壓力型: VKP055H-----VKP095H;
寬電壓型: VKP045A-4Z------VKP115A-4Z
Fuji Electric Coolant Pumps provide proven reliability for the machine tool industry. All have cast iron bodies and carbon steel shafts.
Fuji Electric Coolant Pumps are exact OEM replacements for machine tool coolant system pumps.
VKN – Self Priming Coolant Pumps
These pumps have mechanical seals and are intended for the circulation of coolant and spraying of cutting oil in all types of machines except grinders.
These pumps feature ceramic stationary seal face, carbon graphite rotating seal face, Buna-N elastomers and steel springs.
VKP – Submersible Pumps
These immersion style pumps with no mechanical seals provide circulation of coolant and spraying of cutting oil in all types of machines including grinders and other applications with higher temperatures. They are intended for use with non-flammable fluids that are compatible with pump construction materials. Maximum recommended viscosity is 1200 at 50 Hz and 600 at 60 HZ. Maximum liquid temperature is 104 degrees F.
VKR & VKP - Submersible, High Pressure Pumps
These pumps can provide up to 30% greater delivery pressure than the standard models. These immersion style pumps with no mechanical seals provide circulation of coolant and spraying of cutting oil in all types of machines including grinders and other applications with higher temperatures. They are intended for use with non-flammable fluids that are compatible with pump construction materials. Maximum recommended viscosity is 1200 at 50 Hz and 600 at 60 HZ. Maximum liquid temperature is 104 degrees F.
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