Moussa M, Rieder P, Scherrer S, Durual S. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2014

·       Fabrication of Porous Scaffolds by Three-Dimensional Plotting of a Pasty Calcium Phosphate Bone Cement Under Mild Conditions. Lode A, Meissner K, Luo Y, Sonntag F, Glorius S, Nies B, Vater C, Despang F, Hanke T, Gelinsky M. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2014

·       Well-Ordered Biphasic Calcium Phosphate–Alginate Scaffolds Fabricated by Multi-Channel 3D Plotting Under Mild Conditions. Lou Y, Lode A, Sonntag F, Nies B, Gelinsky M. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2013

·       Treatment of critical bone defects using calcium phosphate cement and mesoporous bioactive glass providing spatiotemporal drug delivery. Richter RF, Vater C, Korn M, Ahlfeld T, Rauner M, Pradel W, Stadlinger B, Gelinsky M, Lode A, Korn P. Bioactive Materials 2023

·       Micro-porous PLGA/β-TCP/TPU scaffolds prepared by solvent-based 3D printing for bone tissue engineering purposes. Hatt LP, Wirth S, Ristaniemi A, Ciric DJ, Thompson K, Eglin D, Stoddart MJ, Armiento AR. Regenerative Biomaterials 2023

·       About the Mechanical Strength of Calcium Phosphate Cement Scaffolds. Bertrand E, Zankovic S, Vinke J, Schmal H, Seidenstuecker M. Designs 2023

·       Synergy of inorganic and organic inks in bioprinted tissue substitutes: Construct stability and cell response during long-term cutivation in vitro. Liu S, Bernhardt A, Wirsig K, Lode A, Hu Q, Gelinsky M, Kilian D. Composites Part B: Engineering 2023

·       Multifunctional Three-Dimensional Printed Copper Loaded Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration. Pillai A, Chakka J, Heshmathi N, Zhang Y, Alkadi F, Maniruzzaman M. Pharmaceuticals 2023

·       Egg white improves the biological properties of an alginate-methylcellulose bioink for 3D bioprinting of volumetric bone constructs. Liu S, Kilian D, Ahlfeld T, Hu Q, Gelinsky M. Biofabrication 2023

·       A dual osteoconductive-osteoprotective implantable device for vertical alveolar ridge augmentation. Dairaghi J, Benito Alston C, Cadle R, Rogozea D, Solorio L, Barco CT, Moldovan NI. Frontiers in Dental Medicine 2023

·       3D extrusion printing of density gradients by variation of sinusoidal printing paths for tissue engineering and beyond. Kilian D, Holtzhausen S, Groh W, Sembdner P, Czichy C, Lode A, Stelzer R, Gelinsky M. Acta Biomaterialia 2022

·       Alternative Geometries for 3D Bioprinting of Calcium Phosphate Cement as Bone Substitute. Blankenburg J, Vinke J, Riedel B, Zankovic S, Schmal H, Seidenstuecker M. Biomedicines 2022

·       3D Printing of Human Ossicle Models for the Biofabrication of Personalized Middle Ear Prostheses. Dairaghi J, Rogozea D, Cadle R, Bustamante J, Moldovan L, Petrache HI, Moldovan NI. Applied Sciences 2022

·       Chondrogenic differentiation of human bone marrow MSCs in osteochondral implants under kinematic mechanical load is dependent on the underlying osteo component. Monaco G, Qawasmi F, El Haj AJ,Forsyth NR, Stoddart MJ. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2022

·       3D Plotting of Calcium Phosphate Cement and Melt Electrowriting of Polycaprolactone Microfibers in One Scaffold: A Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Process. Kilian D, von Witzleben M, Lanaro M, Wong CS, Vater C, Lode A, Allenby MC, Woodruff MA, Gelinsky M. Journal of Functional Biomaterials 2022

·       Treatment of Critical Size Femoral Bone Defects with Biomimetic Hybrid Scaffolds of 3D Plotted Calcium Phosphate Cement and Mineralized Collagen Matrix. Culla AC, Vater C, Tian X, Bolte J, Ahlfeld T, Bretschneider H, Pape A, Goodman SB, Gelinsky M, Zwingenberger S. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022

·       Magnetic resonance imaging as a tool for quality control in extrusion-based bioprinting. Schmieg B, Gretzinger S, Schuhmann S, Guthausen G, Hubbuch J. Biotechnology Journal 2022

·       Three-dimensional printing of clinical scale and personalized calcium phosphate scaffolds for alveolar bone reconstruction. Anderson M, Dubey N, Bogie K, Cao C, Li J, Lerchbacker J, Mendon?a G, Kauffmann F, Bottino MC, Kaigler D. Dental Materials 2022

