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來源:美國MAC電磁閥中國有限公司   2017年09月12日 13:50  



美國Dytran的3302A是一款兩軸IEPE加速度傳感器/振動傳感器,專門狀態與使用監控系統和主動振動控制而設計,, 10 mV/gd的靈敏度,同時具有微型通孔設計。

The Dytran 3302A is a biaxial IEPE piezoelectric accelerometer designed for use in Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) as well as Active Vibration Control (AVC) applications typically found on commercial and military aircraft. Offered with a sensitivity of 10 mV/g, units incorporate a radial 3-pin "Mighty Mouse™" connector with a 5/16-28 thread.

Design of the Dytran model 3302A features quartz sensing elements, operating in shear mode and packaged in a compact stainless steel housing. The distinguishing feature of these accelerometers is their Dytran developed integral mounting bracket design, which facilitates improved sensor performance while eliminating costs associated with separate mounting brackets. They also offer a reduced mass, as compared to conventional sensors and mounting brackets. The Dytran model 3302A is hermetically sealed for reliable operation within high humidity and dirty environments, as well as case isolated to avoid EMI/ground loop interference.


1.   10 mV/g sensitivity

2.   500g range

3.   10 to 1,000 Hz frequency range (±5%)

4.   3-pin "Mighty Mouse™" radial connector

5.   Ø.31 thru hole mount

6.   30 grams

7.   Stainless steel

8.   Hermetically sealed

9.   Case isolated

10.  Unique design eliminates need for separate mounting bracket

11.  Biaxial

12.  IEPE


1.   Active Vibration Control (AVC)


2.   Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS)


3.   Transmission vibration monitoring


Weight, Max 1.05 oz 30 grams

Size Length x Width x Height 1.05 x 1.208 x .406 Inches 26.67 x 30.68 x 10.31 mm

Resonant Frequency > 26 kHz > 26 kHz

Equivalent Electrical Noise Floor 0.007 Grms 0.069 m/s2 rms

Linearity [2] ± 1% F.S. ± 1% F.S.

Maximum Transverse sensitivity 5 % 5 %

Strain Sensitivity @ 250με 0.012 g/με 0.12 m/s2/με


Maximum Vibration ± 600 Gpeak ± 5886 m/s2 peak

Maximum Shock ± 3000 Gpeak ± 29430 m/s2 peak

Temperature Range -60 to 250 °F -54 to 121 °C

Seal, Hermetic Welded/GTM Header Welded/GTM Header


Supply Current Range [3] 2 to 20 mA 2 to 20 mA

Compliance Voltage Range + 18 to +30 Volts + 18 to +30 Volts

Output Impedence,Typ 100 Ω 100 Ω

Bias Voltage +7 to +9 VDC +7 to +9 VDC

Discharge Time Constant, Nom 0.3 to 1.5 Sec 0.3 to 1.5 Sec

Electrical Isolation, Case Ground To Mounting Surface 10 GΩ,min 10 GΩ,min




(1) model 655 adaptor bushing (Ø.25 thru hole)

(2) model 6551 adaptor bushing(Ø.19 thru hole)

Compatible Cables: 6891A


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