脫脂奶粉 Difco 232100 211843 Acidicase? Peptone, BBL 500 g 611 211520 Beef Extract, Bacto? 500 g 1131 212303 Beef Extract, Powder, BBL 500 g 931 213210 Beef Heart for Infusion 500 g 4843 211862 Biosate? Peptone 454 g 645 294312 Biosate? Peptone 25 lb. 11355 237300 Brain Heart Infusion 10 kg 16171 223030 Casamino Acids, Bacto 10 kg 28448 223050 Casamino Acids, Bacto 500 g 2154 223020 Casamino Acids, Bacto 2 kg 7692 223110 Casamino Acids,Technical, Bacto 10 kg 7769 223120 Casamino Acids,Technical, Bacto 500 g 731 211610 Casein Digest, Difco 500 g 1165 225930 Casitone, Bacto 500 g 1088 225910 Casitone, Bacto 10 kg 20792 228820 CASAMINO ACIDS VITAMIN ASSAY 100g 5402 228830 CASAMINO ACIDS VITAMIN ASSAY 500g 19248 211870 Gelysate? Peptone, BBL 454 g 408 218630 Malt Extract, Bacto 500 g 382 218610 Malt Extract, Bacto 10 kg 2788 211681 Neopeptone, Bacto 500 g 2638 211680 Neopeptone, Bacto 10 kg 48215 211820 Peptone, Bacto 2 kg 3078 211677 Peptone, Bacto 500 g 769 211830 Peptone, Bacto 10 kg 12231 298147 Phytone? Peptone, BBL 5 lb. 3385 211906 Phytone? Peptone, BBL 454 g 769 210931 Select Phytone? Peptone UF, Difco 500 g 1692 210936 Select Phytone? Peptone UF, Difco 10 kg 15428 297108 Polypeptone Peptone, BBL 10 kg 12585 211910 Polypeptone Peptone, BBL 454 g 698 253310 Proteose Peptone, BiTek 10 kg 12652 212010 Proteose Peptone, Bacto 10 kg 25965 211684 Proteose Peptone, Bacto 500 g 1406 212120 Proteose Peptone No. 2, Bacto 500 g 2217 212110 Proteose Peptone No. 2, Bacto 10 kg 40298 211693 Proteose Peptone No. 3, Bacto 500 g 1288 212220 Proteose Peptone No. 3, Bacto 2 kg 4652 212230 Proteose Peptone No. 3, Bacto 10 kg 20851 211692 Proteose Peptone No. 3, Bacto 50kg 101686 211715 Proteose Peptone No. 4, Bacto 10 kg 19189 212489 Select Soytone, Difco 10 kg 8229 212488 Select Soytone, Difco 500 g 848 243610 Soytone, Bacto? 10 kg 7402 243620 Soytone, Bacto? 500 g 763 259962 TC Lactalbumin Hydrolysate, Bacto 500 g 602 259961 TC Lactalbumin Hydrolysate, Bacto 10 kg 7858 292804 TC Yeastolate UF, Difco 500 g 1769 292805 TC Yeastolate UF, Difco 10 kg 15385 255771 TC Yeastolate, Bacto 10 kg 7363 255772 TC Yeastolate, Bacto 100 g 462 212302 Thiotone? E Peptone, BBL 500 g 705 211923 Trypticase? Peptone, BBL 25 lb. 8617 211921 Trypticase? Peptone, BBL 454 g 543 211922 Trypticase? Peptone, BBL 5 lb. 2142 211701 Tryptone, Bacto 10 kg 14789 211699 Tryptone, Bacto 2 kg 3074 211705 Tryptone, Bacto 500 g 818 251420 Tryptone, BiTek? 10 kg 10788 211713 Tryptose, Bacto 500 g 1360 211709 Tryptose, Bacto 10 kg 23138 212710 Yeast Extract, Bacto 50 kg 28203 212720 Yeast Extract, Bacto 2 kg 1829 212750 Yeast Extract, Bacto 500 g 512 212730 Yeast Extract, Bacto 10 kg 8051 211929 Yeast Extract, BBL 454 g 357 211930 Yeast Extract, BBL 5 lb. 1229 211931 Yeast Extract, BBL 25 lb. 4658 210941 Yeast Extract, LD, Bacto 10 kg 3615 210933 Yeast Extract, LD, Bacto 500 g 805 288620 Yeast Extract, Technical, Bacto 500 g 465 288610 Yeast Extract, Technical, Bacto 10 kg 4174 210929 Yeast Extract, UF, Bacto 500 g 1900 210934 Yeast Extract, UF, Bacto 10 kg 15009 220513 BD Cell? MAb Medium, Animal Free, 1L 1 537 220509 BD Cell? MAb Medium, Serum Free, 1L 1 491 220511 BD Cell? MAb Medium, Quantum Yield, 1L 1 420 220229 BD CHO Medium without L-glutamine, 1L 1 657 215240 Bottle Trypsin 1:250 100 g 1908 215250 Bottle Trypsin 1:250 500 g 6829 215110 Pepsin 1:10,000 500 g 2123 240786 BBL Febrile Antigen Set 7395 240834 /BBL Salmonella Flagellar a Antigen 5 mL 436 240835 /BBL Salmonella Flagellar b Antigen 5 mL 432 240785 /BBL Salmonella Flagellar d Antigen 5 mL 424 240731 /BBL Salmonella O Group A Antigen 5 mL 2171 240732 /BBL Salmonella O Group B Antigen 5 mL 1192 240734 /BBL Salmonella O Group D Antigen 5 mL 418 240782 /BBL Proteus OX 19 Antigen 5 mL 407 240783 /BBL Proteus OX 2 Antigen 5 mL 1294 240784 Proteus OX K Antigen 5 mL 1194 241050 Francisella Tularensis Antigen 1618 241049 BBL 5 mL 1146 225851 Bordela Pertussis Antigenr 5 mL 1909 228441 Salmonella H Antigen ar #VALUE! 225851 Bordela Pertussis Antigenr 5 mL 1909 223031 Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Slide)r 5 mL 4058 223051 Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Tube)r 25 mL #VALUE! 223041 Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Slide)r 5 mL 4122 223061 Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Tube)r 25 mL #VALUE! 221161 QC Antigen Alkalescens-Dispar Group 1r 1 mL 918 221301 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ar 1 mL 539 221311 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Br 1 mL 606 221321 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C1r 1 mL 540 221331 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C2r 1 mL 849 221341 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Dr 1 mL 768 211750 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E1r 1 mL 535 211751 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E2r 1 mL 1252 221371 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E4r 1 mL 1230 211753 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Fr 1 mL 978 211754 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group G1r 1 mL 1292 221401 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Hr 1 mL 1253 211757 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ir 1 mL 1229 221421 QC Antigen Salmonella Vir 1 mL 538 221001 QC antigen Shigella Group Ar 1 mL 532 211737 QC antigen Shigella Group A1r 1 mL 1002 211738 QC antigen Shigella Group Br 1 mL 544 221031 QC antigen Shigella Group Cr 1 mL 538 221041 QC antigen Shigella Group C1r 1 mL 960 221051 QC antigen Shigella Group C2r 1 mL 949 221061 QC antigen Shigella Group Dr 1 mL 541 223101 Bordela parapertussis Antiserumr 1 mL 1184 223091 Bordela pertussis Antiserumr 1 mL 780 223781 FA Bordela Parapertussisr 5 mL 2539 223781 FA Bordela Parapertussisr 5 mL 2539 223591 FA Bordela Pertussisr 5 mL 2519 223591 FA Bordela Pertussisr 5 mL 2519 221591 E coli H Antiserum H7r 3 mL 1065 229701 E coli O Antiserum O157r 3 mL 2134 240934 BBL Brucella Positive Control AMS, 5 mL 1079 240937 BBL Febrile Negative Control 5 mL 993 240939 BBL Francisella Tularensis Antiserum 5 mL 5114 240940 BBL Proteus Polyvalent Antiserum 5 mL 1079 240941 BBL Salmonella Somatic Poly Antiserum 5 mL 1079 240942 BBL Salmonella Flagellar Poly Antiserum 5 mL 1079 222371 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Polyr 1 mL 769 222501 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type ar 1 mL 816 222361 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type br 1 mL 353 227891 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type cr 1 mL 855 227901 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type dr 1 mL 857 227911 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type er 1 mL 854 227921 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type fr 1 mL 859 223021 Listeria O Antiserum Poly Types 1 & 4r 1 mL 749 223001 Listeria O Antiserum Type 1r 1 mL 789 223011 Listeria O Antiserum Type 4r 1 mL 782 222281 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Ar 1 mL 574 222291 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Br 1 mL 1518 222301 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Cr 1 mL 572 222311 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Dr 1 mL 1680 222531 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group W135r 1 mL 575 228801 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Xr 1 mL 1639 228811 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Yr 1 mL 574 228911 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Zr 1 mL 1855 222521 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z’r 1 mL 1847 222321 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly, Groups A, B, C, Dr 1 mL 1427 229101 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly 2, Groups X, Y, Zr 1 mL 1559 240995 Salmonella O Grouping Kit 14834 240983 Salmonella O Antiserum Group A 3 mL 2994 240984 Salmonella O Antiserum Group B 3 mL 768 240985 Salmonella O Antiserum Group C1 3 mL 924 240986 Salmonella O Antiserum Group C2L 3 mL 3038 240987 Salmonella O Antiserum Group D 3 mL 768 240988 Salmonella O Antiserum Group E 3 mL 887 240989 Salmonella O Antiserum Group F 3 mL 1901 240990 Salmonella O Antiserum Group G 3 mL 1740 240991 Salmonella O Antiserum Group H 3 mL 3072 240992 Salmonella O Antiserum Group I 3 mL 1891 240993 Salmonella O Antiserum Group Poly A-I & Vi 3 mL 708 240994 Salmonella Vi Antiserum 3 mL 929 228201 Salmonella H Antiserum ar 3 mL 1259 228211 Salmonella H Antiserum br 3 mL 1315 228221 Salmonella H Antiserum cr 3 mL 1315 228231 