Roche 12041677001;黑龍江供應Roche 12041677001;*Roche
北京諾博萊德科技有限公司供應Roche 12041677001 CDP-Star, ready-to-use量大優惠,咨詢 :
Roche 12041677001 CDP-Star, ready-to-use
Roche 3333574001 Terminal Transferase, recomb.
Roche Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki
Roche 11681460001 INT/BCIP stock solution
Roche 11207750910 Anti-digoxigenin-rhodamine
Roche 11745824910 Biotin-Nick translat.mix
Roche 11534378910 Tetramthylrhodamin-5-d-UTP, So
Roche 10881775001 RNA Polymerase, T7, 5000 U
Roche 11031171001 RNA Polymerase, T3, 5000 U
Roche DIG Oligo 3'-End Lab. Kit,2nd
Roche 10481238001 pBR322 DNA (1 A260 unit)
Roche 11388908910 Biotin-16-UTP
Roche 11745816910 DIG-Nick translat.mix sit
Roche 11093274910 Anti-digoxigenin AP-conjungate
Roche 10885819001 pUC18 DNA
Roche 11004760001 Random Primed DNA Labeling Kit
Roche 11207733910 Anti-digoxigenin POD-conjugate
Roche 11442066001 BM Blue POD Substrate, precipi
Roche 11633716001 Anti-Digoxigenin-POD (poly)
Roche 11585606910 DIG High Prime 160ul
Roche 11062590001 DNA MW-Marker VI
Roche 11277073910 DIG RNA Labeling Mixture, 10x
Roche DIG Gel Shift Kit, 2nd generat
Roche 11004794001 T4 DNA Polymerase, 500 U
Roche 11487671001 RNA Polymerase, SP6, 5000 u
Roche 11573179910 DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Sol
Roche 10633542001 Polynucleotide Kinase, 1000 U
Roche 11209299001 Nylon Membranes, 20 sheets
Roche 11585614910 DIG High Prime Lab./Det.Kit II
Roche 10716359001 DNA Ligase, T4, 500 units (1U/
Roche 10799009001 DNA Ligase, T4, 500 units (5U/
Roche 10713023001 Phosphatase,alkaline(AP),MB Gr
Roche 11097075001 Phosphatase,alkaline(AP),MB gr
Roche 11175025910 Dig-RNA labeling kit 1St
Roche 11175041910 Dig nucleic acid detection kit
Roche rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 500
Roche 12039672910 DIG-Northern Starter Kit
Roche 10976776001 Nick Translation Kit
Roche 11570013910 Digoxigenin-11-dUTP,stab.,Sol.
Roche 11093657910 DNA-lab/det-kit,nonradioactive
Roche 11363514910 DIG Luminescent Detection Kit
Roche 11585762001 DIG Wash and Block Buffer Set
Roche 11277057001 Ribonucleoside Triphosphate Se
Roche 11558706910 Digoxigenin-11-dUTP,stab.slt.
Roche DIG-11-UTP,LSg.,3,5mM,200nmol
Roche 11004786001 T4 DNA Polymerase, 100 U
Roche 11685597910 Biotin RNA Labeling Mix 10x
Roche 11685619910 Fluorescein RNA Label.Mix 10x
Roche 11666916001 Lumi-Film Chem.lum.Detect.F(7.
