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主營產品: 全自動纖維儀,全自動脂肪儀,全自動膳食纖維儀 |

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主營產品: 全自動纖維儀,全自動脂肪儀,全自動膳食纖維儀 |
參考價 | 面議 |
更新時間:2024-05-09 15:38:14瀏覽次數:577
產地類別 | 進口 | 出料粒度 | 0.01mm以下 |
價格區間 | 面議 | 樣品適用 | 硬性樣品 |
儀器種類 | 研磨機 | 應用領域 | 化工,農業,地礦,電子,制藥 |
TM 300滾筒式研磨儀用于通過在干或濕條件下進行的研磨過程制備顆粒和粉末。通過使用相應的模塊,這種多功能研磨機可以用作球磨機或棒磨機。為了確保有效的研磨過程,使用足夠數量的球或桿至關重要。根據樣品材料的不同,研磨細度可達到20微米以下。
TM 300滾筒式研磨儀可接受高達20 l的樣品體積,因此也適用于大批量樣品的研磨和混合。
▲ 強大而快速地處理高達20升的大量樣品
▲ 適用于干式和濕式研磨
▲ 研磨筒標準容積5-43.4L
▲ 轉速可調,結果重復性好
▲ 球/棒磨組件互換方便
▲ 研磨筒可傾斜倒料
▲ 樣品收集桶可拆卸
▲ 導軌設計方便拆卸研磨滾筒
▲ 研磨滾筒帶密封圈,樣品無損操作
▲ 靜音保護罩
滾筒式研磨儀TM 300是真正的全能研磨儀。例如,活性炭、合金、膨潤土、骨骼、碳纖維、催化劑、纖維素、水泥熟料、陶瓷、化工產品、粘土礦物、煤炭、焦炭、堆肥、混凝土、電子廢料、纖維、石膏、玻璃、頭發、羥基磷灰石、高嶺土、石灰石、金屬氧化物、礦物、礦石、油漆和清漆、紙張、,醫藥產品、顏料、植物、聚合物、石英、種子、半寶石、污水污泥、爐渣、土壤、紙巾、煙草、廢棄物、木材等。
應用 | pulverizing, mixing used as Bond Index Tester: quantification of grindability of ores and minerals |
應用領域 | 農業, 化學, 醫藥, 地質/冶金, 工程/電子, 建筑材料, 環境/循環, 玻璃/陶瓷, 生物 |
樣品特征 | 軟性, 硬性, 脆性, 纖維質—干或濕 |
粉碎原理: | 摩擦 |
最大進樣尺寸 | < 20 mm used as Bond Index Tester: < 3.35 mm with ball module / 12.50 mm with rod module |
最終出料粒度 * | < 20 µm used as Bond Index Tester: < 100 µm with ball module / 2,100 µm with rod module |
批次加料量* | minimum 1 l / maximum 20 l used as Bond Index Tester: min. 15 kg with ball module / min. 20 kg with rod module |
旋轉速度 | 1 - 80 min-1 used as Bond Index Tester: 70 min-1 with ball module / 46 min-1 with rod module |
電源數據: | 不同電壓 |
電源接頭: | 單相 |
防護類型 | IP 41 |
機體尺寸(寬x高x縱深) | 1500 x 1200 x 700 mm |
凈重 | ~ 306 kg |
標準 | CE |
The ball and the rod mill basically have the same concept comprising either a 12''x12'' jar with grinding balls or a 12''x24'' jar with grinding rods.
The jar is attached to a rotating yoke which is driven by a motor and can be placed in three different positions: Upwards for loading, horizontal for grinding, downwards for discharging.
To carry out the Bond Index test the pre-defined number of grinding balls or grinding rods is required. The electronic control integrated in the drive is equipped with an overload protection and permits and controls different speeds.
During the grinding process the difference in speeds between the balls / rods and grinding jar produces an interaction between frictional and impact forces, which releases the required comminution energy. The interplay between these forces produces a very effective degree of size reduction.