·       Composites consisting of calcium phosphate cements and mesoporous bioactive glasses as a 3D plottable drug delivery system. Richter RF, Ahlfeld T, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Acta Biomaterialia 2022

·       GDF-5 variant loading on composite scaffolds promotes spinal fusion through coupling of osteogenesis and angiogenesis: a preclinical study in rhesus monkeys. Li L, Ling Z, Vater C, Chen X, Huang S, Qi Q, Zhou Z, Li X, Zou Z, Gelinsky M, Lou J, Zou X, Stiehler M. Smart Materials in Medicine 2021

·       3D printing of patient-specific implants for osteochondral defects: workflow for an MRI-guided zonal design. Kilian D, Sembdner P, Bretschneider H, Ahlfeld T, Mika L, Lützner J, Holtzhausen S, Lode A, Stelzer R, Gelinsky M. Bio-Design and Manufacturing 2021

·       Comparison of amniotic membrane versus the induced membrane for bone regeneration in long bone segmental defects using calcium phosphate cement loaded with BMP-2. Fenelon M, Etchebarne M, Siadous R, Grémare A, Durand M, Sentilhes L, Catros S, Gindraux F, L'Heureux N, Fricain JC. Materials Science and Engineering C 2021

·       Coaxial Micro-Extrusion of a Calcium Phosphate Ink with Aqueous Solvents Improves Printing Stability, Structure Fidelity and Mechanical Properties. Bagnol R, Sprecher C, Peroglio M, Chevalier J, Mahou R, Büchler P, Richards G, Eglin D. Acta Biomaterialia 2021

·       A dual-ink 3D printing strategy to engineer pre-vascularized bone scaffolds in-vitro. Twohig C, Helsinga M, Mansoorifar A, Athirasala A, Tahayeri A, Fran?a CM, Pajares SA, Abdelmoniem R, Scherrer S, Durual S, Ferracane J, Bertassoni LE. Materials Science and Engineering C 2021

·       Toward Biofabrication of Resorbable Implants Consisting of a Calcium Phosphate Cement and Fibrin - A Characterization In Vitro and In Vivo. Ahlfeld T, Lode A, Richter RF, Pradel W, Franke A, Rauner M, Stadlinger B, Lauer G, Gelinsky M, Korn P. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021

·       3D Bioprinting of Osteochondral Tissue Substitutes – In Vitro Chondrogenesis in Multi-Layered Mineralized Constructs. Kilian D, Ahlfeld T, Akkineni AR, Bernhardt A, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Scientific Reports 2020

·       3D Printing of Bone Grafts for Cleft Alveolar Osteoplasty – In vivo Evaluation in a Preclinical Model. Korn P, Ahlfeld T, Lahmeyer F, Kilian D, Sembdner P, Stelzer R, Pradel W, Franke A, Rauner M, Range U, Stadlinger B, Lode A, Lauer G, Gelinsky M. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2020

·       A Novel Plasma-Based Bioink Stimulates Cell Proliferation and Differentiation in Bioprinted, Mineralized Constructs. Ahlfeld T, Cubo-Mateo N, Cometta S, Guduric V, Vater C, Bernhardt A, Akkineni AR, Lode A, Gelinsky M. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020

·       Development and Characterization of Composites Consisting of Calcium Phosphate Cements and Mesoporous Bioactive Glass for Extrusion-Based Fabrication. Richter RF, Ahlfeld T, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Materials 2019

·       3D Plotted Biphasic Bone Scaffolds for Growth Factor Delivery: Biological Characterization In Vitro and In Vivo. Ahlfeld T, Schuster FP, F?rster Y, Quade M, Akkineni AR, Rentsch C, Rammelt S, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2019

·       A Methylcellulose Hydrogel as Support for 3D Plotting of Complex Shaped Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds. Ahlfeld T, K?hler T, Czichy C, Lode A, Gelinsky M. Gels 2018

·       Bioprinting of Mineralized Constructs Utilizing Multichannel Plotting of a Self-Setting Calcium Phosphate Cement and a Cell-Laden Bioink. Ahlfeld T, Doberenz F, Kilian D, Vater C, Korn P, Lauer G, Lode A, Gelinsky M. Biofabrication 2018

·       Endosteal and Perivascular Subniches in a 3D Bone Marrow Model for Multiple Myeloma. Braham MVJ, Ahlfeld T, Akkineni AR, Minnema MC, Dhert WJA, ?ner FC, Robin C, Lode A, Gelinsky M, Alblas J. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 2018

·       Strontium(II) and Mechanical Loading Additively Augment Bone Formation in Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds. Reitmaier S, Kovtun A, Schuelke J,  Kanter B, Lemm M, Hoess A, Heinemann S, Nies B, Ignatius A. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2017

