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FPH1 FPH1-001/005/025
參考價 | 面議 |
- 型號 FPH1-001/005/025
- 品牌 StemRD/美國
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 產品資料 查看pdf文檔
- 所在地 重慶市
更新時間:2017-01-03 16:11:27瀏覽次數:1402
FPH1 is a small molecule that increases proliferation of primary hepatocytes. FPH1 also promotes differentiation of iPS cells toward a hepatic lineage and enhances maturation of the differentiating cells toward a more mature phenotype. It is suggested to add FPH1 into the culture medium on day 1 and day 5 at a concentration of 15-20 μM to achieve desired effects in vitro.
Purity :
Greater than 98% as determined by LC/MS analysis. LC/MS and/or NMR data available upon request.
Biological Activity :
Not determined.
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