- 聯系人:
- 泰林
- 電話:
- 0571-86589008
- 手機:
- 傳真:
- 0571-86589100
- 地址:
- 杭州市濱江區南環路2930號泰林大廈
9月20-22日,泰林生物應邀參加在巴基斯坦舉辦的2016制藥醫療展(Health Asia 2016 & Pharma Asia 2016),屆時我們將繼續開啟“2016新品巡展第六站”發布活動,并在現場展示一代無菌隔離器、全新汽化過氧化氫智能滅菌機器人、新型智能集菌儀、新型微生物檢驗儀、新型TOC分析儀等相關技術和設備,以及無菌檢測用集菌培養器、微生物檢測過濾器、無菌濾膜、生物指示劑、化學指示劑等一批檢測、驗證用耗材。
September 20-22,TAILIN is invited to attend the Health Asia 2016 & Pharma Asia 2016 inPakistan. We will continue “The 6th show of TAILIN 2016 newproducts World Tour “launchevent.Tailin will launchfull series of new products, such as Sterility Testing Isolator, VHPSGenerator, Sterility Test Pump, MicrobialLimit Tester, TOC analyzer, Sterility Test Kits, Microbial Limit Test Funnel,Membrane, Biological Indicator, Chemical Indicator and other consumables.
每年一屆的Health Asia & Pharma Asia 是巴基斯坦國內通過UFI認證的醫療及藥品展,也是中國企業進入巴基斯坦這個尚未被開拓的市場的平臺。展會專業性*,吸引了來自世界各地的參展企業及觀眾。
The annual session ofthe Health Asia & Pharma Asia Pakistan is a medical and pharmaceuticalexhibition certified by UFI. It can be a good platform for Chinese enterprisesto enter Pakistan which is a not fully open-up market. As a highly professionalshow, it attracts exhibitors and visitors from all around the world.
主辦單位 : 巴基斯坦ECG有限公司
展出地點:卡拉奇博覽中心Karachi Expo Center
泰林生物展位號:HALL3 / C56