·       In Situ Functionalization of Scaffolds During Extrusion-Based 3D Plotting Using a Piezoelectric Nanoliter Pipette. Giron S, Lode A, Gelinsky M. Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine 2016

·       Design and Fabrication of Complex Scaffolds for Bone Defect Healing: Combined 3D Plotting of a Calcium Phosphate Cement and a Growth Factor-Loaded Hydrogel. Ahlfeld T, Akkineni AR, F?rster Y, K?hler T, Knaack S, Gelinsky M, Lode A. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016

·       3D Plotting of Growth Factor Loaded Calcium Phosphate Cement Scaffolds. Akkineni AR, Luo Y, Schumacher M, Nies B, Lode A, Gelinsky M. Acta Biomaterialia 2015

·       Fabrication of Porous Scaffolds by Three-Dimensional Plotting of a Pasty Calcium Phosphate Bone Cement Under Mild Conditions. Lode A, Meissner K, Luo Y, Sonntag F, Glorius S, Nies B, Vater C, Despang F, Hanke T, Gelinsky M. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2014

·       Well-Ordered Biphasic Calcium Phosphate–Alginate Scaffolds Fabricated by Multi-Channel 3D Plotting Under Mild Conditions. Lou Y, Lode A, Sonntag F, Nies B, Gelinsky M. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2013

·       Application of the neuropeptide NPVF to enhance angiogenesis and osteogenesis in bone regeneration. Yu H, Wang Y, Gao J, Gao Y, Zhong C, Chen Y. Communications Biology 2023

·       Protocol for Cell Colonization and Comprehensive Monitoring of Osteogenic Differentiation in 3D Scaffolds Using Biochemical Assays and Multiphoton Imaging. Sommer KP, Krolinski A, Mirkhalaf M, Zreiqat H, Friedrich O, Vielreicher M. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023

·       3D Printed Calcium Phosphate Cement (CPC) Scaffolds for Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery. Wu Y, Woodbine L, Carr AM, Pillai AR, Nokhodchi A, Maniruzzaman M. Pharmaceutics 2020

·       Effect of Bone Sialoprotein Coated Three-Dimensional Printed Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds on Primary Human Osteoblasts. Klein A, Baranowski A, Ritz U, G?tz H, Heinemann S, Mattyasovszky S, Rommens PM, Hofmann A. Journal Biomedical Materials Research Part B 2018

·       A comparative analysis of 3D printed scaffolds consisting of poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid and different bioactive mineral fillers: aspects of degradation and cytocompatibility. Ahlfeld T, Lode A, Placht AM, Fecht T, Wolfram T, Grom S, Hoess A, Vater C, Br?uer C, Heinemann S, Lauer G, Reinauer F, Gelinsky M. Biomaterials Science 2023

·       Ceramic‐hydrogel composite as carrier for cold‐plasma reactive‐species: Safety and osteogenic capacity in vivo. Solé-Martí X, Labay C, Raymond Y, Franch J, Benitez R, Ginebra MP, Canal C. Plasma Processes and Polymers 2022

·       Hydrothermal processing of 3D-printed calcium phosphate scaffolds enhances bone formation in vivo: a comparison with biomimetic treatment. Raymond Y, Bonany M, Lehmann C, Thorel E, Benítez R, Franch J, Espanol M, Solé-Martí X, Manzanares MC, Canal C, Ginebra MP. Acta Biomaterialia 2021

·       Regeneration of segmental defects in metatarsus of sheep with vascularized and customized 3D-printed calcium phosphate scaffolds. Vidal L, Kampleitner C, Krissian S, Brennan Má, Hoffmann O, Raymond Y, Maazouz Y, Ginebra MP, Rosset P, Layrolle P. Scientific Reports 2020

·       Calcium Phosphate Spacers for the Local Delivery of Sitafloxacin and Rifampin to Treat Orthopedic Infections: Efficacy and Proof of Concept in a Mouse Model of Single-Stage Revision of Device-Associated Osteomyeliti. Trombetta RP, Ninomiya MJ, El-Atawneh IM, Knapp EK, de Mesy Bently KL, Dunman PM, Schwarz EM, Kates SL, Awad HA.  Pharmaceutics 2019

·       Three dimensional printed calcium phosphate and poly(caprolactone) composites with improved mechanical properties and preserved microstructure. Vella JB, Trombetta RP, Hoffman MD, Inzana J, Awad H, Benoit DSW. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2018

·       3D Printed Bioceramics for Dual Antibiotic Delivery to Treat Implant-Associated Bone Infection. Inzana JA, Trombetta RP, Schwarz EM, Kates SL, Awad HA. European Cells and Materials 2015





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