當前位置:深圳市科時達電子科技有限公司>>電子元器件>>光電器件>> 德國賽默飛Themo Scientific 高分辨質譜儀Orbitrap Exploris 480 產品關鍵詞:賽默飛orbitrap高分辨質譜;480質譜;高分辨質譜供應商;高分辨質譜推薦;質...
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德國賽默飛Themo Scientific高分辨質譜儀Orbitrap Exploris 480
(1) 體積減少為原Q Exactive的一半:主要通過優化泵體積和離子傳輸部分。
(2) 增加Biopharma選項,可擴展m/z范圍至8,000 Da
(3) 具有48萬的分辨率
(4) 增加IC(Internal calibration內標校正)選項,可進行現場升級.
Orbitrap Exploris 480, Themo Scientific high resolution mass spectrometer
The Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer is a revolutionary new generation of modular ultra high resolution mass spectrometry (ums). The Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer takes up less space while maintaining high resolution, high quality accuracy and image quality.The new instrument has a number of new features that allow for extended uptime and superior stability in high-throughput analytical tests.
It combines mature technologies, advanced functions and an intelligent driven analytical framework for the wider use of mass spectrometry by research scientists for high-throughput protein identification, quantitative and structural characterization.The new SureQuant and BoxCar method packages provide a powerful boost to the super-sensitive target protein quantification.The main new features are as follows:
(1) the volume was reduced to half of the original Q Exactive: the volume of the pump and the ion transport part were optimized.
(2) the Biopharma option is added to expand the m/z range to 8,000 Da
(3) it has a resolution of 480,000
(4) IC (Internal calibration) option is added for on-site upgrade.