當前位置:上海富雨生物科技有限公司>>細胞庫 / 細胞培養>>普通細胞>> ID8小鼠卵巢癌細胞(附鑒定報
種屬 | 小鼠 |
別稱 | ID8+luc |
組織來源 | 小鼠卵巢癌組織 |
疾病 | 自發永生化 |
傳代比例/細胞消化 | 1:2-1:3傳代,消化2-3分鐘 |
培養基配置 | DMEM培養基;10%胎牛血清;1%雙抗 |
簡介 | ID8是從晚代次的C57BL/6小鼠卵巢表面上皮細胞( MOSEC )建立的10個克隆系之一。向C57BL/6小鼠腹腔內注射 10個克隆系中的每一個都會導致腹膜腫瘤和腹水的形成。在10個克隆系中 ,ID8表現出的腫瘤負荷。ID8細胞系是 一種高度公開發表且具有良好特征的細胞系 ,常用作卵巢癌的同基因小鼠模型。 |
形態 | 上皮細胞樣 |
生長特征 | 貼壁生長 |
倍增時間 | 每周 2 至 3 次 |
備注 | 該細胞是通過慢病毒轉染熒光素酶的穩轉株 ,收到細胞傳代8代左右后 ,若要求需要維持熒光強度 ,建議可以加入嘌呤 霉素進行再次篩選。 |
are still unresolved issues. Targeted intervention of the cholesterol metabolism pathway of immune cells is expected to become a new strategy of cholesterol metabolism in tumor immunotherapy.The ideal cancer immunotherapy agent should be able to discriminate between cancer and normal cells, be potent enough to kill small or large
tumor-associated macrophages. Thus, increased α4 trans-regulation of αLβ2 integrin function biases leukocyte emigration toward lymphocytes relative to myeloid cells and enhances tumor immunity.Immune therapy approaches such as checkpoint inhibitors or adoptive cell therapy represent promising therapeutic options for cancer patients, but their ebdgcacy is still limited, since patients frequently develop innate or