
初級會員 | 第4年


充液閥 安全閥 伺服傳感器 過載繼電器 旋轉開關 超速繼電器 溢流閥 感應器 控制模塊 水冷護套 海綿吸盤 掃描儀 液壓缸 流體控制器 高速光纖總線擴展器 驅動控制器 限位開關 調節閥 壓力控制器 多沖程氣缸 控制閥 調節器 氣壓缸 低壓鎮流器 制動模塊 模具主體 過濾網 調速機構緩沖模塊 監測儀 鎖緊盤 隔膜泵 氣彈簧 耐輻射攝像機 顯示模塊 比例放大器 開關電源 真空發生器 離合器 驅動器 軸承聽診器 風扇 離心機 清洗劑 數字萬用表 氣動閥 振動監測器 電壓互感器 剎車線圈 球閥 漫反射光柵 火檢探頭 浮球液位開關 齒輪箱 濾波器 壓縮機 火焰控制器 閥門 呼吸器 電動螺絲刀 工業備件 定位器 油缸 PH計 模塊化先導單向閥 三相交流接觸器 軟啟動閥 監測器 風機 氮氣彈簧 激光測距儀 直流電源 高壓限定器 油嘴 油壓控制板 扁平分接器 繞組溫度計 線圈 控制器 快速排氣閥 制動器 氧化碳分析儀 液位液溫計 雷達液位計 過濾器 管接頭 交換機 遙控器 熱交換器 快速接頭 手持折射儀 提取器 流量計 密封件 鎖緊桿 聯軸器 按鈕 接近開關 浮球開關 編碼器 離心泵 數字壓力表 電流變送器 信號放大器 溫控器 流量開關 電源模塊 電容 電機

DITTEL O3PL0054025 傳感器 介紹


DITTEL        O3PL0054025  傳感器 介紹

 聲發射傳感器 :: 靜態聲發射傳感器 這些傳感器可用于固定修整工具、單點金剛石和刀片型金剛石。它們可以安裝在修整器、工件主軸箱、尾座或主軸箱上。不僅可以監控修整過程,還可以控制整個磨削過程。這些傳感器的特點是安裝方便,信號質量高。靜態傳感器有不同的形狀、尺寸和安裝選項。 (閱讀更多) AE 流體傳感器:AE 信號將以與機器冷卻系統(冷卻劑或切削油乳液)的液體射流相反的方向傳輸。通過將 AE 流體傳感器與機床進行電氣和聲學隔離,我們設法抑制了機床的背景噪音。 :: 旋轉 AE 傳感器 提供非接觸式 AE 傳感器 M- 和 Mini-M 傳感器,例如安裝在成型輥或成型輥上,可以直接安裝在砂輪或修整輪的中心。旋轉軸上的簡單組裝和測量可提供最佳的信噪比,這不言而喻。對于安裝在修整或磨削主軸中,微型 M 傳感器將是正確的解決方案。傳感器可以同時監測修整和研磨過程,我們直接在它們發生的地方接收信號。定制的自適應 AE-Ring 傳感器可以安裝在卡盤、砂輪主軸或修整主軸上。使用高速環形傳感器 - 用于內圓磨削和修整系統,可以在更高的 RPM 上采集信號。聲發射電子設備 • AE6000basic 對于磨削或修整序列的自動化,優化工藝和安全的工件質量變得越來越重要。聲發射 (AE) 信號是一種理想且安全的評估質量標準。 • S6000 S6000 的 AE 信號將通過基于 WINDOWS 的機器的光學 LED 進行可視化。 Sensitron6 是一種新型 AE 評估電子設備,可幫助監控和穩定復雜的磨削過程。高性能磨削過程監控和控制電子設備很容易集成到機器控制中,在那里它們評估由高度敏感的 AE 傳感器檢測到的信號。 • Sensitron 6 Sensitron6 可靠地檢測磨削工具和工件之間的初始接觸,檢測火花并自動改變進給率,以在不降低質量的情況下減少空氣磨削時間。工作空間內的集成碰撞監控功能是一種有用的安全措施,可以最大限度地減少因碰撞而產生的成本。人們可以選擇傳感器并通過按鈕手動或通過機器控制全自動操作評估電子設備。 AE 信號顯示在 LED 條形圖上(有 30 個刻度)。對于磨削或修整序列的自動化,優化工藝和安全的工件質量變得越來越重要。聲發射 (AE) 信號是一種理想且安全的評估質量標準。 S6000 的 AE 信號將通過基于 WINDOWS 的機器的光學 LED 進行可視化。 • P3SE P3SE 是一種基于聲發射傳感器技術的磨床監控系統。該系統能夠滿足和解決不同的需求,包括過程的持續檢查、間隙消除結束的檢查、車輪修整和預防碰撞。 P3SE 可用作滑動解決方案或帶外殼。用于評估的是有兩個物理通道和四個邏輯通道。 • AE4100 4100 系列非常適合在機床控制裝置沒有配備自己的監視器的磨床上可視化和監控磨削過程。聲發射系統的使用使用戶能夠優化磨削和修整過程,減少空氣磨削并監測砂輪和工件之間的碰撞。整個 4100 系列都通過菜單控制(5 種語言),通過發光的單色 LCD 監視器上的顯示。電子設備評估高靈敏度聲發射傳感器提供的數據。最多可保存 31 個包絡及其相關參數。使用該系統有助于優化磨削和修整工藝并減少空氣磨削量。該設備通過顯示在發光的單色 LCD 監視器上的菜單進行控制。動態閾值可以使用附加包絡監控模塊進行評估。 AE4100-1E 內部的附加包絡模塊通過測量和評估傳感器隨時間的輸出電壓來動態監控過程。任何高于或低于預定義包絡的值都會向機器控制發送錯誤消息。組合設備AE4100-1P將預平衡/現場平衡和過程監控的功能相互結合。在 AE4100-1P 上,可以連接一個用于監測不平衡的振動傳感器和最多四個 AE 傳感器。 • AE6000 自動磨削或修整過程必須安全穩定地運行,并產生一致的工件質量水平。基于高靈敏度聲發射傳感器與 AE6000 評估單元相結合的過程監控是提高過程穩定性的理想解決方案。該系統可用于減少空氣磨削時間、檢測接觸、檢測接觸修整過程中的第一次切割、修整監控、磨削過程監控以及砂輪損壞或碰撞監控。 • DM6000 DM6000 過程監控模塊使您能夠評估基于傳感器的內部控制數據。過去幾年對磨削工藝的要求不斷增加,導致新技術的引入。為了在越來越高的切削速度下充分利用機器的儲備,必須使用適當的傳感器來檢測磨削和修整過程中的閾值。如果測量數據超出容差,則可以在過程退化之前采取糾正措施,而無需機器操作員的干預。內部控制數據,例如扭矩,通過 Profibus 傳輸到進行監控的模塊。每個監控策略的數據集可以靈活地分配給一個信號源。 AE/Crash、電壓輸入和 Profibus 輸入被同等對待,可用于包絡監控。使用數字驅動器時,借助內部控制數據,甚至可以進行無傳感器過程監控。通過 Profibus 或靜態接口對控件進行反