Salmonella H Antiserum dr 3 mL 1130 222731 Salmonella H Antiserum her 3 mL 1383 225441 Salmonella H Antiserum fr 3 mL 1364 225451 Salmonella H Antiserum hr 3 mL 1383 228241 Salmonella H Antiserum ir 3 mL 1150 222741 Salmonella H Antiserum kr 3 mL 1315 225461 Salmonella H Antiserum mr 3 mL 1155 225481 Salmonella H Antiserum pr 3 mL 1312 222751 Salmonella H Antiserum rr 3 mL 1390 225501 Salmonella H Antiserum sr 3 mL 1331 225511 Salmonella H Antiserum tr 3 mL 1401 225541 Salmonella H Antiserum wr 3 mL 1387 225551 Salmonella H Antiserum xr 3 mL 1326 222761 Salmonella H Antiserum yr 3 mL 1396 222771 Salmonella H Antiserum zr 3 mL 1394 224731 Salmonella H Antiserum z6 1321 222791 Salmonella H Antiserum z10 1317 225561 Salmonella H Antiserum z13 1390 225571 Salmonella H Antiserum z15 1324 225581 Salmonella H Antiserum z23 1490 225611 Salmonella H Antiserum z28 1498 222801 Salmonella H Antiserum z29 1320 225621 Salmonella H Antiserum z32 1501 222701 Salmonella H Antiserum EN Complexr 3 mL 1114 222691 Salmonella H Antiserum G Complexr 3 mL 1330 222711 Salmonella H Antiserum L Complexr 3 mL 1115 222781 Salmonella H Antiserum Z4 Complexr 3 mL 1318 224061 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly a-z, EN, G, L, Z4, and 1 complexes and a-k, r-z, z6, z10, z29 agglutininsr 3 mL 1058 225391 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly A, Factors a, b, c, d, i, z10, z29 1317 225401 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly B, Factors eh, en, enx, enz15 and G Complexr 3 mL 1317 225411 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly C, Factors k, l, r, y, z, z4 1316 225421 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly D, Factors z35, z36, z37, z38, z39, z41, z42 1326 225431 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly E, 1 Complex, z6 1317 224741 Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 2r 3 mL 4590 224751 Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 5r 3 mL 1314 224761 Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 6r 3 mL 1320 224771 Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 7r 3 mL 1387 222651 Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 1r 3 mL 1130 222661 Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 2r 3 mL 1123 222671 Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 3r 3 mL 1114 222681 Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 4r 3 mL 1120 222721 Salmonella H Antiserum 1 Complexr 3 mL 1092 226591 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 4, Group Br 3 mL 1084 228151 Salmonella O Antiserum Factors 4, 5, Group Br 3 mL 531 226601 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 5, Group Br 3 mL 1327 228161 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 7, Groups C1 and C4r 3 mL 571 228171 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 8, Groups C2 and C3r 3 mL 571 228181 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 9, Group Dr 3 mL 2109 222571 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 10, Group E1r 3 mL 1266 226611 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 14r 3 mL 2197 222581 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 15, Groups E2 and E3r 3 mL 1300 222591 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 19, Group E4r 3 mL 1289 226621 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 20r 3 mL 2196 226631 almonella O Antiserum Factor 22, Group G1r 3 mL 1527 226641 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 23, Group G2r 3 mL 1529 226661 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 25r 3 mL 2201 226671 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 27r 3 mL 1523 211778 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 34, Group E3r 3 mL 1532 211780 Salmonella O Antiserum Group J Factor 17r 3 mL 2464 225181 Salmonella O Antiserum Group K Factor 18r 3 mL 1306 225191 Salmonella O Antiserum Group L Factor 21r 3 mL 2202 211781 Salmonella O Antiserum Group M Factor 28r 3 mL 2856 211783 Salmonella O Antiserum Group N Factor 30r 3 mL 2202 225221 Salmonella O Antiserum Group O Factor 35r 3 mL 2249 225341 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A, Groups A, B, D, E1, E2, E3, E4 and Lr 3 mL 469 225351 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly B, Groups C1, C2, F, G and Hr 3 mL 593 225361 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly C, Groups I, J, K, M, N and Or 3 mL 1066 225371 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly D, Groups P, Q, R, S, T and Ur 3 mL 1083 225381 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly E, Groups V, W, X, Y and Zr 3 mL 1249 226451 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly F, Groups 51-55r 3 mL 1301 226461 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly G, Groups 56-61r 3 mL 1252 240996 Shigella Grouping Antisera Set 16621 241025 Shigella Antiserum Poly A 3 mL 3030 241026 Shigella Antiserum Poly A1 3 mL 1892 241027 Shigella Antiserum Poly B 3 mL 3037 241028 Shigella Antiserum Poly C 3 mL 1974 241029 Shigella Antiserum Poly C1 3 mL 1881 241030 Shigella Antiserum Poly C2 3 mL 1878 241031 Shigella Antiserum Poly D 3 mL 3042 224301 Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Inabar 3 mL 1618 224311 Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Ogawar 3 mL 1618 224321 Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Polyr 3 mL 1608 241108 SET SHIGELLA GROUPING ANTIS LYOPHILIZED 7030 223001 VIAL LISTERIA O ANTIS TYPE 1 789 223011 VIAL LISTERIA O ANTIS TYPE 4 782 222321 VIAL N MENINGIT ANTISERUM POLY ABCD 1427 229101 VIAL N MENINGITIDIS ANTISERUM POLY 2 1559 228911 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z, 1ml 1855 222281 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Ar 1ml 574 222311 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Dr 1ml 1680 222531 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group W135r 1ml 575 222521 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z'r 1ml 1847 213320 BOTTLE LIVER 500G 515 213210 BOTTLE BEEF HEART FOR INFUSION 500G 5012 245910 BOTTLE CHICKEN PANCREAS DESSICATED 10G 2748 240786 Difco/BBL Febrile Antigen Set 7395 240834 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar a Antigen, 5 mL 436 240835 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar b Antigen, 5 mL 432 240785 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar d Antigen, 5 mL 424 240731 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Group A Antigen, 5 mL 2171 240732 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Group B Antigen, 5 mL 1192 240734 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Group D Antigen, 5 mL 418 240782 Difco/BBL Proteus OX 19 Antigen, 5 mL 407 240783 Difco/BBL Proteus OX 2 Antigen, 5 mL 1294 240784 Difco/BBL Proteus OX K Antigen, 5 mL 1194 241050 Difco/BBL Francisella Tularensis Antigen 1618 241049 Difco/BBL Brucella abortus Antigen, 5 mL 1146 225851 Difco Bordela Pertussis Antigenr, 5 mL 1909 228441 Difco Salmonella H Antigen ar #VALUE! 225851 Difco Bordela Pertussis Antigenr, 5 mL 1909 223031 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Slide)r, 5 mL 4058 223051 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Tube)r, 25 mL #VALUE! 223041 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Slide)r, 5 mL 4122 223061 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Tube)r, 25 mL #VALUE! 