德國DILAS公司擁有高水平的研發團隊,尤其是在半導體激光器封裝、精密機械、材料學和微光學等方面具有世界*的工程技術人員。基于非常豐富的半導體激光應用經驗,我們能為用戶提供全面的半導體激光器解決方案。DILAS公司產品廣泛應用于工業加工、激光醫療、信息顯示、國防和科研等領域。而且,DILAS高品質和高性能產品已經獲得激光工業界7天/24小時*的嚴格考驗,廣受客戶贊譽。在收購德國m2k公司后,德國DILAS擁有了的長波長(1064nm-1940nm) 半導體激光器芯片生長和封裝技術,能更好的滿足客戶的多種需要。
·1萬瓦連續半導體激光器系統,輸出光斑能量密度均勻性高于95% (工業加工)
·高亮度200W @200um 傳導冷卻光纖耦合模塊(光纖激光器泵浦)
·高功率1064nm、1470nm、1530nm和1940nm 光纖耦合模塊
DILAS, the diode laser company, manufactures high-power diode laser components and systems in a wide range of output powers and wavelengths including fiber-coupled, direct beam and integrated solutions.
Today, with over 200 employees, DILAS’ strengths are in quality engineering, process control, product development and volume manufacturing of a world-class product line for the medical, diode-pumped solid-state pumping, defense, graphic arts and materials processing markets.
Founded in 1994 in Mainz, Germany, DILAS looks back at a record of continued growth. With a long standing commitment, DILAS’ product development goes hand in hand with market needs always in accordance with customer specification.
DILAS maintains ISO-9001:2008 certified facilities with the highest standards for quality, reliability and performance.
In 2005 DILAS Diode Laser Incorporated was founded in Tucson, Arizona, to serve the North American market and to manufacture for U.S. government programs.
In 2008 DILAS Diodelaser China Co., Ltd. was founded to serve the growing Asian markets. DILAS establishes a worldwide network of sales and service partners.
: -8007
: www.annovatech.com
: caoye513