Acoustic-Emission Sensoren

Acoustic-Emission Sensoren


 :: Static AE-Sensors

These sensors can be used for stationary dressing tools, single point diamond and blade type diamond. They could be mounted on the dresseron the workpiece headstockthe tailstock or spindle housingNot only for monitoring  the dressing process but also possible to control the complete grinding process. The sensors are characterized by their easy installation, as well as their high signal quality. The static sensors are available in different shapes, sizes and mounting options. (read more)

AE fluid sensor:
The AE-Signal will be transmitted in the opposite direction of to the flow of liquid jet from the machine's coolant system (coolant or cutting oil emulsion). By electrically and acoustically isolating the AE fluid sensor from the machine tool, We have managed to suppress the machine’s background noise.


:: Rotating AE sensors

The contactless AE sensors M- and Mini-M sensors are provided, for example for mounting on form rolls or profile rollers and can be mounted directly in the center of the grinding wheel or a dressing wheelThe simple assembling and measurements on the rotating shaft provide optimal signal to-noise ratio, speaks for itself.

For installation in dressing or grinding spindles, the Micro M-sensor would be the right solution. The sensor could be monitoring both, the dressing and the grinding processwe pick up the signal directly where they occur.

The customized adapted AE-Ring sensors can be installed on the chuckson the grinding wheel spindle or on the dressing spindlesWith the high-speed ring sensor - used for internal grinding and dressing systems, could pick up signals on higher RPMs.



Acoustic Emission Electronics

• AE6000basic

For the automation of grinding- or dressing sequences it is more and more important to optimize the process and safe workpiece quality. The acoustic emission (AE) signal is an ideal and safe quality of criterion for evaluation.


• S6000

The AE-Signal of the S6000 will be visualizes over optical LED′s over the WINDOWS based machine. The Sensitron6 is a new type of AE evaluation electronics that can help to monitor and stabilize complex grinding processes. The high performance grinding process monitoring and control electronics are easy to integrate into the machine controls where they evaluate the signals detected by the highly sensitive AE sensors.