Roche 11096176001 Blocking Reagent
Roche DIG Oligo Tailing Kit, 2nd gen
Roche 10838292001 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 1000
Roche 10642720001 DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr
Roche 11175033910 DIG DNA Labeling Kit
Roche 11655884001 CSPD, 1ml
Roche 10236250001 DNA MW-Marker II
Roche 11008404001 Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,
Roche Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki
Roche 11426320001 Anti-Fluorescein
Roche 11585029001 NBT, Crystals, 5 g
Roche 11209264001 DNA MW-Marker VII
Roche 10810274001 RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u
Roche 11526529910 RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG 4
Roche 11585592001 High Prime
Roche 11759051001 CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml
Roche 11745832910 DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K
北京諾博萊德科技有限公司位于北京市海淀區,是一家專業從事生化試劑、分子生物學試劑、實驗耗材及實驗儀器研發、銷售、服務為一體的生物科技公司,公司主要經營的進口品牌包括Qiagen, Omega, Sigma, Invitrogen, Roche, Abcam, Santa cruz, Fermantas(MBI), NEB, BD, Peprotech, Abnova, R&D systerms, GE, Biovision, Millipore, Amresco, Merck, CST, Axygen, Corning, NUNC, Thermo fihser, Eppendorf 等;產品涉及化工原料、生化試劑、分子克隆相關試劑、細胞培養及檢測常用試劑、實驗室常用耗材及儀器
Roche 10822221001 Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u
Roche 11274040001 Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc
Roche 11097059001 Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.
Roche 10835277001 Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn
Roche 11362399001 Meganuclease I-Sce I
Roche 10814253001 Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000
Roche 11464825001 Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000
Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit
Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit
Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit
Roche 11288075001 Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I
Roche 11117807001 Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I
Roche 10693952001 Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u
Roche 10843547001 Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u
Roche 11062573001 Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I
Roche 10798983001 Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc
Roche 11418165001 Biotin Protein Labeling Kit
Roche 10909718001 Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u
Roche 10814245001 Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000
Roche 10835307001 Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U
Roche FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy
Roche 11585649910 Biotin High Prime 100ul
Roche 11585584001 High Prime DNA Labeling Kit
Roche 11426346910 Anti-Fluorescein-POD
Roche 11484281001 BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble
Roche 11332481001 Triton X-100, 5x10 ml
Roche 10800058001 Storage-Box
Roche 11667009001 Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st
Roche 11811002001 ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.
Roche 10109223001 RNA
Roche 11146173001 Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál
Roche 11427598910 Biotin-16-ddUTP
Roche 11934333001 mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B
Roche 11581074001 COT Human DNA
Roche Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP
Roche 11755633001 CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml
Roche 11480863001 DIG Oligo 5'-End Labeling Set
Roche 4743814001 Expand 20kb PLUS PCR System dN
Roche 10107921001 Nuclease S7
Roche 11758888001 HNPP Fluorescent Detection Set
Roche Biotin-11-CTP
Roche 11585738910 DIG Labeled Control DNA 50ul
Roche 11585746910 DIG Labeled Control RNA 50ul
Roche 11721615001 DNA MW-Marker XV
Roche High Pure 96 UF Cleanup Plates
Roche 11636154910 PCR Fluorescein Labeling Mix
Roche 11435094001 Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (20
Roche 11449451910 DNA MW Marker VIII, Digoxigeni
Roche 11681982001 AttoPhos Substrat Set
Roche 11814770001 DNA Isolation Kit for Cells an
Roche 11004875001 Histone H1
Roche 11647679001 Taq DNA Polymerase, 1unit/Ál (
Roche 11218611910 DNA Mol-weight Marker VI, Digo
Roche 11051440001 dATP
Roche 11051458001 dCTP
Roche 11051466001 2'-Deoxy-guanosine-5'-TP Solut
Roche 11051482001 dTTP, 25 Ámol
Roche 11420470001 dUTP, 25 Ámol
Roche 11585622910 Fluorescein High Prime 100ul
Roche 11922505001 Desoxy-NTP Set, slt.
