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Trelleborg Trelleborg特瑞堡密封系統-氣動密封件





Parker流體連接件分銷商: Parker派克液壓管閥件產品 - 派克漢尼汾一站式流體連接件供應商,為石油天然氣、船舶海洋工程、交通運輸、汽車工業、行走機械、建筑機械、采礦、冶金、電力以及醫療等行業提供優質解決方案。Emreto Tube Fittings , Tema, Rectus , Legris以及SenoControl診斷測量產品等 ;Snap-tite高壓液壓快速接頭 、NGV產品、CNG拉斷閥、液壓閥及消防水帶 ;Autoclave Engineer超高壓針閥、球閥、單向閥、安全閥、儀表閥、不銹鋼管、接頭,氣驅液壓泵、高溫高壓磁力泵, 高溫高壓反應釜、管式反應器、小型反應系統等。

Deublin旋轉接頭 :專業生產各種精密旋轉接頭、蒸汽接頭和導電滑環的廠家 。


Barksdale工業應用控制類儀表:Barksdale controls for industrial applications, specializing in the control and measurement of fluids, 工業應用控制類產品制造商,公司專攻流體控制與檢測領域。

Dynalco控制儀表:Dynalco Instruments & Controls for Rotating Equipment in Demanding Applications; Dynalco Speed Sensors, Tachometers and Speed Switches。

OPW流體輸送產品: 專門為石化行業提供專業化的油氣儲運和成品油銷售系統解決方案及相關的自動化、系統集成和工程服務。油氣儲運和成品油銷售系統解決方案及相關的自動化、系統集成和工程服務;產品范圍:涵蓋了從非常專業化的技術產品到計量與控制系統再到整套設施自動化系統。機械、電子、自動控制和管理一體化的撬裝發油臺,亦被稱為機、電、控、管一體化交鑰匙設備,該設備運至油庫現場后只要連接油品管線、添加劑管線、控制電纜和電源電纜就可投入運轉,大大縮短了安裝、調試和試車時間,為油庫節約了試車成本,縮短了施工周期,從而取得了良好的經濟效益。油庫自動化監控系統、智能裝車儀、石化數據采集、緊急停車系統;裝車系統、定量裝車系統廠家、油庫安全管理、數字化工廠、智能化工廠、油庫自動化 ; 流體輸送解決方案: Kamlok, Autolok, Drylok, Kamvalok, Epsilon, Hiltap干式快換接頭/快速接頭;旋轉接頭,超低溫安全拉斷閥,灌裝鶴管,化工鶴管,LNG鶴管及輸油臂;工業流量視鏡、ISO-RING儀表隔離環及Civacon罐車配套等化工及工業市場產品。

Danfoss authorized distributor 丹佛斯中國簽約經銷商 Danfoss Hose, tubing, fittings and connectors 軟管、接頭、配件和流體連接器: 丹佛斯軟管和軟管接頭具有廣泛的工作壓力范圍、優異的耐磨性、持久的耐用性和高性能的傳輸能力,為世界各地的各種設備和應用提供流體輸送解決方案,包括車輛、飛機、采礦、食品和飲料以及移動和工業設備。




 品牌:Trelleborg特瑞堡  加工定制:否  類型:密封圈  
 材質:橡膠  型號:Trelleborg   
Pneumatic Seals - Rod, Piston, Static and Compact Seals
特瑞堡 密封系統提供專為氣動應用設計的一系列產品,在這些應用中,氣缸和閥由氣體致動。它們工作于動態應用中,往往運用于旋轉或往復運動中,工作速度較高。此外,當標準產品不適用于某些應用時,也可開發定制解決方案。

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions supplies a number of seals, wear rings and scrapers / wipers specifically engineered for pneumatic applications, where cylinders and valves are actuated by air. Pneumatic seals operate in dynamic applications, often at high speeds, generally with rotary or reciprocating motions. In addition, where a standard product type is not suitable, custom solutions can be developed.


Any Trelleborg pneumatic seal is manufactured in optimized materials including Zurcon polyurethane andTurcon Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) based material. Zurcon provides exceptional resistance to wear, abrasion and tearing. It also demonstrates outstanding durability, high breaking elongation and excellent elasticity. Turcon has the advantage of no stick-slip, excellent friction characteristics and high resistance to wear.
全磁活塞Complete Magnet Piston

全磁活塞以其雙作用操作、動態密封性能、導向特性和機械端部緩沖等特點,滿足了氣動行業的大量技術要求。NBR O形環充當靜態密封件,在集成磁鐵檢測位置時密封桿尺寸、磁通量、回位彈簧槽均可根據具體要求定制。The Complete Magnet Piston fulfills a large number of technical requirements within the pneumatics industry with its double-acting operation, dynamic sealing capability, guidance feature and mechanical end cushioning. An NBR O-Ring acts as a static seal and seals the rod while an integrated magnet detects position. The dimension, magnet flux and return spring groove can all be customized to specific requirements.

工程模壓橡膠零件 Engineered Molded Elastomeric Parts

使用種類廣泛的標準和特殊橡膠(包括Isolast)定制的密封件及其它組件,差距甚微的公差值可以服務各式各樣的工業應用。作為您的發展伙伴,特瑞堡密封系統致力與您一同設計,研發和供應定制工程模壓零件以滿足您的應用要求 Specialized molded parts with small profiles and specific cross sections can be offered according to ISO 3301-1/M1. Custom-molded parts and static seals are manufactured to close tolerances in a wide range of engineered materials. These are developed in conjunction with Trelleborg Sealing Solutions to the specific requirements of the customer.

