產品名稱:MarrowMAX™ Bone Marrow Medium骨髓培養基
產品名稱:MarrowMAX™ Bone Marrow Medium骨髓培養基
Invitrogen主要為分子生物、疾病研究,藥物研發和生物制品生產提供必要的生物技術產品和服務,研發力量主要集中在包括功能基因組、蛋白組學、生物信息學和細胞生物學等生命科學研究領域內的突破性創新,以便向進行生命科學研究的學術及政府研究機構以及醫藥和生物技術公司提供所需要的新技術,新產品及服務。2005年,Invitrogen公司在45天內成功收購2家生物公司:Dynal Biotech公司(包括戴諾生物技術(北京)有限公司)和上海博亞生物技術有限公司。至此,Invitrogen在中國地區的雇員超過200人,并在北京,上海,廣州等多個城市設有分支機構,產品涉及基因組學,蛋白質組學,核酸純化,細胞培養,疾病檢測等生命科學分支領域,業務拓展到DNA合成、測序等多項技術服務。
Form: Liquid
Cell Type: Bone Marrow, Hematopoietic Cells
Glutamine: L-Glutamine
Serum Level: Standard Serum
Supplements:Conditioned Medium (from Stromal Cells), FBS
Product Size:100 mL
Green Features: Sustainable packaging
Shipping Condition: Dry Ice
Gibco? MarrowMAX? Bone Marrow Medium is a fully-supplemented medium developedfor the short term culture of bone marrow and other hematopoietic cells forcytogenetic studies and in vitro diagnostic procedures.
Gibco? MarrowMAX? Bone Marrow Medium features:
? Superior performance
? Ready-to-use format
? Quality and performancetesting
? Unique, optimizedformulation
Superior performance
Gibco? MarrowMAX? Bone Marrow Medium outperforms other commercially availablemedia containing Giant Cell Tumor (GCT) conditioned media, providing consistentperformance with a higher mitotic index and superior chromosomal morphology(learn more about the superior performance of MarrowMAX? medium here).
Ready-to-use format
Gibco? MarrowMAX? Bone Marrow Medium is a frozen, 1X medium, ready to use uponthawing. No supplementation is required. Thawed medium can be stored at 2–8°C for up to 60 days.
Quality and performance testing
Every lot of Gibco? MarrowMAX? Bone Marrow Medium is performance tested by a certified USreference cytogenetics laboratory to ensure consistently superior performance.Bone marrow cells from the aspirate of a normal adult donor are cultured for 24hours in Gibco? MarrowMAX? Bone Marrow Medium before measuring the mitotic index andchromosome banding resolution. In addition, each lot is tested for sterility,pH, osmolality, mycoplasma and endotoxin.
Unique, optimized formulation
Gibco? MarrowMAX? Bone Marrow Medium is an optimized RPMI 1640 medium,supplemented with Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), gentamicin, and L-glutamine. Italso contains a novel human stromal cell conditioned medium that consists of aunique blend of hematopoietic growth factors. Gibco? MarrowMAX? Bone Marrow Medium does not contain GCT conditioned medium.
Product Use
For in vitro diagnostic use.
Storage conditions: -5°C to -20°C. Protect from light.
Shipping conditions: Frozen
Shelf life: 18 months from date of manufacture.Thawed medium can be stored at 2°C to 8°C for up to 60 days.