221161 Difco QC Antigen Alkalescens-Dispar Group 1r, 1 mL 918 221301 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ar, 1 mL 539 221311 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Br, 1 mL 606 221321 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C1r, 1 mL 540 221331 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C2r, 1 mL 849 221341 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Dr, 1 mL 768 211750 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E1r, 1 mL 535 211751 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E2r, 1 mL 1252 221371 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E4r, 1 mL 1230 211753 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Fr, 1 mL 978 211754 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group G1r, 1 mL 1292 221401 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Hr, 1 mL 1253 211757 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ir, 1 mL 1229 221421 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella Vir, 1 mL 538 221001 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Ar, 1 mL 532 211737 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group A1r, 1 mL 1002 211738 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Br, 1 mL 544 221031 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Cr, 1 mL 538 221041 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group C1r, 1 mL 960 221051 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group C2r, 1 mL 949 221061 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Dr, 1 mL 541 223101 Difco Bordela parapertussis Antiserumr, 1 mL 1184 223091 Difco Bordela pertussis Antiserumr, 1 mL 780 223781 Difco FA Bordela Parapertussisr, 5 mL 2539 223781 Difco FA Bordela Parapertussisr, 5 mL 2539 223591 Difco FA Bordela Pertussisr, 5 mL 2519 223591 Difco FA Bordela Pertussisr, 5 mL 2519 221591 Difco E coli H Antiserum H7r, 3 mL 1065 229701 Difco E coli O Antiserum O157r, 3 mL 2134 240934 Difco/BBL Brucella Positive Control AMS, 5 mL 1079 240937 Difco/BBL Febrile Negative Control, 5 mL 993 240939 Difco/BBL Francisella Tularensis Antiserum, 5 mL 5114 240940 Difco/BBL Proteus Polyvalent Antiserum, 5 mL 1079 240941 Difco/BBL Salmonella Somatic Poly Antiserum, 5 mL 1079 240942 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar Poly Antiserum, 5 mL 1079 222371 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Polyr, 1 mL 769 222501 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type ar, 1 mL 816 222361 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type br, 1 mL 353 227891 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type cr, 1 mL 855 227901 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type dr, 1 mL 857 227911 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type er, 1 mL 854 227921 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type fr, 1 mL 859 223021 Difco Listeria O Antiserum Poly Types 1 & 4r, 1 mL 749 223001 Difco Listeria O Antiserum Type 1r, 1 mL 789 223011 Difco Listeria O Antiserum Type 4r, 1 mL 782 222281 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Ar, 1 mL 574 222291 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Br, 1 mL 1518 222301 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Cr, 1 mL 572 222311 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Dr, 1 mL 1680 222531 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group W135r, 1 mL 575 228801 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Xr, 1 mL 1639 228811 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Yr, 1 mL 574 228911 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Zr, 1 mL 1855 222521 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z’r, 1 mL 1847 222321 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly, Groups A, B, C, Dr, 1 mL 1427 229101 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly 2, Groups X, Y, Zr, 1 mL 1559 240995 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Grouping Kit 14834 240983 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group A, 3 mL 2994 240984 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group B, 3 mL 768 240985 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group C1, 3 mL 924 240986 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group C2, 3 mL 3038 240987 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group D, 3 mL 768 240988 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group E, 3 mL 887 240989 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group F, 3 mL 1901 240990 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group G, 3 mL 1740 240991 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group H, 3 mL 3072 240992 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group I, 3 mL 1891 240993 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group Poly A-I & Vi, 3 mL 708 240994 Difco/BBL Salmonella Vi Antiserum, 3 mL 929 228201 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ar, 3 mL 1259 228211 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum br, 3 mL 1315 228221 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum cr, 3 mL 1315 228231 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum dr, 3 mL 1130 222731 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ehr, 3 mL 1383 225441 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum fr, 3 mL 1364 225451 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum hr, 3 mL 1383 228241 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ir, 3 mL 1150 222741 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum kr, 3 mL 1315 225461 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum mr, 3 mL 1155 225481 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum pr, 3 mL 1312 222751 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum rr, 3 mL 1390 225501 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum sr, 3 mL 1331 225511 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum tr, 3 mL 1401 225541 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum wr, 3 mL 1387 225551 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum xr, 3 mL 1326 222761 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum yr, 3 mL 1396 222771 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum zr, 3 mL 1394 224731 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z6 1321 222791 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z10 1317 225561 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z13 1390 225571 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z15 1324 225581 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z23 1490 225611 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z28 1498 222801 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z29 1320 225621 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z32 1501 222701 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum EN Complexr, 3 mL 1114 222691 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum G Complexr, 3 mL 1330 222711 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum L Complexr, 3 mL 1115 222781 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Z4 Complexr, 3 mL 1318 224061 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly a-z, EN, G, L, Z4, and 1 complexes and a-k, r-z, z6, z10, z29 agglutininsr, 3 mL 1058 225391 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly A, Factors a, b, c, d, i, z10, z29 1317 225401 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly B, Factors eh, en, enx, enz15 and G Complexr, 3 mL 1317 225411 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly C, Factors k, l, r, y, z, z4 1316 225421 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly D, Factors z35, z36, z37, z38, z39, z41, z42 1326 225431 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly E, 1 Complex, z6 1317 224741 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 2r, 3 mL 4590 224751 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 5r, 3 mL 1314 224761 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 6r, 3 mL 1320 224771 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 7r, 3 mL 1387 222651 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 1r, 3 mL 1130 222661 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 2r, 3 mL 1123 222671 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 3r, 3 mL 1114 222681 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 4r, 3 mL 1120 222721 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum 1 Complexr, 3 mL 1092 226591 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 4, Group Br, 3 mL 1084 228151 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factors 4, 5, Group Br, 3 mL 531 226601 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 5, Group Br, 3 mL 1327 228161 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 7, Groups C1 and C4r, 3 mL 571 228171 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 8, Groups C2 and C3r, 3 mL 571 228181 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 9, Group Dr, 3 mL 2109 222571 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 10, Group E1r, 3 mL 1266 226611 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 14r, 3 mL 2197 222581 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 15, Groups E2 and E3r, 3 mL 1300 222591 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 19, Group E4r, 3 mL 1289 226621 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 20r, 3 mL 2196 226631 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 22, Group G1r, 3 mL 1527 226641 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 23, Group G2r, 3 mL 1529 226661 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 25r, 3 mL 2201 226671 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 27r, 3 