Biocoat原屬于BD公司旗下,2012年底被康寧收購。專業提供各種細胞外基質蛋白、粘附分子、細胞因子和血清添加劑,該系列產品包被在Falcon耗材的表面,另外還有欲包被不同成分的細胞外基質和粘附分子,為細胞提供更接近體內的生長環境。主要產品有Matrigel基底膜基質,collagen Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ,Fibronectin,Laminin,PDL,玻連蛋白等。
貨號 | 規格 | 品名 |
354001 | 100 μg | Corning? Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Mouse Natural (Culture Grade) EGF表皮生長因子(培養級別),來源于雄性小鼠 |
354005 | 10 μg | NGF 2.5S Mouse Natural 10 ug |
354008 | 1 mg | Corning? Fibronectin, Human, 1mg 纖維連接蛋白,來源于人血漿 |
354009 | 100 μg | NGF 7S Mouse Natural 100 ug |
354010 | 100 μg | Corning? Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Mouse Natural (Receptor Grade) EGF表皮生長因子(受體級別),來源于雄性小鼠 |
354022 | 5CAS | Corning BioCoat Poly-D-Lysine 1536 Well Black Flat Bottom Microplate, 5/Case 1536孔黑色平底微孔板,包被聚賴氨酸 |
354039 | 1 μg | Corning? Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β), Human Natural TGF-β生長因子,來源于人類血小板 |
354048 | 1 μg | GM-CSF Human Recombinant 1ug 人重組GM-CSF |
354052 | 100 μg | Corning? Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Human Recombinant 人EGF表皮生長因子,重組蛋白 |
354066 | 10 μg | TNF Alpha Human Recombinant 10 ug 人重組TNF ɑ |
351130 | 1CS | Falcon 96 Well Insert System with 1.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, with Feeder Tray and Lid, Sterile, 1/Pack, 1/Case |
351131 | 5CS | Falcon 96 Well Insert System with 1.0 μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, with Feeder Tray and Lid, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
351155 | 1CS | Corning FluoroBlok 24 Multiwell Insert System with 3.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, Sterile, 1/Pack, 1/Case |
351156 | 5CS | Corning FluoroBlok 24 Multiwell Insert System with 3.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
351157 | 1CS | Corning FluoroBlok 24 Multiwell Insert System with 8.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, Sterile, 1/Pack, 1/Case |
351158 | 5CS | Corning FluoroBlok 24 Multiwell Insert System with 8.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
351161 | 1CS | Corning FluoroBlok 96 Well Multiwell Insert System with 3.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, Sterile, 1/Pack, 1/Case |
351162 | 5CS | Corning FluoroBlok 96 Well Multiwell Insert System with 3.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
351163 | 1CS | Corning FluoroBlok 96 Well Multiwell Insert System with 8.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, Sterile, 1/Pack, 1/Case |
351164 | 5CS | Corning FluoroBlok 96 Well Multiwell Insert System with 8.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
351180 | 1CS | Insert 24w 1um wFeeder Tray 1 |
351181 | 5CS | Falcon 24 Well Insert System with 1.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, with Feeder Tray and Lid, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
351182 | 1CS | Insert 24w 3um wPlate 1cs |
351183 | 5CS | Falcon 24 Well Insert System with 3.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, with 24 Well Plate and Lid, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
351184 | 1CS | Falcon 24 Well Insert System with 8.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, with 24 Well Plate and Lid, Sterile, 1/Pack, 1/Case |
351185 | 5CS | Falcon 24 Well Insert System with 8.0μm Pore Polyester (PET) Membrane, with 24 Well Plate and Lid, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
351186 | 5CS | Falcon 24 Well Polystyrene Feeder Tray, with Lid, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
353015 | 5CS | Corning Gentest Pre-coated PAMPA Plate System, 96 Well Insert System with Lid, 1/Pack, 5/Case |
353137 | 3CS | Corning CELLine Disposable Bioreactor 一次性電解槽生物反應器 |
353924 | 5CS | Falcon 96 Well Polystyrene Feeder Tray, with Lid, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
353925 | 5CS | Falcon 96 Square Well Angled Bottom Plate and Lid, Not Treated, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
353928 | 5CS | Falcon 96 Square Well Polystyrene Flat Bottom Microplate, with Lid, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
353938 | 5CS | Falcon 96 Well Insert System with 1.0μm Polyester (PET) Membrane, with Square Well Angled Bottom Plate and Lid, Sterile, 5/Pack, 5/Case |
354001 | 1EA | Corning? Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Mouse Natural (Culture Grade) EGF表皮生長因子(培養級別),來源于雄性小鼠 |
354005 | 1EA | NGF 2.5S Mouse Natural 10 ug |
354008 | 1EA | Corning? Fibronectin, Human, 1mg 纖維連接蛋白,來源于人血漿 |
354009 | 1EA | NGF 7S Mouse Natural 100 ug |
354010 | 1EA | Corning? Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Mouse Natural (Receptor Grade) EGF表皮生長因子(受體級別),來源于雄性小鼠 |
354022 | 5CS | Corning BioCoat Poly-D-Lysine 1536 Well Black Flat Bottom Microplate, 5/Case 1536孔黑色平底微孔板,包被聚賴氨酸 |
354039 | 1EA | Corning? Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β), Human Natural TGF-β生長因子,來源于人類血小板 |
354048 | 1EA | GM-CSF Human Recombinant 1ug 人重組GM-CSF |
354052 | 1EA | Corning? Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Human Recombinant 人EGF表皮生長因子,重組蛋白 |
354066 | 1EA | TNF Alpha Human Recombinant 10 ug 人重組TNF ɑ |
354037 | 1EA | IGF-1 Human Recomb Culture |
354043 | 1EA | Corning® Interleukin-2 (IL-2), Human Recombinant Il-2,人重組蛋白 |
354051 | 1EA | PDGF Human Recombinant 10 ug 人重組PDGF |
354058 | 1EA | IL-3 Mouse Recombinant 10 ug 小鼠重組IL-3 |
354060 | 1EA | Corning® Basic Fibroblast Growth Factors (bFGF), Human Recombinant 人堿性成纖維細胞生長因子(bFGF),人重組蛋白 |
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