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丹佛斯漢森FD83 快速斷開接頭提高了數據中心液冷應用的效率

來源:信德邁科技(北京)有限公司   2023年05月18日 17:24  

丹佛斯漢森FD83 快速斷開接頭提高了數據中心液冷應用的效率

Thursday, May 4, 2023

丹麥諾德堡訊 – 的移動和工業液壓以及電動動力總成系統供應商丹佛斯動力系統推出了一系列用于數據中心液體冷卻應用的快速斷開聯軸器。丹佛斯漢森 FD83 系列快速斷開接頭現在提供 2 英寸尺寸和流行的 1 英寸尺寸的附加配置,以其性能、效率和可靠性而聞名。

憑借更高的流速和更低的壓降,新的2英寸聯軸器提高了液體冷卻系統的效率,降低了功耗和運營成本。根據ISO 2-83 B,在測試中,與標準98/2英寸球鎖聯軸器相比,7241英寸FD1系列聯軸器將壓降降低了<>%。

丹佛斯動力系統連接器全球產品管理負責人 Christian Kuenstel 表示:“隨著芯片更強大、機架更密集、工作負載更重,當今數據中心的運行比以往任何時候都更熱,增加了對更大、更高效的液體冷卻解決方案的需求。“特別是我們的FD83系列和新的2英寸聯軸器,我們設計了一種全流量設計,使更多的客戶能夠從更高的液體冷卻性能、效率和成本節約中受益。



不銹鋼結構和 EPDM 橡膠密封件提供廣泛的流體兼容性和高耐腐蝕性,在使用水乙二醇或其他液體的冷卻應用中實現長壽命和低維護成本。還提供替代密封材料和顏色編碼的保險杠密封件。端接組合可用于各種空間配置。選項包括新的衛生型法蘭端子端,以及各種尺寸的螺紋端口和軟管倒鉤連接器。這些廣泛的配置選項使聯軸器可用于許多其他流體輸送應用,在這些應用中,安全性和低壓降至關重要。


丹佛斯漢森 FD83 系列快速斷開接頭符合 PED 2014/68/EU §4.3 標準。它們提供 10 bar (150 psi) 的最大工作壓力,適用于 3°C 至 60°C(37°F 至 140°F)的工作溫度。


Danfoss Power Solutions expands thermal management portfolio with new universal quick disconnect couplings for efficient data center liquid cooling

Thursday, May 4, 2023

NORDBORG, Denmark – Danfoss Power Solutions, a leading global supplier of  and industrial hydraulics as well as electric powertrain systems, has launched a new family of universal quick disconnect couplings for data center liquid cooling applications. The Danfoss HansenUQD couplings help data center operators meet the thermal management challenges of more powerful chips, denser racks, and heavier workloads through reliable, leak-free, efficient operation.

Engineered for the precision cooling requirements of modern data centers, UQD couplings are ideal for in-rack liquid cooling applications that use smaller hose lines. With a 25% higher flow rate than Open Compute Project community standards and a low pressure drop, the couplings’ best-in-class performance improves system efficiency and reduces in-rack power consumption, enabling data center operators to benefit from long-term cost savings. Danfoss UQD couplings also drive a strong return on investment through robust design, long service life, and lower maintenance requirements.

“We’re delighted to launch this great addition to our unparalleled portfolio of thermal management solutions,” said Chinmay Kulkarni, product manager, Connectors, Danfoss Power Solutions. “Based on decades of data center engineering experience, these new UQD couplings complement our broad range of flexible hoses, enabling customers to build reliable and complete thermal management solutions that keep staff and equipment safe, while maximizing computing performance and long-term value.”

Constructed from stainless steel with an EPDM rubber seal, Danfoss UQD couplings offer high corrosion resistance and broad fluid compatibility. The couplings are designed to operate at a wider range of temperatures and significantly greater working pressures than the Open Compute Project standard. These capabilities help extend the service life of the couplings and ensure no impact on cooling performance during pressure spikes.

With a flat face dry-break design, Danfoss UQD couplings are ideal for use with servers and other highly critical applications that demand 100% uptime and leak-free operation. Even if connections aren’t properly made during assembly or maintenance, the couplings are designed to minimize any risk of leaks that can cause costly damage, downtime, and safety issues. As an additional safety measure, every coupling is helium leak tested.

Danfoss UQD couplings are available in four sizes, as well as various terminal ends and thread configurations. Two color options are available to minimize the risk of misconnection while reducing assembly and maintenance time. In addition, the couplings are engineered to enable quicker and easier maintenance with a push-to-connect design and best-in-class force to connect, both of which allow for convenient, tool-free connection and disconnection with one hand.

“Our new UQD couplings offer a cost-effective and competitive solution for liquid cooling applications,” added Kulkarni. “Our thorough validation process, including unique helium leak testing capabilities, gives customers peace of mind when it comes to reliability, consistent cooling, and zero spillage. Compliance with the latest Open Compute Project community standards also means that our couplings are interchangeable with products from other vendors, giving customers the flexibility to select the best solution for their needs.”

To learn more, visit the quick disconnect couplings webpage.


北京朝陽區望京SOHO-T1-C 座2115 室 郵編:100102


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