mL 1523 211778 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 34, Group E3r, 3 mL 1532 211780 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group J Factor 17r, 3 mL 2464 225181 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group K Factor 18r, 3 mL 1306 225191 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group L Factor 21r, 3 mL 2202 211781 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group M Factor 28r, 3 mL 2856 211783 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group N Factor 30r, 3 mL 2202 225221 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group O Factor 35r, 3 mL 2249 225341 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A, Groups A, B, D, E1, E2, E3, E4 and Lr, 3 mL 469 225351 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly B, Groups C1, C2, F, G and Hr, 3 mL 593 225361 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly C, Groups I, J, K, M, N and Or, 3 mL 1066 225371 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly D, Groups P, Q, R, S, T and Ur, 3 mL 1083 225381 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly E, Groups V, W, X, Y and Zr, 3 mL 1249 226451 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly F, Groups 51-55r, 3 mL 1301 226461 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly G, Groups 56-61r, 3 mL 1252 240996 Difco/BBL Shigella Grouping Antisera Set 16621 241025 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly A, 3 mL 3030 241026 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly A1, 3 mL 1892 241027 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly B, 3 mL 3037 241028 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly C, 3 mL 1974 241029 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly C1, 3 mL 1881 241030 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly C2, 3 mL 1878 241031 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly D, 3 mL 3042 224301 Difco Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Inabar, 3 mL 1618 224311 Difco Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Ogawar, 3 mL 1618 224321 Difco Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Polyr, 3 mL 1608 241108 SET SHIGELLA GROUPING ANTIS LYOPHILIZED 7030 223001 VIAL LISTERIA O ANTIS TYPE 1 789 223011 VIAL LISTERIA O ANTIS TYPE 4 782 222321 VIAL N MENINGIT ANTISERUM POLY ABCD 1427 229101 VIAL N MENINGITIDIS ANTISERUM POLY 2 1559 228911 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z, 1ml 1855 222281 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Ar,1ml 574 222311 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Dr,1ml 1680 222531 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group W135r,1ml 575 222521 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z'r,1ml 1847 213320 BOTTLE LIVER 500G 515 213210 BOTTLE BEEF HEART FOR INFUSION 500G 5012 245910 BOTTLE CHICKEN PANCREAS DESSICATED 10G 2748 211126 哥倫比亞瓊脂基礎(chǔ)25lb 5 mL 9668 211124 哥倫比亞瓊脂基礎(chǔ)500g 500 g 528 211438 MH II瓊脂 500 g 538 211387 麥康凱瓊脂 500 g 495 211584 沙氏葡萄糖瓊脂 500 g 411 279510 鉤端螺旋體增菌液EMJH 6 3235 279410 鉤端螺旋體培養(yǎng)基基礎(chǔ)EMJH 500 g 619 212961 CHROMagarTM念珠菌顯色培養(yǎng)基 500g 3603 212962 CHROMagarTM尿道致病菌顯色培養(yǎng)基 500g 3914 211597 SS瓊脂 500 g 715 211043 胰蛋白大豆瓊脂 500 g 441 211221 L-EMB瓊脂 500 g 654 228950 巧克力瓊脂基礎(chǔ) 500 g 682 285340 HE瓊脂 500 g 1056 211317 克氏雙糖鐵瓊脂 500 g 922 211059 腦心浸液 500 g 769 214530 瓊脂,顆粒狀 500 g 740 299769 山梨醇麥康凱瓊脂 500 g 697 271310 Middlebrook 7H9肉湯 500 g 528 231639 氮卓西林藥敏紙片, AMD-10, 10EA 10 : 10 mcg 250 231597 阿米卡星,丁胺卡那霉素藥敏紙片,AN-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 292 231596 阿米卡星,丁胺卡那霉素藥敏紙片, AN-30,1EA 1 : 66 231629 阿莫西林/克拉維酸(棒酸)藥敏紙片,AMC-30,10EA 10 : 20/10 mcg 365 231628 奧格門汀藥敏紙片,AMC-30, 1EA 1 : 75 231263 氨芐西林,氨芐青霉素藥敏紙片, AM-2,10EA 10 : 2 mcg 265 231264 氨芐西林,氨芐青霉素藥敏紙片, AM-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 279 230705 氨芐西林,氨芐青霉素藥敏紙片,AM-10,1EA 1 : 64 231660 氨芐西林/舒巴坦,優(yōu)立新藥敏紙片,SAM-20,10EA 10 : 10/10 mcg 288 231659 舒它西林,舒氨西林,舒氨新藥敏紙片,SAM-20,1 EA 1 : 10/10 mcg 66 231682 阿奇霉素,阿紅霉素,希舒美藥敏紙片,AZM-15, 10EA 10 : 15 mcg 257 231681 阿奇紅霉素藥敏紙片,AZM-15 1EA 1 : 15 mcg 62 231625 阿洛西林藥敏紙片, AZ-75, 10EA 10 : 75 mcg 1255 231641 氨曲南,噻肟單酰胺菌素藥敏紙片,ATM-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 283 231640 君刻單藥敏紙片,ATM-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 67 231267 桿菌肽藥敏紙片,B-2, 10EA 10 : 2 units 243 231268 桿菌肽藥敏紙片,B-10, 10EA 10 : 10 units 247 230721 桿菌肽藥敏紙片,B-10,1EA 1 : 10 units 61 231555 羧芐西林,羧芐青霉素藥敏紙片,100mcg/pkg, 10EA 10 : 100 mcg 311 231235 羧芐西林,羧芐青霉素藥敏紙片,CB-100, 1EA 1 : 100 mcg 67 231653 頭孢克洛,希刻勞,頭孢氯氨芐藥敏紙片,CEC-30, 10EA 10 : 30 mcg 435 231652 頭孢克洛,希刻勞,頭孢氯氨芐藥敏紙片,CEC-30, 1EA 1 : 30 mcg 80 231595 頭孢孟多,頭孢羥唑藥敏紙片,MA-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 345 231594 頭孢孟多,頭孢羥唑藥敏紙片,MA-30,1 EA 1 : 30 mcg 71 231593 頭孢唑啉,先鋒V藥敏紙片, CZ-30, 10EA 10 : 30 mcg 277 231592 頭孢唑啉,先鋒V藥敏紙片,CZ-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 64 231714 頭孢地尼藥敏紙片,5MCG,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 306 231713 頭孢地尼藥敏紙片,5MCG 1 : 5 mcg 66 231696 頭孢吡肟藥敏紙片,F(xiàn)EP-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 253 231695 頭孢吡肟藥敏紙片,F(xiàn)EP-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 62 231664 頭孢克肟,世福素藥敏紙片,CFM-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 252 231663 頭孢克肟,世福素藥敏紙片,CFM-5,1 EA 1 : 5 mcg 62 231666 頭孢美唑,先鋒美他醇藥敏紙片,CMZ-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 253 231643 頭孢尼西藥敏紙片,CID-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 268 231613 頭孢哌酮,頭孢氧哌唑,先鋒必藥敏紙片,CFP-75,10EA 10 : 75 mcg 392 231612 頭孢哌酮,頭孢氧哌唑,先鋒必藥敏紙片,CFP-75,1 EA 1 : 75 mcg 76 231607 頭孢噻肟,頭孢氨噻肟,凱福隆藥敏紙片,CTX-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 285 231606 迪莫隆,菌必滅藥敏紙片,CTX-30,1 EA 1 : 30 mcg 66 231752 頭孢呋辛/克拉維酸藥敏紙片,AC,10 EA 10 : 30/10 mcg 311 231751 頭孢呋辛/克拉維酸藥敏紙片,30/10MCG 1 : 30/10 mcg 69 231656 頭孢替坦藥敏紙片,CTT-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 274 231655 頭孢替坦藥敏紙片,CTT-30,1 EA 1 : 30 mcg 63 231591 頭孢西叮,噻吩甲氧頭孢菌素藥敏紙片,F(xiàn)OX-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 284 231590 頭孢西叮,噻吩甲氧頭孢菌素藥敏紙片,F(xiàn)OX-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 65 231674 頭孢潑肟,頭孢泊肟藥敏紙片,CPD-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 252 231673 頭孢潑肟,頭孢泊肟藥敏紙片,CPD-10,1EA 1 : 10 mcg 61 231684 頭孢普羅,頭孢丙烯藥敏紙片,CPR-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 285 231633 頭孢他啶,復(fù)達欣,凱復(fù)定藥敏紙片,CAZ-30,10ea 10 : 30 mcg 308 231632 頭孢他啶,復(fù)達欣,凱復(fù)定藥敏紙片,CAZ-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 76 231754 頭孢他啶/克拉維酸藥敏紙片,PKG 10 10 : 30/10 mcg 326 231753 頭孢他啶/克拉維酸藥敏紙片 1 : 30/10 mcg 69 231702 頭孢布坦,頭孢丁烯,頭孢布烯藥敏紙片,CTB-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 331 231701 頭孢布坦,頭孢丁烯,頭孢布烯藥敏紙片,CTB-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 69 231623 頭孢唑肟,頭孢去甲噻肟,益保世靈,安保速靈藥敏紙片,ZOX-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 348 231635 頭孢曲松,頭孢三嗪,菌必治,羅氏芬藥敏紙片,CRO-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 301 231634 頭孢曲松,頭孢三嗪,菌必治,羅氏芬藥敏紙片,CRO-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 64 231621 頭孢呋辛,西力欣,頭孢呋肟,伏樂欣,新菌靈藥敏紙片,CXM-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 294 231620 頭孢呋辛,西力欣,頭孢呋肟,伏樂欣,新菌靈藥敏紙片,CXM-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 67 231271 頭孢噻吩,先鋒霉素I藥敏紙片,CF-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 310 230725 頭孢噻吩,先鋒霉素I藥敏紙片,CF-30,1 EA 1 : 30 mcg 67 230729 氯霉素藥敏紙片,C-5,1EA 1 : 5 mcg 59 231274 氯霉素藥敏紙片,C-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 239 230733 氯霉素藥敏紙片,C-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 60 231599 西諾沙星,新噁酸藥敏紙片,CIN-100,10EA 10 : 100 mcg 644 231598 西諾沙星,新噁酸藥敏紙片,CIN-100,1 EA 1 : 100 mcg 101 231658 環(huán)丙沙星,環(huán)丙氟哌酸,悉復(fù)歡悉普欣,特美力藥敏紙片,CIP-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 272 231657 環(huán)丙沙星,環(huán)丙氟哌酸,悉復(fù)歡悉普欣,特美力藥敏紙片,CIP-5,1 EA 1 : 5 mcg 63 231678 克拉霉素,克紅霉素,甲紅霉素藥敏紙片,CLR-15,10EA 10 : 15 mcg 268 231677 克拉霉素,克紅霉素,甲紅霉素藥敏紙片,CLR-15,1 EA 1 : 15 mcg 64 231275 克林霉素,氯林可霉素藥敏紙片,CC-2,10EA 10 : 2 mcg 241 231213 克林霉素,氯林可霉素藥敏紙片,CC-2,1EA 1 : 2 mcg 60 231276 氯唑西林,鄰氯青霉素藥敏紙片,CX-1,10EA 10 : 1 mcg 244 231278 多粘菌素E藥敏紙片,CL-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 249 230749 多粘菌素E藥敏紙片,CL-10,1 EA 1 : 10 mcg 61 231286 多西環(huán)素,強力霉素,脫氧土霉素藥敏紙片,D-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 291 230777 多西環(huán)素,強力霉素,脫氧土霉素藥敏紙片,D-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 65 231662 依諾沙星,氟啶酸藥敏紙片,ENX-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 247 232175 ERTAPENEM藥敏紙片,ETP-10 232175 10 : 10 mcg 342 232174 ERTAPENEM藥敏紙片,ETP-10 232174 1 : 10 mcg 70 231289 紅霉素藥敏紙片,E-2,10EA 10 : 2 mcg 236 231290 紅霉素藥敏紙片,E-15,10EA 