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紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司>>細胞凍存/細胞分離>>凍存管凍存盒>> Nalgene® Mr. Frosty® 細胞凍存盒,程序自動降溫(1°


Nalgene® Mr. Frosty® 細胞凍存盒,程序自動降溫(1°

Nalgene® Mr. Frosty® 細胞凍存盒,程序自動降溫(1°
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  • 廠商性質 生產商
  • 所在地 上海市

更新時間:2016-03-24 21:45:00瀏覽次數:2595


Nalgene® Mr. Frosty® 細胞凍存盒,程序自動降溫(1°C/min)

Nalgene® Mr. Frosty® Cryo 1°C Freezing Containers產品介紹:
Thermo Scientific生產的Nalgene Mr. Frosty凍存盒使用方法簡單,盒身有圖示說明具體操作步驟,程序自動降溫,降溫速率在-1°C/分鐘,是細胞凍存的*選擇。Nalgene Mr. Frosty凍存盒精選材料制作,盒身為聚碳酸酯(具有耐酸,耐油和優異的抗沖擊性),旋蓋和內槽為高密度聚乙烯,盒內嵌有泡沫。Nalgene Mr. Frosty凍存盒(5100-0001)可以容納18個管瓶,適合Nalgene 1.0ml, 1.2ml, 1.5ml, 2.0ml管瓶。直徑117mm,外高86mm設計充分節約了凍存空間。盒內支架可以防止管瓶與醇接觸,避免由于芯吸作用而造成的污染、弄壞標簽或是在管 瓶上留下印痕。使用時需自備異丙醇和冷凍設備。
注意:務必不要將管瓶注滿,每使用5次要更換異丙醇。清洗時要用沒有磨損性的非堿性洗滌劑清洗,推薦使用Nalgene L-900洗滌液。不使用時可以室溫存放。


Nalgene® Mr. Frosty® Cryo 1°C Freezing Containers英文簡述:
The Thermo Scientific* Nalgene* Mr. Frosty containers provide a simple-to-use system designed to achieve a rate of cooling very close to -1°C/minute, the optimal rate for cell preservation. Freeze cells in tubes from 1-5mL.
Polycarbonate containers with blue high-density polyethylene closure. Gray high-density polyethylene vial holder, foam insert.


Ordering Alerts: Containers have 4.75 in. diameter (120mm) closure
Required Accessories: Isopropyl alcohol and a mechanical freezer


• Optimal cooling: provides critical, repeatable -1?C/minute cooling rate required for successful cell cryopreservation and recovery.
• Easy and safe: simply fill to the designated line with 100% isopropyl alcohol and place in your mechanical freezer. Each unit is labeled with graphic, step-by-step instructions so there is no fumbling for manuals or printouts. The samples never touch the alcohol - no risk of label or printing removal.
• Flexibility: with units and inserts available for 1.0, 1.2, 1.8, 2.0, 3.6, 4.5 and 5.0 ml tubes, the Mr. Frosty freezing container provides the widest tube compatibility available. Holds 12 or 18 tubes


紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司主營產品:STEM121抗體,BD靜脈真空采血管,Streck游離DNA采血管CTC,P800蛋白質組學采血管,神經干細胞培養基 化工儀器網 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究.Copyright(C) http://www.zjmenchuan.com, All rights reserved.


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