氣動緩沖密封件Pneumatic Cushioning Seal

提供在汽缸內沖程終了減震,不需要止回閥。高性能密封材料聚氨酯使用起來非常友好,提供自動對中止回閥功能和簡單地彎曲安裝。 Cushioning seals provide end-of-stroke damping in pneumatic cylinders, eliminating the need for check valves. These polyurethane, high performance seal elements are user-friendly and provide an automatic centering check valve function and easy, snap-in installation.

適用于活塞和活塞桿的氣動格萊圈 Pneumatic Glyd Ring for Pistons and Rods

雙作用格萊圈可以用作孔或者桿的密封件,包括一個滑動密封體和一個彈性O型圈。這意味著要求更小的安裝空間。不同的材料組合為需要*小化靜態和動態摩擦力,低黏滑,高速或者寬溫度范圍的特殊的氣動應用提供合適的方案。 Double-acting Glyd Ring is available as piston or rod seal and is comprised of a slipper seal and an energizing O-Ring. This means less installation space is required. Different material combinations provide solutions suitable for special pneumatic applications where minimum static and dynamic friction, low stick-slip, high speed performance or wide temperature range are required.

氣動活塞密封件 Pneumatic Piston Seal

氣動產品范圍包括用于活塞用途的單作用和雙作用的聚氨酯密封件,這些密封件用特別耐磨的材料制成,裝入很小的溝槽,安裝簡單.這些氣動活塞密封件建議用于標準氣缸和磁性驅動的氣缸. The pneumatic product range offers single- and double-acting seals for piston applications. Made from extremely wear resistant material including Zurcon polyurethane and FKM, these seals fit into small housings and are easily installed. The pneumatic piston seal range is recommended for standard and pneumatic cylinders with dry air.

氣動桿密封件和桿密封件-防塵圈組合 Pneumatic Rod Seal and Rod Seal - Scraper Combination

氣動桿密封件有標準的聚氨酯唇式密封件和桿密封件-防塵圈組合的品種,用于封閉式和開放式溝槽.特殊的聚氨酯復合物提供耐磨性好、摩擦小和價格便宜.建議用于標準缸(與單獨的防塵圈一起安裝,或者作為桿密封件-防塵圈組合). Pneumatic rod seals are available as lip seals and rod seal/scraper combinations for closed and open housings. Special materials provide high abrasion resistance and low friction cost-effectively. They are recommended for applications in standard cylinders, installed with a separate scraper or as rod seal/scraper combination for dry air.

氣動防塵圈 Pneumatic Scraper / Scraper for Guiding Units

2個品種的防塵圈,很容易裝入開放式或半開放式溝槽,柔性特別好的唇口設計保護氣缸避免污染,對于型號AWBB,建議空間*好是3 mm長(僅導向單元) These two versions of scrapers snap easily into open or semi-open grooves. Their special flexible lip design protects the cylinder from contamination. Where space is at a premium, the 3 mm / .118 in long type AWBB, is recommended (guiding units only).

氣動耐磨環,用于活塞和桿 Pneumatic Wear Rings for Pistons and Rods

用于氣動的各種密封件和耐磨環,針對*常用尺寸的活塞和桿.導向環是用專門開發的自潤滑塑性材料制成的,摩擦小、耐磨、長期壓縮穩定性好和使用壽命長. A complete range of seals and bearings for pneumatics including the most common dimensions for pistons and rods. The guide rings are made of a specially developed, self-lubricating plastic material to provide low friction, wear resistance, long term compression stability and excellent service life.

橡膠-金屬和橡膠-塑料粘合零件Rubber-to-Metal and Rubber-to-Plastic Bonded Parts

對于某些應用,自定義密封*適合。作為您的開發合作伙伴,Trelleborg密封解決方案可以與您合作,設計、開發和供應符合您要求的橡膠金屬零件和粘合密封件黃銅、鋁、鋼或不銹鋼等金屬可與所有彈性體類型結合。For certain applications custom seals are most suited. As your development partner, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions can work with you to design, develop and supply rubber-metal parts and bonded seals to your requirements. Metal such as brass, aluminum, steel or stainless steel can be offered with bonding to all elastomer types.

聚氨酯材料特殊和定制解決方案 Special and Customized Solutions in Polyurethane

聚氨酯材料擁有優異的彈性和優化的耐磨性。出色的拉伸強度和低壓縮形變在氣動工業中使得大多數密封應用成為可能。適合特定應用的定制密封件,作為您的發展伙伴,特瑞堡密封系統能夠幫助您設計,開發和提供精密組件和密封系統滿足您的要求。 Polyurethane materials have excellent elastic properties and optimum abrasion resistance. Outstanding tensile strength and low compression set offers numerous possibilities for sealing applications within the pneumatic industry. For certain applications custom seals are most suited. As your development partner, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions can work with you to design, develop and supply precision elements and sealing systems suited to your requirements.

Trelleborg 特瑞堡密封系統是的密封解決方案供應商。 我們的產品范圍包括 O形圈 , 液壓密封件 , 旋轉密封件 , 油封 , 靜態密封件 , 氣動密封件 , 機械端面密封件等等。 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is a leading global supplier of sealing solutions. Our range of products includes O-Rings , hydraulic seals , rotary shaft seals , oil seals , static seals , pneumatic seals , mechanical face seals and many more.


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