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CPR-D-padz 卓爾ZOLL除顫儀的電極片哪里可以買到?

來源:深圳市浚海中儀科技有限公司   2018年04月17日 16:19  

美國卓爾ZOLL 全自動除顫儀的配件:CPR-D-padz 電極片 是常用配件,國內哪里可以買到?


CPR-D-padz 介紹:


One Electrode Pad is Easier than Two

ZOLL's Full-Rescue AEDs feature CPR-D-padz®, a one-piece, pre-connected electrode with Real CPR Help® feedback.

Ordinary AEDs require that the rescuer use two separate electrodes. By using CPR hand placement as the landmark, it is easy to place the CPR-D-padz on the victim quickly. The CPR-D-padz also lasts five years-the longest shelf life of any defibrillator electrode sold today.

Real CPR Help

Inadequate compression rate and depth are common during CPR. Adult victims need at least 100 compressions per minute and at a depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm). Compressions must be done well to effectively move blood and oxygen.

CPR CompressionsThe ZOLL AED Plus  converts compression data instantaneously from the CPR-D-padz and provides an adaptive metronome to help the rescuer with the proper rate and depth, saying "Push harder" or "Good compressions," as needed. It also shows CPR compression depth on the display screen. ZOLL's AED Plus is the only AED that helps the rescuer achieve the correct rate and depth of chest compressions during CPR. No other AED has both these capabilities.

Everything You Need for the Rescue

The CPR-D-padz comes complete with a CPR barrier mask, scissors, disposable gloves, a prep razor, a towel, and a moist towelette.


CPR-D-padz 購買方式:



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