當前位置:> 供求商機> ATCC MYA-4439
出品公司: | ATCC |
菌種名稱: | ATCC MYA-4439 |
菌種又名: | MRL 1957 |
菌株類型: | 指間毛癬菌, 趾間毛癬菌, Trichophyton interdigitale |
存儲人: | MA Ghannoum |
分離來源: | 趾甲,美國 |
產品目錄號: | MYA-4439 |
其他保藏庫編號: | |
培養基: | ATCC Medium 28: Emmons' modification of Sabouraud's agar/broth ATCC Medium 200: YM agar or YM broth ATCC Medium 336: Potato dextrose agar (PDA) |
生長條件: | 24-26℃, 有氧 |
生物安全等級: | 2 |
模式菌株: | 是 |
應用: | 科研,生產, 藥物敏感性測試 抗真菌藥敏試驗 生物醫學研究與開發材料 該生物體是用于抗菌藥物敏感性測試的CLSI質量控制菌株 |
菌種形態: | 在Emmon培養基上培養10天后,菌落呈粉狀至絮狀,奶油色至淡黃色;將赭石色反轉為紅棕色。大分生孢子稀疏,3-8細胞,棒狀至雪茄形。小孢子球形,無梗,排列成密集的葡萄狀簇狀或與菌絲并排。 |
菌株特點: | ATCC MYA-4439是Trichophyton interdigitale。腳傷見的原因 ATCC MYA-4439是嗜角蛋白皮膚癬菌 ATCC MYA-4439是用于抗菌藥物敏感性測試的CLSI對照菌株。 基于多基因序列分析,ATCC MYA-4439被重新鑒定為須發毛癬菌物種復合體中的叉指毛癬菌。 ATCC MYA-4439是用于抗菌藥物敏感性測試的CLSI對照菌株。 GenBank KJ606113 ITS including 5.8S rRNA gene GenBank KJ606161 D1/D2 region of 28S rRNA gene GenBank KJ606209 beta-tubulin (TUB2) gene GenBank FJ746658 ITS including 5.8S rRNA gene |
參考文獻: | Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Filamentous Fungi; Approved Standard. Wayne, PA. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; CLSI M38-A. Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Filamentous Fungi: Approved Standard - 2nd Edition. Wayne, PA. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; CLSI M38-A2. Ghannoum MA, et al. Interlaboratory study of quality control isolates for a broth microdilution method (modified CLSI M38-A) for testing susceptibilities of dermatophytes to antifungals. J. Clin. Microbiol. 44: 4353-4356, 2006. Shehata AS, et al. Comparison between the standardized Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute M38-A2 method and a 2,3-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-[(sulphenylamino)carbonyl]-2H-tetrazolium hydroxide- based method for testing antifungal susceptibility of dermatophytes. J. Clin. Microbiol. 46: 3668-3671, 2008. Espinel-Ingroff A, et al. Quality control and reference guidelines for CLSI broth microdilution susceptibility method (M38-A document) for amphotericin B, itraconazole, posaconazole, and voriconazole. J. Clin. Microbiol. 43: 5243-5246, 2005. |
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