






上海君翼儀器設備有限公司>>氣體檢測儀>>臭氧檢測儀>> Model 211免擦洗紫外臭氧分析儀Model 211免擦洗紫外臭氧分析儀

Model 211免擦洗紫外臭氧分析儀Model 211免擦洗紫外臭氧分析儀

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  • 上海君翼儀器設備有限公司
  • 2015-06-11 15:02:09
  • 上海市
  • 1629



Model 211免擦洗紫外臭氧分析儀:



The new Model 212 Scrubberless Ozone Monitor uses the proven ultraviolet (UV) absorption method with an innovative gas-phase scrubber technology to measure ozone virtually free from interferences. In the reference mode, the instrument uses the reaction between ozone and nitric oxide (NO) to selectively remove ozone from the sample. This reaction is orders of magnitude faster than with any other ambient gas, resulting in the removal of only ozone and not potentially interfering compounds that absorb UV light. The instrument is ideally suited for measurements of ozone in heavily polluted air where interference is likely from particulates, mercury, or VOCs. The ozone monitor combines the stability of our proven dual beam ozone monitors with our selective scrubber technology to provide accurate ozone measurements in the most polluted air.

The gas-phase scrubber technology uses NO to quantitatively react with ozone and remove it from the sample. This reaction has long been used as a gas phase titration for the measurement of either NO or O3. In the Scrubberless Ozone Monitor, a low concentration of NO is added to the sample to generate ozone-free, reference air. The light intensity is measured in the reference and sample modes, and the concentration of ozone is calculated directly from Beer's Law. Nitric oxide can be supplied from an external NO cylinder and will provide over a year of gas supply. Alternatively, nitric oxide can be generated inside the instrument using an optional photolytic NO generator and an external cylinder of nitrous oxide (N2O), which is non-toxic, non-corrosive and relatively inexpensive.

All 2B Tech ambient air monitors offer remote instrument operation via RS-232, choice of averaging time (2 s to 1 hr), analog output (0-2.5 V), current output (4-20 mA), internal data logger, and optional flash memory. Our data display and graphing software allows continuous display of data which can be saved for offline analysis


  • Virtually interference-free measurement of ambient ozone
  • Free of signal quenching interferences inherent to chemiluminescence methods
  • DewLine™ for elimination of water vapor interference, a unique feature of 2B Tech instruments
  • Inexpensive, simple, and robust instrument design in a 19” rack mount enclosure
  • Touchscreen display
  • Internal data logger and USB flash memory
  • Dual beam optical bench with high precision
  • Stable calibration (calibration suggested annually)
  • Electronic sample and nitric oxide flow control
  • Internal long-life sample pump
  • Under evaluation as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM)
  • Convenient user interface, including remote operation via RS-232 communication
  • Optional internal NO generator using non-toxic, noncorrosive nitrous oxide (N2O)


  • GPS for continuous logging of latitude, longitude and altitude
  • External particle filter



Measurement Principle UV Absorption at 254 nm; Dual Beam
Linear Dynamic Range 0.5 ppb to 2.0 ppm
Resolution 0.1 ppb
Precision (1σ; rms noise) Greater of 0.5 ppb or 1% of reading for 10-s average
Accuracy Greater of 1.0 ppb or 2% of reading
Limit of Detection (2σ) 1.0 ppb
NIST-Traceable Calibration Yes
Flow Rate (nominal) ~2 Liter/min
Flow Rate Requirement >1.2 L/min
Baseline Drift

<1 ppb/day
<3 ppb/year

Sensitivity Drift


Measurement Time, Frequency 2 s, 0.5 Hz
Response Time, 100% of Step Change 4 s for 2-s averaging; 20 s for 10-s averaging
Averaging Times 2 s, 10 s, 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr
Internal Data Logger Capacity 14,336 lines (10 s avg. = 1.4 days; 1 min avg = 10 days; 5 min avg = 1.4 mo;
1 hr avg = 1.6 yr); Virtually unlimited capacity with USB Flash Drive
Ozone Units ppb, ppm, pphm, µg m-3, mg m-3
Pressure Units mbar, torr
Temperature Units °C, K
T and P Corrected Yes
Operating Temperature Range 10 to 50 °C
Operating Altitude Range ~0-30 km (~30-1000 mbar)
Power Requirement;
Supplied by Battery or 110/220 VAC Power Pack
12 V dc or 120/240 V ac, 1.1 A at 12 V, 13 watt; 8 watt with Touch Screen off
Size Rackmount: 17" w x 14.5" d x 5.5" h (43 x 37 x 14 cm)
Weight 14.3 lb (6.5 kg)
Analog Inputs for Internal Logging of Other Instruments 3 Analog Inputs, 0-2.5 V; For example could log external T, P and RH
Data Outputs Touch Screen Display, USB, RS232, 0-2.5 V Analog, Optional 4-20 mA Analog
Data Transfer Baud Rates 1200, 2400, 4800, 19200
Output Ranges User Defined Scaling Factor in Menu
DewLine™ Yes
Long Life Pump Yes, 20,000 hr
Flow Meter Yes
Options GPS, Lamp Heater; Bluetooth for wireless data transmission


System Includes

  • Model 211 Scrubberless Ozone Monitor
  • AC Power Adapter (100-240 VAC to 12 VDC) with Country-Specific Plug
  • Zeroing Cartridge
  • Operation Manual on CD
  • Calibration Data and NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate
  • Instrument Birth Certificate
  • One Year Warranty
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