英國國家生物制品檢定所是WHO的一個標準品供應中心實驗室,它的核心工作是制備、保存和分發WHO用于檢測生物制品質量的標準品。NIBSC制備的流感毒株和檢測抗原、抗血清標準品,保障了各廠家順利的研究和生產。NIBSC提供對投入英國市場的生物藥品的獨立測試,尤其是用于英國兒童免疫計劃的疫苗;它同時也是歐盟控制藥品進入歐盟市場的藥品控制實驗室(OMCL)。 如果出現不能滿足藥品存放要求或患者出現不良反應等問題,NIBSC 也可對已投入歐盟市場的產品進行檢驗。
NIBSC 戰略目標:對有關生物產品的問題給出回復和建議;提供生物藥品方面的國家科技力量,維持滿足科學和藥物學領域新發展需求的靈活性、專業知識和設施;
07/288 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(15st WHO Reference Reagent) |
01/535 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
07/352 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(79st WHO Reference Reagent) |
07/281 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(8st WHO Reference Reagent) |
10/164 | Reteplase Reference Material |
95/571 | Interleukin-32 (Human, rDNA derived) |
13/219 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2097 (Egg derived) |
10/149 | Reteplase Reference Material |
07/344 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(71st WHO Reference Reagent) |
01/484 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
13/154 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2032 (Egg derived) |
13/151 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2029 (Egg derived) |
10/143 | Reteplase Reference Material |
01/476 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
12/B623-057 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC55 |
12/B623-053 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC51 |
12/B623-051 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC49 |
13/275 | Polio Anti Sabin type 58 (inactivated) Serum |
12/B623-003 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC1 |
07/315 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(42st WHO Reference Reagent) |
13/285 | Polio Anti Sabin type 68 (inactivated) Serum |
03/104-019 | HTLV-4 (antibody) Monitor Sample |
13/153 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2031 (Egg derived) |
12/B623-097 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC95 |
10/144 | Reteplase Reference Material |
95/657 | Interleukin-118 (Human, rDNA derived) |
13/219 | Polio Anti Sabin type 2 (inactivated) Serum |
03/104-085 | HTLV-70 (antibody) Monitor Sample |
01/472 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
13/146 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2024 (Egg derived) |
07/329 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(56st WHO Reference Reagent) |
13/165 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2043 (Egg derived) |
13/281 | Polio Anti Sabin type 64 (inactivated) Serum |
07/306 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(33st WHO Reference Reagent) |
03/104-110 | HTLV-95 (antibody) Monitor Sample |
07/358 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(85st WHO Reference Reagent) |
01/452 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
13/277 | Polio Anti Sabin type 60 (inactivated) Serum |
07/287 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(14st WHO Reference Reagent) |
13/287 | Polio Anti Sabin type 70 (inactivated) Serum |
13/307 | Polio Anti Sabin type 90 (inactivated) Serum |
10/186 | Reteplase Reference Material |
10/133 | Reteplase Reference Material |
03/104-094 | HTLV-79 (antibody) Monitor Sample |
12/B623-031 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC29 |
07/377 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(104st WHO Reference Reagent) |
13/269 | Polio Anti Sabin type 52 (inactivated) Serum |
10/179 | Reteplase Reference Material |
10/210 | Reteplase Reference Material |
13/266 | Polio Anti Sabin type 49 (inactivated) Serum |
07/295 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(22st WHO Reference Reagent) |
07/371 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(98st WHO Reference Reagent) |
12/B623-078 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC76 |
01/462 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
95/591 | Interleukin-52 (Human, rDNA derived) |
01/464 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
10/159 | Reteplase Reference Material |
03/104-046 | HTLV-31 (antibody) Monitor Sample |
13/213 | C-Peptide, Human. 68st International Standard. |
13/222 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2100 (Egg derived) |
07/373 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(100st WHO Reference Reagent) |
12/B623-110 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC108 |
13/196 | C-Peptide, Human. 51st International Standard. |
12/B623-043 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC41 |
01/494 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
13/192 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2070 (Egg derived) |
07/325 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(52st WHO Reference Reagent) |
07/348 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(75st WHO Reference Reagent) |
13/223 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2101 (Egg derived) |
12/B623-086 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC84 |
13/191 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2069 (Egg derived) |
01/488 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
07/343 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(70st WHO Reference Reagent) |
12/B623-019 | QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC17 |
10/125 | Reteplase Reference Material |
10/155 | Reteplase Reference Material |
13/185 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2063 (Egg derived) |
13/243 | C-Peptide, Human. 98st International Standard. |
13/137 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2015 (Egg derived) |
13/201 | C-Peptide, Human. 56st International Standard. |
07/311 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(38st WHO Reference Reagent) |
13/242 | C-Peptide, Human. 97st International Standard. |
13/175 | C-Peptide, Human. 30st International Standard. |
13/201 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2079 (Egg derived) |
03/104-041 | HTLV-26 (antibody) Monitor Sample |
03/104-074 | HTLV-59 (antibody) Monitor Sample |
95/646 | Interleukin-107 (Human, rDNA derived) |
13/156 | C-Peptide, Human. 11st International Standard. |
01/465 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
03/104-050 | HTLV-35 (antibody) Monitor Sample |
10/121 | Reteplase Reference Material |
13/235 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2113 (Egg derived) |
01/519 | Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide |
07/364 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(91st WHO Reference Reagent) |
95/566 | Interleukin-27 (Human, rDNA derived) |
13/204 | C-Peptide, Human. 59st International Standard. |
13/205 | Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2083 (Egg derived) |
13/241 | C-Peptide, Human. 96st International Standard. |
07/324 | BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(51st WHO Reference Reagent) |
95/626 | Interleukin-87 (Human, rDNA derived) |