BXD51-2/16P防爆電纜盤 化工廠用防爆配電箱非標防爆配電箱、防爆配電箱廠、BXM51防爆配電箱多少錢
BXM51防爆照明配電箱 Q235碳鋼/鋼板多回路防爆照明配電箱BXD51-2/16P防爆電纜盤 化工廠用防爆配電箱
GB3836.1-2000,GB3836.2-2000, GB3836.3-2000、 GB12476.1-2000等效于舊C60079-0、IEC60079-1、 60079-7, IEC61241-1-1, EN50014, EN50018、EN50019
GB3836.1-2000, GB3836.2-2000, GB3836.3-2000, GB12476.1-2000witch is equieclent to IEC60079-0, IEC60079-1, 60079-7, IEC61241-1-1, EN50014, EN50018, EN50019
適用范圍 1.適用于1區、2區危險場所; 2.適用于nA、nB、nc類爆炸性氣體環境; 3.適用于可燃性粉塵場所。 | Application 1. Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. 2. Can be used in DA, n B group explosive atmosphere. 3. Can be used in flammable dust areas. |
1.本產品為復合型,開關箱采用隔爆型結構,母線箱及出線 箱采用增安型結構。采用模塊結構,各種回路可以自由選 擇組合; 2.本產品全面推出新型優化的設計方案及操作機構。 全新的設計方案優化了同內部元件,進出線腔接線端子, 面板布局配置等。使得產品結構更加合理、更經濟實惠、 性能更加完善。新型操作機構采用連動結構獨立操作 面板,采用卡扣方式安裝于內部元件上,結構緊湊合理、 通用性強、操作方便、手感好。并且設有自動導向功能,在 檢修后,蓋板可以輕松合上; 3.有特殊要求可特制; 4.鋼管或電纜布線均可; 5.戶外型加裝防雨罩。 | 1. The distrubution box is of compounded type structure, switch box is of flame -proof structure, busbar box and outlet box are of safety-increased structure. Adopts module structure, every circuit can be combined freely. 2. Modern design plan optimezes inner components, inlet and outlet chamber wiring terminals, panel layout etc. which makes moderate, economical structure and secure performance Modem patent operation structure adopts driving structure separated from operstion panel buckle structure mounted on components with compact structure, universal, easy usage and good feeling. With auotmatical leading function, the cover can be closed after overhauling. 3. The distribution box can be made specially. 4. Suitable for both steel pipe wiring and cable wiring. 5. Rainproof cover would be provided for outdoor type. |