Roche 11585541001 PCR Core Kit^PLUS
Roche Genopure Plasmid Maxi Kit
Roche Homogen.Caspases Assay, fluori
Roche High Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Ki
Roche 12236869001 Homogen.Caspases Assay,fluorim
Roche 10999644001 SP6/T7 Transkription Kit
Roche MagNA Pure LC Reaction Tip (small)
Roche MagNA Pure LC Sample Cartridge
Roche MagNA Pure LC Cartridge Seal
Roche MagNA Pure LC Processing Cartridge
Roche MagNA Pure LC Tip Stand
Roche MagNA Pure LC Waste Bag
Roche MagNA Pure LC 2.0 Waste Bag
Roche MagNA Pure LC Waste Bottle
Roche MPLC Disposable Start Kit
Roche MagNA Lyser Green Beads
Roche LightCycler 480 RNA Master Hydrolysis probes
Roche LightCycler 480 High Resolution Melting Master
Roche LightCycler 480 SYBR Green I Master, 5 x 1 ml
Roche 11855646001 DNA MW-Marker XVII
Roche 11140949001 UTP, lithium salt
Roche 11685627001 CDP-Star 1 ml
Roche Terminal Transferase,recombina
Roche 11666657001 Lumi-Film Chem.lum.Detect.Film
Roche 11333089001 Anti-Digoxigenin, Sheep
Roche 11417240001 Nylon Membranes, 1 roll
Roche 12041677001 CDP-Star, ready-to-use
- 11585614910Roche 羅氏 標記及檢測啟動裝II
- 11745832910Roche DIG-High Prime DNA Labeling and Detection S
- 供應FS Universal SYBR Green Master 羅氏 4913914001
- Roche05582903001;長春供應Roche05582903001;*Roche055
- Roche05582873001;成都供應Roche05582873001 ;*Roche0
- Roche05582881001 ;昆明供應Roche05582881001 ;*Roche0
- Roche05582849001;蘭州供應Roche05582849001 ;*Roche05
- Roche05582865001;石家莊供應Roche05582865001;*Roche05
- Roche05582652001;哈爾濱供應Roche05582652001 ;*Roche0
- Roche05582822001 ;黑龍江供應Roche05582822001 ;*Roche
- Roche05532833001;重慶供應Roche05532833001 ;*Roche05
- Roche05582644001;天津供應Roche05582644001;*Roche055
- Roche04683633001;上海供應Roche04683633001 ;*Roche04
- Roche04683641001;北京供應Roche04683641001;*Roche046
- Roche04683650001;烏魯木齊供應Roche04683650001;*Roche0
- Roche04869877001;銀川供應Roche04869877001;*Roche048
- Roche05046114001;呼和浩應Roche05046114001;*Roche0
- Roche05046149001;海口供應Roche05046149001;*Roche050
- Roche05046157001;福州供應Roche05046157001 ;*Roche05
- Roche05046165001;廣州供應Roche05046165001;*Roche050
- Roche05046173001;南昌供應Roche05046173001;*Roche050
- Roche05190525001;杭州供應Roche05190525001 ;*Roche05
- Roche05189268001;南寧供應Roche05189268001;*Roche051
- Roche05189284001;貴陽供應Roche05189284001;*Roche051
- Roche05189390001;南京供應Roche05189390001;*Roche051
- Roche05190541001;武漢供應Roche05190541001 ;*Roche05
- Roche05046246001;合肥供應Roche05046246001;*Roche050
- Roche05046190001;太原供應Roche05046190001 ;*Roche05
- Roche05046211001;濟南供應Roche05046211001;*Roche050
- Roche5046203001;鄭州供應Roche5046203001;*Roche50462
- Roch05046220001;西安供應Roch05046220001;*Roch050462
- Roche04684974001 ;西寧供應Roche04684974001 ;*Roche0
- Roche04685008001;沈陽供應Roche04685008001;*Roche046
- Roche04685016001;長春供應Roche04685016001;*Roche046
- Roche03730972001;成都供應Roche03730972001 ;*Roche03
- Roche04802993001;昆明供應Roche04802993001;批發促狹Roche048
- Roche03753166001;蘭州供應Roche03753166001;*Roche037
- Roche04659180001;石家莊供應Roche04659180001;*Roche04
- Roche04805160001;*Roche04805160001;哈爾濱供應Roche04
- Roche06366821001;黑龍江供應Roche06366821001 ;*Roche0