• Sensitron 6

The Sensitron6 reliably detects the initial contact between the grinding tool and workpiece, detects spark-up and automatically changes the feed rates in order to reduce air grinding time without loss of quality. An integrated crash monitoring function within the working space is a useful security measure that can minimize the costs arising due to collisions. One can select the sensors and operate the evaluation electronics either manually via push buttons or fully automatically via the machine controls. The AE signal is displayed on a LED bar graph (with 30 graduations). For the automation of grinding- or dressing sequences it is more and more important to optimize the process and safe workpiece quality. The acoustic emission (AE) signal is an ideal and safe quality of criterion for evaluation. The AE-Signal of the S6000 will be visualizes over optical LED′s over the WINDOWS based machine.


• P3SE

The P3SE is a monitoring system for grinding machines based on the technology of sensors with acoustic emission. The system is able to meet and solve the different needs by including the continuous check of process, check of end of gap elimination, wheel dressing and prevention of crashes. The P3SE is available as slide solution or with housing. For evaluation is has two physical-channels and four logic-channels.


• AE4100

The 4100 series is ideal for visualising and monitoring grinding processes on grinding machines where the machine controls are not equipped with their own monitor. The use of acoustic emission systems enables the user to optimize the grinding and dressing process, to reduce air grinding and to monitor for collisions between grinding wheel and workpiece. The entire 4100 series is menu-controlled (in 5 languages) via the displays on an illuminated, monochrome LCD monitor. The electronics evaluate the data provided by highly sensitive acoustic emission sensors. One can save up to 31 envelopes and their related parameters.
The use of this system helps to optimize grinding and dressing processes and reduce the amount of air grinding. The device is controlled via the menu displayed on an illuminated, monochrome LCD monitor. Dynamic thresholds can be evaluated using the additional envelope monitoring module.

An additional envelope module inside the AE4100-1E monitors the process dynamically by taking measurements and evaluating the sensor’s output voltage over time. Any value that lies above or below the pre-defined envelope sends an error message to the machine controls.

The combined device AE4100-1P combines the functions of pre-balancing / Field balancing and process monitoring with each other. On AE4100-1P, a vibration sensor for monitoring the imbalance and up to four AE sensors can be connected.


• AE6000 

Automated grinding or dressing processes must run safely and stably, and produce a consistent level of workpiece quality. Process monitoring on the basis of highly sensitive acoustic emission sensors combined with the AE6000 evalution unit is the ideal solution to improving process stability. This system can be used to reduce air grinding time, to detect first contact, to detect the first cut during touch dressing, dressing monitoring, grinding process monitoring and wheel damage or collision monitoring.


• DM6000

The DM6000 process monitoring module enables you to evaluate sensor-based and internal control data. The increased demands placed on the grinding process over the past few years have led to the introduction of new technologies. In order to make full use of a machine’s reserves at increasingly high cutting speeds, one must use the appropriate sensors to detect threshold values during the grinding and dressing processes. Should the measured data exceed the tolerances, corrective action can be taken before the process degenerates without intervention on the part of the machine operator. Internal control data, e.g. torque, is transferred via Profibus to the module where monitoring takes place. The data set for each monitoring strategy can be flexibly allocated to a signal source. AE/Crash, the voltage input and Profibus inputs are treated equally and can be used for envelope monitoring. When using digital drives, even sensorless process monitoring is possible with the aid of internal control data. Feedback to the controls is made via Profibus or static interface.




INGUN測針HSS-120 360 400 A 3002


HYDAC濾芯2600 R 005 BN4HC/-B6

HYDAC液位計FSA-381-2.X∕-∕12 700160



HYDAC濾芯2600 R 005 BN4HC/-B6-SFREE

ECCOECCO帶罐噴槍ECCO402S  8611402038



AVS ROEMER氣管接頭300531 151M-10/8-3/8K

MOOG4-3比例閥D664-4308K P05HXMF6NEX2-E





Simon Nann備件HPZ 11


HANSHENNIG火焰檢測器FD3025/IP65 CE-Nr:0063AR1487

SSB電機DAPE-0350 06222.00

MOOG備件D661.4341 G15HOAA4VSX2HA+B97069061



SCHUNK備件30803525  B60-SSS-M-2005-120-400-2  SN.59735



OERLIKON電機SV300B  960702     31000252572


Dimplex Thermal Sol膨脹閥2760058


PFLITSCH備件pik d60 s




NETTER備件NGE50220   380V   0.18KW

SCHUNK氣缸0340039 MPG20-AS-2

SCHUNK備件SWA-150-000-000 0302453


SCHUNK備件0370101 PGN80/1






J.THIELMANN備件20107 S1 Limit switch clamping cylinder back / green open Schwalbens



HEMOMATIC液位計HFNI-930119   P/N:901215

EBRO氣動執行器(含手輪)RC210-DAM      ACTUATOR   F05-14    PART: 13254  ORDER  NO:500769

SAELZERMaster switch HauptschalterH233-41311-035M1

IPS-FEST變壓器DGO 400-8/5.500


HYDAC球閥PN250BAR  KHB-165R-1134















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