10 : 15 mcg 253 230793 紅霉素藥敏紙片,E-15,1EA 1 : 15 mcg 61 231755 磷霉素FOS-200藥敏紙片,10EA 10 : 200 mcg 256 231709 磷霉素FOS-200藥敏紙片 1 : 200 mcg 62 230809 呋喃唑酮,痢特靈藥敏紙片,F(xiàn)X-100,1EA 1 : 100 mcg 61 231760 加替沙星藥敏紙片,GAT-5, 10EA 10 : 5 mcg 365 231759 加替沙星藥敏紙片,GAT-5, 1EA 1 : 5 mcg 76 231299 慶大霉素藥敏紙片,GM-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 252 231227 慶大霉素藥敏紙片,GM-10,1EA 1 : 10 mcg 62 231693 慶大霉素藥敏紙片,GM-120,1EA 1 : 120 mcg 70 231645 亞胺培南,亞胺硫霉素藥敏紙片,IPM-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 251 231644 亞胺培南,亞胺硫霉素藥敏紙片,IPM-10,1 EA 1 : 10 mcg 66 231301 卡那霉素藥敏紙片,K-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 271 230829 卡那霉素藥敏紙片,K-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 64 231706 左氧沙星,左旋氧氟沙星,可樂必妥藥敏紙片,LVX-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 268 231705 左氧沙星,左旋氧氟沙星,可樂必妥藥敏紙片,LVX-5,1EA 1 : 5 mcg 62 231302 林可霉素,潔霉素藥敏紙片,L-2,10EA 10 : 2 mcg 239 231762 利奈唑胺藥敏紙片,30MCG,10CART 10 : 30 mcg 334 231761 利奈唑胺藥敏紙片,30MCG,1CART 1 : 30 mcg 77 231686 洛美沙星藥敏紙片,LOM-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 252 231688 氯碳頭孢LOR-30藥敏紙片,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 241 231704 美洛培南藥敏紙片,MEM-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 258 231703 美洛培南藥敏紙片,MEM-10,1EA 1 : 10 mcg 61 231615 美洛西林,硫苯咪唑青霉素藥敏紙片,MZ-75,10EA 10 : 75 mcg 247 231614 美洛西林,硫苯咪唑青霉素藥敏紙片,MZ-75,1 EA 1 : 75 mcg 62 231251 米諾環(huán)素,美滿霉素,二甲胺四環(huán)素藥敏紙片,MI-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 295 231250 米諾環(huán)素,美滿霉素,二甲胺四環(huán)素藥敏紙片,MI-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 65 231611 拉氧頭孢藥敏紙片,MOX-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 344 231758 莫西沙星藥敏紙片,MXF-5, 10EA 10 : 5 mcg 228 231757 莫西沙星藥敏紙片,MXF-5, 1EA 1 : 5 mcg 61 231309 萘夫西林,乙氧萘青霉素藥敏紙片,NA-30,10EA 10 : 1 mcg 267 231311 萘啶酸藥敏紙片,NA-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 234 230874 萘啶酸藥敏紙片,NA-30 1 : 30 mcg 59 231312 新霉素藥敏紙片,N-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 266 231313 新霉素藥敏紙片,N-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 262 230882 新霉素藥敏紙片,N-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 62 231603 奈替米星,乙基西梭霉素,奈替霉素,立克菌星藥敏紙片,NET-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 268 231292 呋喃妥因,呋喃坦叮,硝呋妥因藥敏紙片,F(xiàn)/M-100,10EA 10 : 100 mcg 247 231293 呋喃妥因,呋喃坦叮,硝呋妥因藥敏紙片,F(xiàn)/M-300,10EA 10 : 300 mcg 251 231149 呋喃妥因,呋喃坦叮,硝呋妥因藥敏紙片,F(xiàn)/M-300,1EA 1 : 300 mcg 61 231647 諾氟沙星,氟哌酸藥敏紙片,NOR-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 256 231646 諾氟沙星,氟哌酸藥敏紙片,NOR-10,1EA 1 : 10 mcg 64 231314 新生霉素藥敏紙片,NB-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 240 230886 新生霉素藥敏紙片,NB-5,1EA 1 : 5 mcg 60 231315 新生霉素藥敏紙片,NB-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 263 230890 新生霉素藥敏紙片,NB-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 62 231672 氧氟沙星,氟嗪酸,泰力必妥,氟嗪酸,奧復(fù)星藥敏紙片,OFX-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 250 231671 氧氟沙星,氟嗪酸,泰力必妥,氟嗪酸,奧復(fù)星藥敏紙片,OFX-5,1EA 1 : 5 mcg 61 231319 苯唑西林,苯唑青霉素,新青霉素II藥敏紙片,OX-1,10EA 10 : 1 mcg 294 230906 苯唑西林,苯唑青霉素,新青霉素II藥敏紙片,OX-1,1EA 1 : 1 mcg 65 231566 惡喹酸藥敏紙片,OA-2,1EA 1 : 2 mcg 59 231342 土霉素,氧四環(huán)素藥敏紙片,T-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 246 231320 青霉素藥敏紙片,P-2,10EA 10 : 2 units 257 230914 青霉素藥敏紙片,P-2,1EA 1 : 2 units 62 231321 青霉素藥敏紙片,P-10,10EA 10 : 10 units 275 230918 青霉素藥敏紙片,P-10,1EA 1 : 10 units 64 231609 哌拉西林,氧哌嗪青霉素藥敏紙片,PIP-100,10EA 10 : 100 mcg 244 231608 哌拉西林,氧哌嗪青霉素藥敏紙片,PIP-100,1EA 1 : 100 mcg 61 231692 哌拉西林/他唑巴坦藥敏紙片,TZP-110,10EA 10 : 100/10 mcg 240 231691 哌拉西林/他唑巴坦藥敏紙片,TZP-110,1EA 1 : 100/10 mcg 60 231324 兩性霉素 B藥敏紙片,PB-300,10EA 10 : 300 units 263 230926 兩性霉素 B藥敏紙片,PB-300,1EA 1 : 300 units 62 231721 共殺素藥敏紙片,15MCG,10CART 10 : 15 mcg 262 231720 共殺素藥敏紙片,15MCG,1CART 1 : 15 mcg 63 231544 利福平藥敏紙片,RA-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 245 231541 利福平藥敏紙片,RA-5,1 EA 1 : 5 mcg 61 231708 司帕沙星藥敏紙片,SPX-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 250 231707 司帕沙星藥敏紙片,SPX-5,1EA 1 : 5 mcg 62 231637 壯觀霉素,大觀霉素,奇霉素,淋必治藥敏紙片,SPT-100,10EA 10 : 100 mcg 236 231636 壯觀霉素,大觀霉素,奇霉素,淋必治藥敏紙片,SPT-100,1EA 1 : 100 mcg 60 231328 鏈霉素藥敏紙片,S-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 235 230942 鏈霉素藥敏紙片,S-10,1EA 1 : 10 mcg 59 231694 鏈霉素藥敏紙片,S-300,1EA 1 : 300 mcg 65 231325 磺胺氯達嗪藥敏紙片,SL-25,10EA 10 : 025 mg 241 231326 磺胺氯達嗪藥敏紙片,SL-1,10EA 10 : 10 mg 261 231331 磺胺嘧啶藥敏紙片,SD-25,10EA 10 : 025 mg 241 231345 磺胺甲二唑藥敏紙片,TH-25,10EA 10 : 025 mg 335 231539 磺胺甲二唑(含甲氧芐啶),SXT,10EA 10 : 75/125mcg 262 231536 磺胺甲二唑(含甲氧芐啶),SXT,1EA 1 : 75/125mcg 62 231337 磺胺噻唑藥敏紙片,ST-25,10EA 10 : 025 mg 254 231296 磺胺異惡唑,菌得清藥敏紙片,G-25,10EA 10 : 025 mg 244 230813 磺胺異惡唑,菌得清藥敏紙片,G-25,1EA 1 : 025 mg 60 231297 磺胺異惡唑,菌得清藥敏紙片,G-1,10EA 10 : 10 mg 242 231298 磺胺異惡唑,菌得清藥敏紙片,G-2,10EA 10 : 20 mg 290 231343 四環(huán)素藥敏紙片,TE-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 234 231344 四環(huán)素藥敏紙片,TE-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 237 230998 四環(huán)素藥敏紙片,TE-30,1 EA 1 : 30 mcg 60 231619 替卡西林,羧噻吩青霉素藥敏紙片,TIC-75,10EA 10 : 75 mcg 336 231618 替卡西林,羧噻吩青霉素藥敏紙片,TIC-75,1EA 1 : 75 mcg 70 231649 替卡西林/克拉維酸,特美汀,替門汀藥敏紙片,TIM-85,10EA 10 : 75/10 mcg 396 231648 替卡西林/克拉維酸,特美汀,替門汀藥敏紙片,TIM-85,1 EA 1 : 75/10 mcg 79 231569 妥布霉素藥敏紙片,NN-10,10EA 10 : 10 mcg 278 231568 妥布霉素藥敏紙片,NN-10,1EA 1 : 10 mcg 64 231601 甲氧芐氨嘧啶藥敏紙片,TMP-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 250 231600 甲氧芐氨嘧啶藥敏紙片,TMP-5,1EA 1 : 5 mcg 62 231349 三聯(lián)增效磺胺藥敏紙片,SSS-.25,10EA 10 : 025 mg 256 231350 三聯(lián)增效磺胺藥敏紙片,SSS-1.0,10EA 10 : 10 mg 310 231352 萬古霉素藥敏紙片,VA-5,10EA 10 : 5 mcg 237 231030 萬古霉素藥敏紙片,VA-5,1 EA 1 : 5 mcg 60 231353 萬古霉素藥敏紙片,VA-30,10EA 10 : 30 mcg 260 231034 萬古霉素藥敏紙片,VA-30,1EA 1 : 30 mcg 62 291255 頭孢噻呋藥敏紙片,1 EA 1 : 30 mcg 70 231717 恩氟沙星藥敏紙片,ENO-5,1EA 1 : 5 mcg 66 294867 磺胺地索辛(含奧美普林),1 cart 1 : 24/1 mcg 66 291387 替米考星藥敏紙片,TIL 15,獸醫(yī)使用 1 : 15 mcg 68 231605 滅滴靈,甲硝噠唑藥敏紙片,MET-80,10EA 10 : 80 mcg 244 231575 乙胺丁醇藥敏紙片,EM-25,1EA 1 : 25 mcg 64 231576 乙胺丁醇藥敏紙片,EM-50,1EA 1 : 50 mcg 114 231577 乙胺丁醇藥敏紙片,EA-25,1EA 1 : 25 mcg 63 231571 異煙肼藥敏紙片,INH-1,1EA 1 : 1 mcg 63 231572 異煙肼藥敏紙片,INH-5,1EA 1 : 5 mcg 63 231573 對氨基水楊酸藥敏紙片,PAS-10,1EA 1 : 10 mcg 63 231574 對氨基水楊酸藥敏紙片,PAS-50,1EA 1 : 50 mcg 63 231578 利福平藥敏紙片,RA-25,1EA 1 : 25 mcg 63 231570 鏈霉素藥敏紙片,S-50,1EA 1 : 50 mcg 64 226306 0 60 : 1593 260640 12位自動施放器,帶貯存盒及可重復(fù)使用的干燥劑 1 : 11614 260667 12位藥敏紙片Sensi-DiscTM 密封罐封口裝置 1 : 187 260668 12位藥敏紙片Sensi-DiscTM 壓緊裝置 1 : 226 260669 12位藥敏紙片Sensi-DiscTM 罐 1 : 2492 260456 Sensi-DiscTM 12位藥敏紙片 釋放器 1 : 1835 260639 Sensi-Disc? Zone Interpretation Set 1 : 1312 260660 8位自動施放器,帶貯存盒及可重復(fù)使用的干燥劑 1 : 8037 260661 6位自動施放器,帶貯存盒及可重復(fù)使用的干燥劑 1 : 8170 260457 Sensi-DiscTM 1位藥敏紙片 釋放器 1 : 335 260459 Sensi-DiscTM 1位藥敏紙片 釋放器,PKG 6 6 : 4475 271042 40G干燥指示劑容器 3 : 1010 220093 CultureSwab? Liquid Amies 50 427 220146 BBL? CultureSwab? Liquid Amiesj j 50 427 220105 CultureSwab? Liquid Amies 50 591 220147 CultureSwab? Liquid Amiesj j 50 591 220129 CultureSwab? Liquid Amies 50 674 220130 CultureSwab? Liquid Amies 50 1507 220131 CultureSwab? Liquid Amies 50 1479 220099 CultureSwab? Liquid Stuart 50 427 220149 CultureSwab? Liquid Stuartj j 50 427 220109 CultureSwab? Liquid Stuart 50 591 220148 CultureSwab? Liquid Stuartj j 50 591 220132 CultureSwab? Liquid Stuart 50 674 220133 CultureSwab? Liquid Stuart 50 1507 220134 CultureSwab? Liquid Stuart 50 1479 220097 CultureSwab? Cary-Blair Agar 50 486 220145 CultureSwab? EZ Sterile 100 1648 220144 CultureSwab? EZ Sterile 100 1181 220115 CultureSwab? Sterile 100 403 220135 CultureSwab? Sterile 50 474 220121 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel with Charcoal 50 427 220122 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel with Charcoal 50 591 220123 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel with Charcoal 50 674 220124 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel with Charcoal 50 1507 220125 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel with Charcoal 50 1230 220116 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel without Charcoal 50 427 220117 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel without Charcoal 50 591 220118 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel without Charcoal 50 674 220119 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel without Charcoal 50 1507 220126 CultureSwab? Plus Amies Gel without Charcoal 50 1479 221606 Port-A-Cul? Tube (for Aerobic and Anaerobic Cultures) 10 148 221607 Port-A-Cul? Tube with Swabs Sterile Pack 10 551 221625 Port-A-Cul? Fluid Transport Kit 10 1182 221608 Port-A-Cul? Vial 10 611 221609 Port-A-Cul? Vial Sterile Pack 10 1082 221602 Port-A-Cul? Transport Jar 10 3039 236500 Vacutainer? Anaerobic Specimen Collector 100 6141 252171 BD CellmaticsTM, Viral Transport Pack 50 #VALUE! 