Suitable for quantitative illing of chemical industy, food,medical industry
■The systemuses PLC,touch screen,safe and reliable?Automatic barrels entering,filig and exiting without manual operation
■Automatic 2-shif filing with high accuracy
?■The filing nozzle automaticallylifts when it is notinserted into a barrel
■The nozzle automaticlly ifts when reaching the target fiig amount
■Gross rnt illng mode isailable
?■Be able to set and store 30groups oformulafor use
?■Free to set target iling amountin order to be convenient fordiferent packing
■Fillng with one buton, easy to operate(manualoperation mode availble)
■Automaticbalance exceeding alarm and material supply control?
■Multi-windows displayfiling quantity, barrel quantity, total quantity etc.
■Automaticidentifiation of empty barrel weight range and no barreln fling
?AutomaticQuantitative Filing Machine
?適用于∶ 化工、食品、醫藥原料的定量灌裝系統采用PLC可編程控制器、觸摸屏制造,安全可靠。
可選配置∶ 送料泵、回流閥、過濾器、輸送線、旋蓋機、碼垛機定制機型∶ 泡沫液體專用機型、2頭、3頭自動灌裝機型、防爆機型??
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