超聲波探傷標準試塊 著色滲透探傷劑/顯像劑/滲透劑/清洗劑 磁粉檢測試塊/磁粉探傷試塊 磁粉探傷耗材 多用磁粉探傷儀 移動式磁粉探傷儀 磁粉磁軛探傷儀/磁探儀 X射線報警儀/個人計量儀 暗室紅燈/三色燈/警告燈 超聲波探傷儀/測厚儀 退磁機/線圈退磁器 冷熱觀片燈/工業評片燈 強度計/特斯拉計/高斯計 數顯黑白密度計/密度片 超聲波探傷耗材 射線探傷耗材 磁粉、磁膏、磁懸液 熒光探傷燈 高強度紫外線燈 紫外線黑光燈/LED黑光燈/熒光探傷燈 工業X光膠片 JB行業標準試塊 GB國家標準試塊 焊縫自然缺陷試塊 CSK-IA超聲波試塊 超聲波檢測試塊 *標準試塊與其他*標準試塊 工業恒溫洗片機、干片機 進口 超聲波耦合劑 其它
ASTME B型,C型,R型試片
試板(ASTME709 20,8,3)用于觸頭,磁軛測試系統的測試,ASTME709為電火花刻槽
Product:Test plece of magnetic pardcles
Test quallty:sample
Test Standard:ASTME709 20.8.3
inspection iterms:The condiyion, method demand of the test
Colour:Metal surface presents bright silver no rust no scatch no corrnsion and so on
Planeness:Put test piece on bare board parallel compley no wrinkle no burts the surface,s roughness RA is 0.006in
The sizc of sheetiron and culting groove:The side length of test piece tested by milscale is 0.75in *0.75in The
average thickness of test picece C
IS0.002in The artificial deiect symbol tested by precision microsope are both on the center of the test piece The
diameter of symbol is 0.5in
The thickness of test piece C is 0.002in the groove depth is 0.0006in the groove width is 0.005in
Quailty:the PHYSICS and chemistry test show the result that the metal is made from 1005 sl park electromagnetic
pure ironplate
The analytic resut of raw materiais accords with the rule of GB6985