261514 Viral Culturette? Single Swab, Sterile 100 #VALUE! 290020 BBL? Falcon? Sputum Collection System 72 5445 220210 SWUBE? - Single Swab Sterile 200 2564 220710 SWUBE? - Single Swab Sterile 200 2597 220690 SWUBE? - Single Swab Sterile 1000 1884 220090 SWUBE? - Single Swab Sterile 200 2394 281130 SWUBE? - Dual Swab Sterile 200 3038 220120 SWUBE? - Pinworm Paddle Sterile 200 4962 260671 GasPak? EZ Standard Incubation Container 1 1097 260672 GasPak? EZ Large Incubation Container 1 990 260673 GasPak? EZ Standard Rack 1 746 260674 GasPak? EZ Large Rack 1 746 260678 GasPak? EZ Anaerobe Container System Sachets 20 506 260679 GasPak? EZ CO2 Container System Sachets 20 448 260680 GasPak? EZ Campy Container System Sachets 20 490 260683 GasPak? EZ Anaerobe Pouch System 20 899 260684 GasPak? EZ CO2 Pouch System 20 748 260685 GasPak? EZ CampyPouch? System 20 749 260626 GasPak? 100 System, complete 1 2340 260627 GasPak? 100 System, Vented, complete Similar to 260626, except that a vented lid is substituted for the nonvented lid 1 3473 260463 GasPak? 100 Polycarbonate Jar, 9 × 5 inches, OD 1 608 260411 GasPak? 100 Lid 1 1353 260467 GasPak? 100 Vented Lid 1 2376 260414 Improved Clamp/Thumbscrew Assembly for GasPak? 100 1 509 260413 “O” Ring Gasket for GasPak? 100 lids 1 135 260619 GasPak? 100 Rack 1 700 260622 GasPak? 100 Holding Jar 1 1820 260623 GasPak? 100 Holding Jar lid 1 1720 260637 100 Lid with “O” ring Gasket (only) 1 750 260638 100 Vented Lid with “O” ring Gasket (only) 1 1276 260628 GasPak? 150 Large Anaerobic System, complete 1 3740 260629 GasPak? 150 Large Anaerobic System, Vented complete 1 4619 260607 GasPak? 150 Large Anaerobic Jar (only) 1 990 260608 GasPak? 150 Large Anaerobic Vented Jar 1 986 260609 GasPak? 150 Vent Kit 1 362 260610 GasPak? 150 Lid Assembly 1 2125 260614 GasPak? 150 lid assembly 1 266 260618 GasPak? 150 Rack 1 749 270124 150 Inner Lid with large “O” ring Gasket (only) 1 914 271031 GasPak? 150 Outer Lid with thumbscrew (only) 1 799 270504 GasPak? Disposable Anaerobic Indicator stripsr 100 772 271051 GasPak? Dry Anaerobic Indicator Strips 100 574 271055 GasPak? CO2 Indicator Strips 50 841 270303 Catalyst Replacement Charges 10 491 260412 Catalyst Reaction Chamber 1 212 260630 GasPak? Tube Holder 1 354 271040 GasPak? Plus Disposable Hydrogen + Carbon Dioxide Generator Envelope 10 230 271045 CampyPak? Plus Disposable Hydrogen + Carbon Dioxide Generator Envelope 10 261 271041 GasPak? Plus Bulk Kit 100 3330 261205 CO2 Generators, Bulk Package 500 3395 261214 Bio-Bag? Type Ax 100 3482 261215 Bio-Bag? Type An 25 889 261216 Bio-Bag? Type A Multi-Platex 50 2843 261211 Bio-Bag? Type Cfjjj 100 1865 261212 Bio-Bag? Type Cfjn 25 483 261510 Bio-Bag? Type Cn 50 591 220217 Disposable Inoculating Loop, 1μL (Light Blue) 1000 786 220216 Disposable Inoculating Loop, 1μL (Light Blue) 250 370 220214 Disposable Inoculating Loop, 1μL (Light Green) 250 370 220215 Disposable Inoculating Loop, 1μL (Light Green) 1000 760 220218 Disposable Inoculating Needle (Violet) 1000 760 423744 Nichrome Needle Loop 12 0 210340 Plate Sterile RODAC Empty 66X15 MM Style 500 1875 210866 Vial PG-PS 10S 10 mg #VALUE! 256030 Directigen? EZ RSV Test Kit 1 #VALUE! 253020 Directigen? RSV Test Kitw 1 #VALUE! 253040 Directigen? RSV Test Kitw 1 #VALUE! 256010 Directigen? Flu A+B Test Kitw,d 1 #VALUE! 256020 Directigen? Flu A Test Kitw,d 1 #VALUE! 494775 Qtest? Strep Test Kit 1 #VALUE! 494776 Qtest Strep Test Kit 1 #VALUE! 494780 Qtest Strep Test Kit 1 #VALUE! 263000 Sterile Dacron? Polyester-Tipped Swabsjj 100 222 256018 BD Chek Strep A 1 798 240905 LINK2? H. Pylori Test Kit 15 Tests 1 2453 240906 LINK2? H. Pylori Quality Control Kit 1 1153 252360 Directigen? Meningitis Combo Test Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 252480 Directigen? Meningitis Combo Test Cards 1 #VALUE! 252260 Directigen? H. influenzae type b Test Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 251960 Directigen? S. pneumoniae Test Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 255460 Directigen? Group B Strep Test Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 255560 Directigen? N. meningitidis Group B/E. coli K1 Test Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 250780 Directigen? Individual Kit Test Cards. Generic. 1 #VALUE! 250160 Directigen? N. meningitidis Groups A, C, Y and W135 Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 256391 Directigen? Meningitis Specimen Bufferm,r,z 1 #VALUE! 252350 Directigen? Meningitis Negative Control Reagent 4 #VALUE! 274030 ColorPAC? Toxin A Test Kitm 1 #VALUE! 254004 Culturette? Toxin CD Test Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 254006 Culturette? Toxin CD Wash Reagent 3s 2 #VALUE! 264001 Culturette? CDT? Test Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 264002 Culturette? CDT? Buffer Solutionm,r 6 #VALUE! 240909 ColorPac? Giardia/Cryptosporidium Rapid Assay Test Kitm 1 #VALUE! 274449 RPR Card Test Kit No. 104r 1 3665 275005 RPR Card Test Kit No. 110r 1 3325 275239 RPR Card Test Kit No. 112r 1 6924 275539 RPR Card Test Kit No. 115r 1 1840 275110 RPR Bulk Kit No. 510r 1 25277 275115 RPR Bulk Kit No. 515r 1 27739 275130 RPR Bulk Kit No. 530r 1 22771 278051 Card Test Rotator, Macro-VueTM, Model 51 1 14223 276909 RPR Liquid Controls 18 mm circle 1 706 276709 RPR Control Cards 18 mm circle 10 341 255001 CMVscan? Card Test Kitm,r 1 9838 255205 CMVscan? Card Test Kitm,r 1 40703 255126 CMVscan? Card Test Kitm,r 1 7058 255836 CMVscan? Card Dilution Buffer six 20 mL bottles 6 1009 261701 RUBAscan? Card Test Kitm,r 1 9044 261805 RUBAscan? Card Test Kitm,r 1 29789 261926 RUBAscan? Card Test Kitm,r 1 7015 262030 RUBAscan? Semi-Quantitative Test Cardss (150 tests) 30 test cards . 1 1647 254126 VZVscan? Card Test Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 254201 VZVscan? Card Test Kitm,r 1 #VALUE! 265001 RFscan? Card Test Kitm,r 1 2033 240901 MonoSlide? Test Kit (60 tests)r 1 2213 240950 BBL? Streptocard? Enzyme Latex Test Kitr 1 3974 240951 BBL? Streptocard? Acid Latex Test Kitr 1 3974 240960 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 748 240961 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 748 240865 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 748 240962 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 748 240866 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 748 240867 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 748 240963 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 886 240964 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 1560 240965 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 770 240966 BBL? Streptocard? Reaction Cards, 50 cards 1 430 240840 Pneumoslide? Kit 50 Testr 1 #VALUE! 240952 BBL? Staphyloslide? Latex Test Kitr 1 1633 240953 BBL? Staphyloslide? Latex Test Kitr 1 8051 244003 GonoGen? II (24 tests)r, kk. 1 2210 244004 GonoGen? II (40 tests)r, kk. 1 2656 270509 Antigen (Plastic) Dispensing Bottle 10 431 273509 Needles, Dispensing (square cut) 20G. yellow hub 10 199 270133 RPR Card Antigen Suspension 1 mL ampule 3 #VALUE! 270333 RPR Card Antigen Suspension 3 mL ampule 3 433 270309 RPR Card Antigen Suspension 3 mL ampule 10 1131 271849 RPR, 18 mm circle, qualitative, 10 spot Cards 300 1046 271949 RPR, 18 mm circle, quantitative, 15 spot Cards 300 2539 272001 RPR, 18 mm circle, quantitative, 30 spot Cards 100 1351 212536 Acridine Orange Stain, 250 mL bottle 1 472 212537 Acridine Orange Stain, 250 mL bottle 4 828 212539 Gram Stain Kit 1 716 212524 Gram Stain Kit 1 754 212525 Gram Crystal Violet, 250 mL 4 558 212542 Gram Iodine (Stabilized), 250 mL 4 680 212529 Gram Iodine (Unstabilized), 250 mL 4 1078 212527 Gram Decolorizer, 250 mL 4 665 212531 Gram Safranin, 250 mL 4 688 212544 Gram Basic Fuchsin, 250 mL 4 666 212526 Gram Crystal Violet, 1 38 L 1 742 212543 Gram Iodine (Stabilized), 1 38 L 1 1382 212530 Gram Iodine (Unstabilized), 1 38 L 1 1086 212528 Gram Decolorizer, 1 38 L 1 779 212532 Gram Safranin, 1 38 L 1 962 212545 Gram Basic Fuchsin, 1 38 L 1 1574 212519 TB Fluorescent Stain Kit M 1 971 212521 TB Fluorescent Stain Kit T 1 968 212315 TB Quick Stain Kit 1 917 212522 TB Stain Kit K 1 1079 212520 TB Stain Kit ZN 1 956 212514 TB Auramine M, 250 mL 4 1331 212515 TB Auramine-Rhodamine T, 250 mL 4 1396 212523 TB Brilliant Green K, 250 mL 4 1205 212518 TB Carbolfuchsin KF, 250 mL 4 1772 212511 TB Carbolfuchsin ZN, 250 mL 4 1099 212517 TB Decolorizer, 250 mL 4 726 212512 TB Decolorizer TM, 250 mL 4 704 212516 TB Methylene