
中級會員 | 第10年




美國國家標準與技術研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)直屬美國商務部,從事物理、生物和工程方面的基礎和應用研究,以及測量技術和測試方法方面的研究,提供標準、標準參考數據及有關服務。那么,在哪里才能購買到NIST標準物質呢?



1660aMethane and Propane in Air (Nominal: 4 µmol/mol Methane; 1 µmol/mol Propane)cylinder
1655Potassium Chloride, KCl (cr) for Solution Calorimetry30 g
647Titanium Alloy, Al-Mo-Sn-Zr50 g
614Trace Elements in Glass4\wafers
200bPotassium Dihydrogen Phosphate, (KH2PO4)90 g
457Unalloyed Copper IV (solid)rod
8445Spray-Dried Whole Egg for Allergen Detection5 g
8786Filter Blank for RM 8785filter
4354Lake Sediment Powder25 g
1900Specific Surface Area Standard4 g
1093Oxygen in Valve Steelrod
87aSilicon-Aluminum Alloy75 g
2887Polyethylene (Mw, 196 400 g/mol)0.3 g
1886aPortland Cement (White Portland Cement with Low Iron)4 vials x 5 g
2895Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.2 %)5 x 1.2 mL
3248Ginkgo-Containing Tablets5 x 1 g
1543GC/MS System Performance4 x 1 mL
2581Powdered Paint Nominal 0.5 % Lead35 g
2944Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Red Emissioneach(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm
2818Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale - High Range (Nominal 91 HR15N)1 block
1857Tool Steel for Abrasive Wear Standard2 blocks
1083Wear-Metals in Lubricating Oil150 mL
481Gold-Silver Wires for Microprobe Analysisset (6)
2483Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Raw Soot)250 mg
2133Phosphorus Implant in Si Depth Profileeach
2569Lead Paint Films for Children's Products8 sheets
100bManganese Steel150 g
191dpH Standard1 bottle x25g;1bottlex30g
1964Nominal 60 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres5 mL
1746Silver Freezing-Point Standard300 g
4222CCarbon-14 Radioactivity Standard for Liquid Scintillation Counting5 mL
36bChromium-Molybdenum Steel150 g
1362bCoating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel)set (5)
956dElectrolytes in Frozen Human Serum6 x 2.0 mL
2515Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1595 nm to 1630 nmeach
 Sodium Bicarbonate (191d-I) 
242655 % Aluminum-Zinc Alloy40 g
53eLead-Base Bearing Metal (84Pb-10Sb-6Sn)150 g
1766Low Alloy Steeldisk
2641aCarbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 4 % mol/mol)cylinder
4341aNeptunium-237 Radioactivity Standard5 mL
731L2Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion10 cm
C1291High-Alloy White Cast Iron (Ni-Hard, Type I)disk
2972a25-Hydroxyvitamin D Calibration Solutions20 x 1.2 mL
1939aPolychlorinated Biphenyls (Congeners) in River Sediment A50 g
3074Phthalates in Methanol5 x 1.2 mL
2269Perdeuterated PAH-I Solution in Hexane/Toluene5x1.2 mL
C1173Cast Steel 3disk
2160LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only200 g
1225LA Steel (AISI 4130)disk
2730Hydrogen Sulfide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 5 µmol/mol)cylinder
1810aLinerboard50 each
1896bVickers Microhardness of Nickeleach
2573Lead Paint Film (Red), Nominal 1.0 mg/cm21 +blank
8541USGS24 Graphite0.8 g
1729Tin Alloy (97 Sn - 3 Pb)disk
193Potassium Nitrate90 g
691Iron Oxide, Reduced100 g
C1296Stainless Steeldisk
1546aMeat Homogenate4 cans x 85 g
1727Anode Tinblock
1413High Alumina Sand75 g
4334IPlutonium-242 Radioactivity Standard Solution5 mL
4943Chlorine-36 Radioactivity Standard3 mL
4326aPolonium-209 Radioactivity Standard5 mL
8631aMedium Test Dust (MTD)20 g
674bX-Ray Powder Diffraction Intensity Set (Quantitative Powder Diffraction Standard)10.00 g (powder)
1907Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop)each
2575Lead Paint Film for Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers - (Color Code:  Green)1 +blank
64cFerrochromium, High Carbon100 g
2855Additive Elements in Polyethylene3 bottles
1641eMercury in Water10x10 mL
8540IAEA-CH-7 (Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes in Polyethylene Foil)3.5 g
1941bOrganics in Marine Sediment50 g
2690Coal Fly Ash3 x 10 g
885Refined Copper200 g
3168aZinc (Zn) Standard Solution5 x 10 mL
2298Sulfur in Gasoline (High-Octane)5x20 mL
2806bMedium Test Dust (MTD) in Hydraulic Fluid2 x 400mL
148Nicotinic Acid2 g
