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來源:天津市港源試驗儀器廠   2016年12月19日 11:32  

DR-5型全自動低溫柔性試驗儀,是根據中華人民共和國國家標準GB/T328.14-2007建筑防水卷材試驗方法,第14部分:瀝青卷材—低溫柔性,對低溫柔性試驗裝置的要求,由我公司研制開發的一款新產品。儀器主機全部采用304材質不銹鋼制作,動力源采用永磁低速電機驅動,雙動8平行排列,可同時作正、反面各五個試樣。控制器采用智能溫度控制儀、數顯時間繼電器及相關元器件??刂破骱椭鳈C相連接部分全部采用航空插頭方式連接,該連接方式簡單、方便、安全,并且有效的節省了儀器的使用空間。DR - 5 type automatic flexible tester at low temperature, is according to the law of the People's Republic of China national standard GB/T328.14-2007 building waterproofing materials testing methods, part 14: asphalt coil - low temperature flexible, flexible test device for low temperature requirements, by a new product developed by our company. Instrument host are all made of 304 stainless steel material, power supply adopts permanent magnet low speed motor drive, double acting eight parallel arrangement, positive and negative can be made at the same time the five samples. Controller with inligent temperature control instrument, digital display time relay and related components. Host controller and the way of connecting parts are all made of air plug connection, the connection mode is simple, convenient, safe, and effective to save the instrument in the use of space


DR-5型全自動低溫柔性試驗儀是DR-3型電動數顯低溫柔性試驗儀的改款升級版,儀器采用不銹鋼制作,*的工藝保證了溫度控制精度在 ±1℃,降溫速度是普通冰柜的幾倍,zui低溫度可達-35℃。測試儀也是采用不銹鋼制作,特點:操作簡單,工作效率高。

DR - 5 type full automatic type low temperature flexible tester is DR - 3 electric digital display of low-temperature flexible tester to upgrade, the instrument adopts stainless steel, the unique technology to ensure the precision of temperature control in the ± 1 ℃, the cooling speed is several times of ordinary freezers, the lowest temperature can reach - 35 ℃. Tester is also made of stainless steel features: easy operation, high work efficiency

  • 儀器技術指標:Instrument technology indicators
    • Power:1000 ( w) 220 (v)  AC
    • Test temperature:-20℃;-25℃或自行設定。resolution 0.1℃,precision 0.2%。
    • Test samples thickness 3;4;5mm;amount 10個
    • (150×25mm)
    • Test rate:360±<40mm/min
    • Time setting:60mins(1min—999mins adjustable

二、Instrument function

1.儀器設有Ф20mm、Ф30mm、 Ф50mm試驗用雙動輥彎曲軸,可測厚度3,4,5mm的瀝青防水卷材的低溫柔性。

2.數字顯示試驗溫度、時間。Digital display test temperature and time

3.上下行程限位,傳動故障有脫扣保護,不會損壞傳動機構。The upper and lower limit, transmission fault tripping protection, not damage the transmission mechanism

4.試驗設置可自動控制溫度.時間.計時報警,彎曲軸上可自動運Test Settings can be automatically control temperature, time, timing alarm, bent on the crankshaft can be run automatically


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