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Dionex IonPac CS12A 陽離子交換柱 057185

參   考   價:面議


品       牌:DIONEX/英國


所  在  地:北京市

更新時間:2019-11-19 15:00:28瀏覽次數:1014

聯系我時,請告知來自 化工儀器網
供貨周期 現貨 規格 3 x 150 mm
貨號 057185 應用領域 醫療衛生,環保,食品,化工,石油
Dionex IonPac CS12A 陽離子交換柱 057185

Dionex IonPac CS12A 陽離子交換柱 057185

使用甲磺酸 (MSA) 或硫酸洗脫液和 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? CS12A 陽離子交換柱,只需要 4 分鐘即可分離常見陽離子。 建議將這些中等容量的羧酸官能化陽離子交換柱用于各種樣品基質中的鋰、鈉、銨、鉀、鎂和鈣的快速等度分離。 IonPac CS12A 柱是所有 IonPac CS12 柱應用的建議替換柱。




  • 在多樣復雜的基質中一價和二價陽離子以及銨的快速等度分離

  • 使用 250 mm 柱在 15 分鐘內對各種基質中的 I 組和 II 陽離子以及銨進行等度分離

  • 使用 150 mm 柱在 4 分鐘內對簡單基質中的 I 組和 II 陽離子以及銨進行快速、高分辨率的等度分離

  • 對于更高容量的應用,使用 250 mm 柱,允許注入更高濃度的樣品,而不會出現柱過載或峰擴寬

  • 使用 150 mm 柱進行高效、快速的分析,提高樣品通量

  • Dionex IonPac CS12A-MS 柱能夠以 IC-MS 需要的低流速提供快速洗脫,使其成為 IC-MS 篩選的理想選擇

  • 兼容有機溶劑(不包括乙醇),以增強分析物溶解度,優化柱選擇性,或者便于有效的柱清潔

Dionex IonPac CS12A-8μm 和 CS12A-5μm 毛細管柱提供相同的選擇性、分析范圍以及同樣低的運行成本。


  • 水源水和飲用水、市政和工業廢水、土壤萃取物、酸性消化物

  • 工業冷卻水、洗滌液;電鍍槽;以及工業溶劑

  • 用銨或嗎啉處理的發電廠水;化學添加劑;化學過程溶液


由于使用相同的填料,因此 Dionex IonPac CS12A 毛細管柱提供的性能與標準孔和微孔 Dionex IonPac CS12A 柱相同。 由于毛細管系統運行的洗脫液流速僅為標準孔系統的 1%,需要的洗脫液更少,產生的廢物也更少,從而降低運行成本。


  • 4x250 mm、2x250 mm、3x150 mm 或 2x100 mm 分析柱

  • 4x50 mm 或 2x50 mm、3x30 mm 保護柱

  • 0.4x250 mm、0.4x150 mm 毛細管柱

  • 0.4x50 mm 或 0.4x35 mm 毛細管保護柱

  • 更長的 250 mm 柱,實現更復雜樣品基質的更高分辨率分離

  • 更短的 150 mm 和 100 mm 柱可以對相對清潔的基質進行更快的運行

  • 更小內徑的柱,提高質量靈敏度,節省洗脫液和試劑,并且降低運行成本



用途和特點: IonPac CS12A陽離子交換分離柱一次進樣分析堿金屬和堿土金屬陽離子,NH4+,脂肪胺;甲基磺酸或硫酸作淋洗液。胺的分離結果非常好。用甲基磺酸作淋洗液,等度淋洗,可以很好的分離Mn2+和Ca2+,Mg2+離子。


