- 公司名稱 東方銳進(香港)有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號
- 產地 芬蘭Kibron
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2017/7/18 6:01:26
- 訪問次數 1030
主要特點 Delta-8是專為高通量表面張力測量專門設計的產品,可應用于藥物的研發、表面活性劑開發、adsorption isotherms的測量等領域。 Delta-8是一款全自動的表面張力儀,平行擁有8個天平來測量表面張力。Delta-8使用耐用的金屬絲探針代替昂貴的威廉板和Du Nuoy環,測量前的探針自動清洗過程使得儀器的維護非常簡單。Delta-8使用標準的96孔板,減少樣品量的消耗,高通量的測試也*的降低了人力。 儀器介紹 Delta-8 eliminates the drawbacks of conventional surface tension research by automation, miniaturization, and by ease of use and maintainance. Use of eight parallel microbalances, disposable microtiter plates, and automated du-Nouy probe cleaning unit allows researchers to focus on results instead of paying attention to instrumentation. The surface tension measurement used in the Delta-8 is based on the Du Nouy maximum pull force method, i.e. the maximum force exerted by the surface tension is recorded as the probe is withdrawn from the solution. Schematic illustration of measurement principle and the forces acting on the probe in a gas–liquid interface. Fp is the force acting on the probe, Fb is the lift due to buoyancy (weight of the displaced liquid), γgl is the surface tension, mm is the weight of the meniscus under the probe (the volume displaced by the probe is included in the meniscus), and q is the contact angle between the probe and the solution being measured. The latter is negligible in most cases.