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來源:北京和一生物科技有限公司   2023年12月11日 18:09  



vitrocom將傳統的玻璃吹制專業知識與內部繪圖、計算機自動化和生產控制設備相結合,以實現好品質的石英制造和玻璃制造。我們的產品遍布太空、月球和世界上先進的生物醫學研發中心。當今常用的許多基板和毛細管產品都是由 VitroCom 團隊設計的。


VitroCom(原名 Vitro Dynamics)是一家玻璃制造公司,自 1968 年以來一直提供標準和定制技術玻璃產品。我們為世界各地的工業、醫療、電信和研發市場提供玻璃制造。我們是玻璃制造商,提供各種尺寸、材料和表面處理的玻璃管和毛細管產品的完整庫存,可以確保您擁有適合您工作的產品。我們的客戶包括世界上很大的科學和高科技玻璃供應商和制造商。


VitroCom 為醫療和生命科學研發機構提供極其透明和高精度的產品,包括醫用玻璃管。我們還提供足夠小的載玻片以幫助生育力測試或抗體計數,以及為特定機器定制的較大載玻片。



Rectangle - Miniature Hollow Glass Tubing (VitroTubes)
Rectangle - Miniature Hollow Glass Tubing (VitroTubes™) is available in a broad combination of Depth (Path Length) x Width and Wall dimensions. VitroTubes™ are supplied in convenient plastic vials for easy handling and storage. VitroTubes™ provide the fastest, cleanest, and most convenient method for collecting, viewing, and storing liquidsamples. Capillary action instantly collects the sample and retains a precision optical path length while viewing at any angle, minimizing reflections and eliminating the need of a cover glass. Sample can be permanently retained forreference by fusing or cementing the open ends. Standard Tolerances; 10% Depth (Path Length), 10% Width, and 20% WallStandard glass types are; Borosilicate Standard Lengths; 50 mm, 100 mm, 300 mm, and 600 mm


Square - Miniature Hollow Glass Tubing(VitroTubes)
Square - Miniature Hollow Glass Tubing (VitroTubes™) is available in a broad combination of ID and Wall dimensions. VitroTubes™ are supplied in convenient plastic vials for easy handling and storage. VitroTubes™ provide the fastest, cleanest, and most convenient method for collecting, viewing, and storing liquidsamples. Capillary action instantly collects the sample and can be permanently retained for reference by fusing or cementing the open ends. Standard Tolerances; 10% ID and 20% WallStandard glass types are; Borosilicate Standard Lengths; 50 mm, 100 mm, 300 mm, and 600 mm


Round - Miniature Hollow Glass Tubing(VitroTubes)
Round - Miniature Hollow Glass Tubing (VitroTubes™) is available in a broad combination of inner and outer diameters (ID and OD). VitroTubes™ are supplied in convenient plastic vials for easy handling and storage. VitroTubes™ provide the fastest, cleanest, and most convenient method for collecting, viewing, and storing liquidsamples. Capillary action instantly collects the sample and can be permanently retained for reference by fusing or cementing the open ends. Standard Tolerances; 10% ID and 10% ODStandard glass types are; Borosilicate, Clear Fused Quartz, and Synthetic Fused Silica. Standard Lengths; 100 mm, 300 mm, and 600 mm


Rectangle - Glass Tubing
VitroCom fabricates a complete line of high quality Rectangle Glass Tubing drawn into various sizes. Standard Wall Tolerances; +/- 20%Standard ID Tolerances;
? < 1 mm +/- 10%
? 1-5 mm +/- 5%
? 5-20 mm +/- 2%
? > 20 mm +/- 1%Standard glass types are; Borosilicate Standard Lengths; 300 mm and 600 mm


Square - Glass Tubing
VitroCom fabricates a complete line of high quality Square Glass Tubing drawn into various sizes. Standard Wall Tolerances; +/- 20%Standard ID Tolerances;
? < 1 mm +/- 10%
? 1-5 mm +/- 5%
? 5-20 mm +/- 2%
? > 20 mm +/- 1%Standard glass types are; Borosilicate Standard Lengths; 300 mm and 600 mm


Heavy Wall Capillary - Glass Tubing
Heavy Wall - Glass Tubing is available in a broad combination of inner and outer diameters (ID and OD). Standard OD Tolerances;3.000 mm +/- 0.1004.000 mm +/- 0.1505.500 mm +/- 0.2006.200 mm +/- 0.250Standard glass type is; Borosilicate Standard Lengths; 300 mm and 600 mm









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