Dionex IonPac CS12A 陽離子交換柱 057185


Dionex IonPac CS12A 陽離子交換柱

IonPac CS12A Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)046073
IonPac CS12A Analytical Column (2 x 250 mm)046075
IonPac CS12A-5 μm Analytical Column (3 x 150 mm)057185
IonPac CS12A-MS (2 x 100 mm) Column059960
IonPac CS12A-8μm Capillary Column (0.4 x 250 mm)079914
IonPac CS12A-5μm Capillary Column (0.4 x 150 mm)072068
IonPac CG12A-5 μm Guard Column (3 x 30 mm)057184
IonPac CG12A Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)046076
IonPac CG12A Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)046074
IonPac CG12A-8μm Capillary Guard Column (0.4 x 50 mm)072067
IonPac CG12A-5μm Capillary Guard Column (0.4 x 50 mm)072069



Medium Capacity Column for Fast, Isocratic Separation of Cations Using MSA or Sulfuric Acid

The IonPac? CS12A is a medium-capacity, carboxylate-functionalized cation-exchange column recommended for fast, isocratic separation of lithium, sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium using methanesulfonic or sulfuric acid eluents in diverse sample matrices.

The new CS12A-8μm and CS12A-5μm Capillary Columns offer the same selectivity as their analytical-scale counterparts, but offer the advantage of reduced eluent consumption, thereby lowering operating costs.  

  • Robust, reliable column for separation of group I and II cations plus ammonium

  • Recommended for separation of manganese and morpholine

  • Recommended for analyses of inorganic cations in complex matrices

  • Simplified Reagent-Free IC operation provided by the EG or eluent regeneration

  • Compatible with organic solvents (except alcohols), high temperatures, and high acid concentrations

  • Analysis time for six common cations as short as 4 min (CS12A-5μm) to 15 min (CS12A-8μm)

  • The CS12A-MS column offers fast elution at the low flow rates required for IC-MS, making it ideal for IC-MS screening

  • For disparate concentration ratios of adjacent-eluting cations, the high-capacity IonPac CS16 is recommended

The medium-capacity IonPac CS12A cation-exchange column supports fast, isocratic separation with suppressed conductivity detection. Sample matrices include environmental and drinking waters; soil extracts; acid digests; power plant waters treated with ammonium or morpholine; chemical additives; chemical process solutions; scrubber solutions; plating baths; and industrial solvents.

Use the CS12A-5μm columns for high efficiency and fast analysis (4 min). The smaller-diameter resin technology and reduced column length provide faster analysis time, reduced eluent consumption, and increased sensitivity. The CS12A column is the recommended replacement for all CS12 applications. Use the CS12A column with the Eluent Generator for simplified methanesulfonic acid eluent preparation. 



IonPac CS12A Cation-Exchange Column  Specifications
DimensionsIonPac CS12A Analytical Column:
2 × 250 mm, 3 × 150 mm, and 4 × 250 mm
IonPac CG12A Guard Column:
2 × 50 mm, 3 × 30 mm, and 4 × 50 mm
IonPac CS12A Capillary Column:
0.4 × 250 mm and 0.4 × 150 mm
IonPac CG12A Capillary Guard Column:
0.4 × 50 mm
Maximum operating pressure4000 psi (standard and microbore)
5000 psi (capillary)
Mobile phase compatibilityAcidic eluents; 0–100% acetonitrile. Alcohols should be avoided.
Substrate characteristicsBead Diameter: 8 μm (0.4 x 250, 2 x 100, 2 x 250  and 4 x 250 mm),
5 μm (0.4 x 150 and 3 x 150 mm)
Cross-Linking (%DVB): 55%
Functional group characteristicsIon-Exchange Groups: Grafted carboxylic acid and phosphonic acid
Surface Characteristics: Medium hydrophilic
Capacity28 μeq (0.4 × 250 mm capillary column)
9.4 μeq (0.4 × 150 mm capillary column)
280 μeq (2 × 100 mm analytical column)
700 μeq (2 × 250 mm analytical column)
940 μeq (3 × 150 mm analytical column)
2800 μeq (4 × 250 mm analytical column)
Column constructionPEEK with 10-32 threaded ferrule-style end fittings.
All components are nonmetallic.

Dionex IonPac CS12A 陽離子交換柱


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Shim-pack 離子交換色

Shim-pack 離子交換色譜柱 228-162

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