閱讀:785 發布時間:2022-2-28又是一年春暖花開,喜氣洋洋。山東師范大學的李老師使用上海滬鼎生物自主品牌ELISA試劑盒在《PlantPhysiology and Biochemistry》期刊上發表的SCI文獻—— Positive effects of NaCl on the photoreaction and carbon assimilation efficiency in Suaeda salsa順利通過,同時恭賀李老師喜提上海滬鼎生物贈送的獎學金,這份獎項是激動人心的,無人代替的,并且感謝您對生物科研方面的貢獻。
【文獻標題】Positive effects of NaCl on the photoreaction and carbon assimilation efficiency in uaeda alsa
【作者單位】山東師范大學 Sangdong Normal University
植物 (ATP) ELISA試劑盒
【關鍵詞】photosynthesis and H+12 -ATPase activity in two Jerusalem artichoke varieties under
【關鍵詞】ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activase: product incooperativity, and magnesium activation. J. Biol. Chem. 290, 24222-2423
【關鍵詞】eans n=.Fig. 4. Effect of salinity on the FNR activity (a) and NADPH activity (b) of uaeda salsa.
【出版期刊】:《PlantPhysiology and Biochemistry》
Determination of the activities of ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate arboxylase and Rubisco activase A total of 0.3 g of mature leaves were placed in a pre-cooled mortar, and the leaves were ground on ice with chilled 50 mM Tris buffer at pH 7.4. The supernatant was extracted by ntrifugation and stored at -20 °C. The activity of FNR was assayed using a plant ELISA kit (Shanghai Huding Biotechnology Co., Ltd., shanghai, China). A microplate reader (Spectra Max M5; Molecular Devices, San Jose, CA, USA) was used to assay the activity of the enzyme according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Zhao et al., 2018). Three replicates were established for each concentration of NaCl.The activities of Rubisco and RCA were assayed as described for FNR.