Blue, 250 mL 4 1313 212513 TB Potassium Permanganate, 250 mL 4 1087 212316 TB Quick Stain Carbolfuchsin, 250 mL 3 1214 212317 TB Quick Stain Methylene Blue, 250 mL 3 708 231391 BBL? AFB Slide 50 7058 231401 BBL? Gram Slide 50 1538 260650 Tilt Slide Staining Rack 1 2658 423832 ADAMS? Staining Tray and Rack 1 5182 220110 Bromcresol Purple, 5 g 1 303 211731 Brom Thymol Blue, 5 g 1 291 219310 Crystal Violet, Gentian Violet, 100 g 1 630 220310 Phenol Red, 5 g 1 320 264310 TTC, 25 g 1 1704 231121 TTC Solution 1%r, 30 mL 1 227 211967 Desoxycholate Reagentr, 25 mL 1 436 240658 Coagulase Plasmar 10 487 240661 Coagulase Plasmar 10 1220 240679 Coagulase Plasmar 10 1967 240827 Coagulase Plasmar 10 512 240826 Coagulase Plasmar 10 1220 240680 Coagulase Plasmar 10 1967 261191 10% Potassium Hydroxide 50 480 261203 Catalase Reagent Dropper 50 1154 261183 Desoxycholate 50 633 261187 DMACA Indole 50 557 261190 Ferric Chloride 50 503 261206 Flagella Reagent Dropper 50 633 261185 Indole 50 479 261204 Methylene Blue Loeffler Reagent Dropper 50 933 261201 Ninhydrin 50 602 261197 Nitrate A 50 528 261198 Nitrate B 50 501 261207 Nitrate C Reagent Dropper 50 849 261181 Oxidase 50 441 261196 PYR 50 923 261192 Voges-Proskauer A 50 679 261193 Voges-Proskauer B 50 630 261182 Acridine Orange 50 656 261195 Calcofluor White 50 556 261189 Dobell and O’Connor’s Iodine 50 528 261202 Evans Blue 50 #VALUE! 261194 India Ink 50 541 261188 Lactophenol Cotton Blue 50 692 212901 PKU Subtilis Spore Suspension, 1mL 100 #VALUE! 212105 ?-2-Thienylalaniner 10 #VALUE! 231110 PKU Control Disc Stripsr 10 #VALUE! 231111 PKU Test Specimen Cards, 1000 1000 #VALUE! 260435 PKU Tray 1 #VALUE! 240952 BBL? Staphyloslide? Latex Test Kitr 1 1491 240953 BBL? Staphyloslide? Latex Test Kitr 1 7351 240840 Pneumoslide? Kit 50 Testr 1 3599 240950 BBL? Streptocard? Enzyme Latex Test Kitr, 50 Tests 1 3628 240951 BBL? Streptocard? Acid Latex Test Kitr, 50 Tests 1 3628 240960 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 683 240961 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 683 240865 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 683 240962 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 683 240866 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 683 240867 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 683 240963 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 809 240964 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 1424 240965 BBL? Streptocard? r 1 703 240966 BBL? Streptocard? Reaction Cards, 50 cards 1 392 244000 BBL? GonoGen? (50 tests)kk,r 1 #VALUE! 244003 BBL? GonoGen? II (24 tests)kk,r 1 2018 244004 BBL? GonoGen? II (40 tests)kk,r 1 2425 263810 Adjuvant, Complete (Freund) 6 482 231131 Adjuvant, Complete H37 Ra 6 2424 263910 Adjuvant, Incomplete (Freund), 10 mL 6 581 264010 M Butyricum, Desiccatedr, 100 mg 6 2524 231141 M Tuberculosis H37 Ra, Desiccatedr, 100 mg 6 3402 212111 Mucin Bacteriological, 100 g 1 1309 223181 FA Streptococcus Group A FITCr, 5 mL 1 5266 224491 FA Human Globulin Antiglobulin (Rabbit)r, 1 mL 1 #VALUE! 224492 5 mL 1 #VALUE! 251610 Streptolysin O Buffer, Dried, 124 g 6 #VALUE! 251610 Streptolysin O Buffer, Dried, 124 g 6 #VALUE! 223441 FTA Antigen, 1 mL 1 #VALUE! 224401 FTA Serum Non-Reactiver, 5 mL 1 #VALUE! 224391 three 3 mL ampules antigen 20G. dispensing needle antigen dispensing bottle 1 #VALUE! 232661 FTA Sorbent Controlr, 05 mL 6 #VALUE! 224051 USR Antigenr, 3 mL 6 #VALUE! 235161 USR Test Control Serum Setr 1 2137 235201 VDRL Test Control Serum Setr 1 1635 232592 FTA Sorbent, 5 mL 6 #VALUE! 240765 VDRL Antigen 10 × 05 mL 10 490 240764 VDRL Antigen, 1 × 5 mL 1 396 240786 Difco/BBL Febrile Antigen Set 1 4869 240834 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar a Antigen, 5 mL 1 301 240835 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar b Antigen, 5 mL 1 398 240785 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar d Antigen, 5 mL 1 304 240731 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Group A Antigen, 5 mL 1 1719 240732 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Group B Antigen, 5 mL 1 1104 240734 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Group D Antigen, 5 mL 1 266 240782 Difco/BBL Proteus OX 19 Antigen, 5 mL 1 239 240783 Difco/BBL Proteus OX 2 Antigen, 5 mL 1 1195 240784 Difco/BBL Proteus OX K Antigen, 5 mL 1 1106 241050 Difco/BBL Francisella Tularensis Antigen 1 1498 241049 Difco/BBL Brucella abortus Antigen, 5 mL 1 1060 225851 Difco Bordela Pertussis Antigenr, 5 mL 1 1768 228441 Difco Salmonella H Antigen ar 1 828 225851 Difco Bordela Pertussis Antigenr, 5 mL 1 1768 223031 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Slide)r, 5 mL 1 1843 223051 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Tube)r, 25 mL 1 8768 223041 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Slide)r, 5 mL 1 3065 223061 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Tube)r, 25 mL 1 8762 221161 Difco QC Antigen Alkalescens-Dispar Group 1r, 1 mL 1 433 221301 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ar, 1 mL 1 355 221311 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Br, 1 mL 1 352 221321 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C1r, 1 mL 1 354 221331 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C2r, 1 mL 1 722 221341 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Dr, 1 mL 1 712 211750 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E1r, 1 mL 1 352 211751 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E2r, 1 mL 1 773 221371 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E4r, 1 mL 1 747 211753 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Fr, 1 mL 1 773 211754 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group G1r, 1 mL 1 784 221401 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Hr, 1 mL 1 773 211757 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ir, 1 mL 1 748 221421 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella Vir, 1 mL 1 334 221001 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Ar, 1 mL 1 409 211737 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group A1r, 1 mL 1 451 211738 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Br, 1 mL 1 416 221031 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Cr, 1 mL 1 414 221041 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group C1r, 1 mL 1 888 221051 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group C2r, 1 mL 1 789 221061 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Dr, 1 mL 1 337 223101 Difco Bordela parapertussis Antiserumr, 1 mL 1 1094 223091 Difco Bordela pertussis Antiserumr, 1 mL 1 455 223781 Difco FA Bordela Parapertussisr, 5 mL 1 2303 223781 Difco FA Bordela Parapertussisr, 5 mL 1 2303 223591 Difco FA Bordela Pertussisr, 5 mL 1 2302 223591 Difco FA Bordela Pertussisr, 5 mL 1 2302 221591 Difco E coli H Antiserum H7r, 3 mL 1 715 229701 Difco E coli O Antiserum O157r, 3 mL 1 1521 240934 Difco/BBL Brucella Positive Control AMS, 5 mL 1 595 240937 Difco/BBL Febrile Negative Control, 5 mL 1 269 240939 Difco/BBL Francisella Tularensis Antiserum, 5 mL 1 4746 240940 Difco/BBL Proteus Polyvalent Antiserum, 5 mL 1 597 240941 Difco/BBL Salmonella Somatic Poly Antiserum, 5 mL 1 596 240942 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar Poly Antiserum, 5 mL 1 598 222371 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Polyr, 1 mL 1 579 222501 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type ar, 1 mL 1 612 222361 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type br, 1 mL 1 276 227891 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type cr, 1 mL 1 639 227901 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type dr, 1 mL 1 627 227911 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type er, 1 mL 1 637 227921 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type fr, 1 mL 1 638 223021 Difco Listeria O Antiserum Poly Types 1 & 4r, 1 mL 1 571 223001 Difco Listeria O Antiserum Type 1r, 1 mL 1 574 223011 Difco Listeria O Antiserum Type 4r, 1 mL 1 577 222281 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Ar, 1 mL 1 430 222291 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Br, 1 mL 1 1069 222301 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Cr, 1 mL 1 418 222311 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Dr, 1 mL 1 1169 222531 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group W135r, 1 mL 1 442 228801 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Xr, 1 mL 1 1148 228811 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Yr, 