982Equal-Atom Lead Isotopic Standard1 g wire
1256bAluminum Alloy 380disk
114qPortland Cement Fineness Std20 vials
1017bGlass (Particle Size)70 g
1995Standard Sapphire Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation50-mm wafer
2740aCarbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 % mol/mol)cylinder
1720Northern Continental Aircylinder
880Nickel Silver (CDA 770)100 g
1077aSilver 2-Ethylhexanoate5 g
2520Optical Fiber Diameter Standardeach
4239Strontium-90 Radioactivity Standard Solution5 mL
924aLithium Carbonate30 g
1650bDiesel Particulate Matter200 mg
8536GISP-Water20 mL
1114Gilding Metaldisk
2242Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 532 nm Excitationeach
2894Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.1 %)5 x 1.2 mL
 (Carbon Isotopes in Carbonatite) 
3107Boron (B) Standard Solution (nominal 5 mg/g)50 mL
8556NBS1231.5 g
126cHigh-Nickel Steel (36 % Ni)150 g
2088Density Standard for Medical Computed Tomographyfive foam blocks
643Spectroscopic Titanium-Base Standards Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (C)disk
1449Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Boardeach
1834Fused Simulated Ore for X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometrydisk
2012Calibration Standard for High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction (200 mm Wafer)wafer
3668Mercury, Perchlorate, and Iodide in Frozen Human UrineSet (10) (5 each conc)
3254Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) Leaves5 x 3 g
78aBurnt Refractory (Al203-70%)75 g
1271LA Steel (HSLA-100)disk
C2424Ductile Iron Cdisk
8505Vanadium in Crude Oil250 mL
900aAntiepilepsy Drugs in Frozen Human Serum4 vials
C2400High-Alloy Steel ACI (17/4 PH)disk
3184Bromide Anion Standard Solution5x10 mL
2810Rockwell C Hardness, Low Rangeeach
3140Platinum (Pt) Standard Solution5x10 mL
720Sapphire Heat Capacity15 g
2941Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Green Emissioneach(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm
8563CO2-Light, Petrochemical Origin (Carbon Dioxide)set (2)
854aAluminum Alloy 518240 g
1482aPolyethylene0.3 g
2943Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Blue Emissioneach(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm
4353ARocky Flats Soil Number 290 g
2639aCarbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 % mol/mol)cylinder
1416Aluminosilicate Glass for Liquidus Temperature250 g
1134LA Steel, High Silicondisk
1946Lake Superior Fish Tissue5 x 7-9 grams
1754Low-Alloy Steel, AISI 4320rod
2722Crude Oil (Heavy Sweet)5X10 mL
C1252aPhosphorus Deoxidized Copper - Cu IXblock
920D-Mannitol50 g
2570Lead Paint Film for Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers - Blank (Color Code:  White)1 film
1568bRice Flour50 g
1674bCarbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 7 % mol/mol)cylinder
2541Silicon Resistivity Standard - 0.01 ohm•cm Leveleach
2974aOrganics in Freeze-Dried Mussel Tissue (Mytilus edulis)5 g
1898Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterial15 g
1665bPropane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3 µmol/mol)cylinder
1750Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer Certified Thermometereach
624Lead-Silica Glass for dc Volume Resistivity200 g
2646aPropane in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 µmol/mol)cylinder
627Spectrographic Zinc-Base Die-Casting Alloy Cblock
15992 Anticonvulsant Drugsset (4)
8704Buffalo River Sediment50 g
1361bCoating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel)set (5)
1082Cigarette Ignition Strength Standard1 carton (200 cigarettes)
2168High Purity Iron150 g
1241cAluminum Alloy 5182disk
2684cBituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 3 % Sulfur)50 g
654bTitanium Alloy, Al-Vdisk
263Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 25 µmol/mol)cylinder
198Silica Brick45 g
2817Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale - Mid Range (Nominal 83 HR15N)1 block
2285Ignitable Liquids Test Mixture5 x 1.2 mL
8494Wheat Straw Whole Biomass Feedstock50 g












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