1 mL 1 409 228911 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Zr, 1 mL 1 1165 222521 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z’r, 1 mL 1 1334 222321 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly, Groups A, B, C, Dr, 1 mL 1 564 229101 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly 2, Groups X, Y, Zr, 1 mL 1 1085 240995 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Grouping Kit 1 9442 240983 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group A, 3 mL 1 2771 240984 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group B, 3 mL 1 710 240985 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group C1, 3 mL 1 854 240986 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group C2, 3 mL 1 2807 240987 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group D, 3 mL 1 711 240988 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group E, 3 mL 1 822 240989 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group F, 3 mL 1 1016 240990 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group G, 3 mL 1 938 240991 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group H, 3 mL 1 2841 240992 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group I, 3 mL 1 1009 240993 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group Poly A-I & Vi, 3 mL 1 479 240994 Difco/BBL Salmonella Vi Antiserum, 3 mL 1 860 228201 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ar, 3 mL 1 787 228211 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum br, 3 mL 1 832 228221 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum cr, 3 mL 1 985 228231 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum dr, 3 mL 1 964 222731 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ehr, 3 mL 1 978 225441 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum fr, 3 mL 1 995 225451 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum hr, 3 mL 1 978 228241 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ir, 3 mL 1 826 222741 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum kr, 3 mL 1 985 225461 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum mr, 3 mL 1 780 225481 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum pr, 3 mL 1 985 222751 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum rr, 3 mL 1 978 225501 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum sr, 3 mL 1 978 225511 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum tr, 3 mL 1 977 225541 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum wr, 3 mL 1 985 225551 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum xr, 3 mL 1 986 222761 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum yr, 3 mL 1 978 222771 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum zr, 3 mL 1 978 224731 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z6 1 980 222791 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z10 1 985 225561 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z13 1 1028 225571 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z15 1 986 225581 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z23 1 1119 225611 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z28 1 1053 222801 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z29 1 986 225621 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z32 1 1122 222701 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum EN Complexr, 3 mL 1 801 222691 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum G Complexr, 3 mL 1 986 222711 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum L Complexr, 3 mL 1 801 222781 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Z4 Complexr, 3 mL 1 985 224061 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly a-z, EN, G, L, Z4, and 1 complexes and a-k, r-z, z6, z10, z29 agglutininsr, 3 mL 1 765 225391 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly A, Factors a, b, c, d, i, z10, z29 1 982 225401 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly B, Factors eh, en, enx, enz15 and G Complexr, 3 mL 1 982 225411 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly C, Factors k, l, r, y, z, z4 1 982 225421 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly D, Factors z35, z36, z37, z38, z39, z41, z42 1 977 225431 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly E, 1 Complex, z6 1 982 224741 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 2r, 3 mL 1 4237 224751 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 5r, 3 mL 1 980 224761 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 6r, 3 mL 1 986 224771 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 7r, 3 mL 1 978 222651 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 1r, 3 mL 1 804 222661 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 2r, 3 mL 1 806 222671 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 3r, 3 mL 1 806 222681 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 4r, 3 mL 1 800 222721 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum 1 Complexr, 3 mL 1 783 226591 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 4, Group Br, 3 mL 1 696 228151 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factors 4, 5, Group Br, 3 mL 1 491 226601 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 5, Group Br, 3 mL 1 1227 228161 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 7, Groups C1 and C4r, 3 mL 1 528 228171 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 8, Groups C2 and C3r, 3 mL 1 528 228181 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 9, Group Dr, 3 mL 1 1475 222571 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 10, Group E1r, 3 mL 1 691 226611 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 14r, 3 mL 1 2034 222581 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 15, Groups E2 and E3r, 3 mL 1 954 222591 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 19, Group E4r, 3 mL 1 801 226621 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 20r, 3 mL 1 2034 226631 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 22, Group G1r, 3 mL 1 1414 226641 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 23, Group G2r, 3 mL 1 1414 226661 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 25r, 3 mL 1 2036 226671 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 27r, 3 mL 1 1409 211778 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 34, Group E3r, 3 mL 1 1417 211780 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group J Factor 17r, 3 mL 1 2277 225181 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group K Factor 18r, 3 mL 1 1161 225191 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group L Factor 21r, 3 mL 1 2036 211781 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group M Factor 28r, 3 mL 1 2645 211783 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group N Factor 30r, 3 mL 1 2036 225221 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group O Factor 35r, 3 mL 1 2084 225341 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A, Groups A, B, D, E1, E2, E3, E4 and Lr, 3 mL 1 433 225351 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly B, Groups C1, C2, F, G and Hr, 3 mL 1 549 225361 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly C, Groups I, J, K, M, N and Or, 3 mL 1 684 225371 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly D, Groups P, Q, R, S, T and Ur, 3 mL 1 753 225381 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly E, Groups V, W, X, Y and Zr, 3 mL 1 1139 226451 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly F, Groups 51-55r, 3 mL 1 1193 226461 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly G, Groups 56-61r, 3 mL 1 1142 240996 Difco/BBL Shigella Grouping Antisera Set 1 15378 241025 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly A, 3 mL 1 2803 241026 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly A1, 3 mL 1 1085 241027 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly B, 3 mL 1 2808 241028 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly C, 3 mL 1 1827 241029 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly C1, 3 mL 1 882 241030 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly C2, 3 mL 1 819 241031 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly D, 3 mL 1 2811 224301 Difco Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Inabar, 3 mL 1 1495 224311 Difco Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Ogawar, 3 mL 1 1498 224321 Difco Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Polyr, 3 mL 1 1486 |