產地類別 | 國產 | 過濾效率 | 顆粒物(0.5μm)去除率>99.99% |
價格區間 | 5萬-10萬 | 滅菌劑 | 過氧化氫 |
殺滅率 | 99.99 | 應用領域 | 醫療衛生,環保,食品,化工,電子 |
消毒機器人 | 消毒可以自動充電,也可以手動充電。 | 過氧化氫消毒器 | 自主消毒,自主避障 |
操作系統 operating system
| 安卓6.0操作系統為開發平臺 Android 6.0 operating system as the development platform
外觀設計 Appearance design
| 外觀精美,線條流,做工精致,整體具有鮮明的科技感 The appearance is exquisite, the lines are flowing, the workmanship is exquisite, and the whole has a distinct sense of science and technology
人形外表,殼體光澤度好,親切大的面部表情 Human appearance, good shell gloss and friendly facial expression
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機器人無尖銳的金屬部件裸露,機身外殼和可操作部分無鋒利邊角,關節牢固,外表緊密,不易順壞。 The robot has no exposed sharp metal parts, the body shell and operable parts have no sharp edges and corners, the joints are firm, the appearance is tight, and it is not easy to be damaged.
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高度在130cm,體重60kg,底盤直徑53cm。 The height is 130cm, the weight is 60kg, and the chassis diameter is 53cm.
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下身運動性能 Lower body performance | 可以行走,轉圈,可以急停。 You can walk, turn, and stop.
可以自動充電,也可以手動充電。 It can be charged automatically or manually.
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配套防滑橡膠輪,不打滑。 It is equipped with anti-skid rubber wheels without slipping.
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可以自主導航行走,自主規劃路線,自動生成平面地圖。 It can navigate and walk independently, plan routes independently, and automatically generate plane maps.
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可以設置虛擬路線,用于固定路線行走。 Virtual route can be set for fixed route walking.
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激光雷達導航,激光探測距離25m,精度2cm,防陽光干擾,可以自主規劃路線也可以建立虛擬路線,在避障前提下可以繞開障礙物。 Lidar navigation, with laser detection distance of 25m, accuracy of 2cm, anti sunlight interference, can independently plan routes or establish virtual routes, and can bypass obstacles on the premise of avoiding obstacles.
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導航運動速度在0~1m/s可以調節。 The navigation speed can be adjusted within 0 ~ 1m / s. | |
遙控器控制行走速度在0.4~1m/s可以調節。 The traveling speed controlled by the remote controller can be adjusted at 0.4 ~ 1m / s | |
激光雷達掃描角度:360度*。 Lidar scanning angle: 360 degrees, no dead angle. | |
消毒功能 Disinfection function | 噴霧試消毒,噴霧方向可調節,可以做到60度角到180度角范圍。 Spray test disinfection, spray direction can be adjusted, can achieve 60 degrees to 180 degrees angle range. |
消毒液容量30L。 The volume of disinfectant is 30L. | |
噴霧距離2~6m。 Spray distance 2~6m. | |
人工加消毒液。 Add disinfectant manually
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避障 Obstacle avoidance | 超聲波避障,有5~7個超聲波(看結構而定),超聲波有效距離1.5m. Ultrasonic obstacle avoidance: there are 5 ~ 7 ultrasonic waves (depending on the structure), and the effective distance of ultrasonic wave is 1.5m |
激光避障,并且可以繞開障礙物,避障距離可以設置。 Laser obstacle avoidance, and can bypass obstacles, and the obstacle avoidance distance can be set | |
超聲和激光*融合一體,避障反應速度靈敏,可在0.1S有觸發信號。 Ultrasound and laser are fully integrated, obstacle avoidance reaction speed is sensitive, and trigger signal can be provided in 0.1s | |
機器人下身底部有4個紅外光電傳感器環狀安裝。 Four infrared photoelectric sensors are installed in a ring at the bottom of the robot's lower body | |
機器人下身有防撞條,輕碰障礙物后會后退并且繞開。 The robot has an anti-collision strip on its lower body. It will retreat and bypass after gently touching an obstacle. | |
語音播放 Voice playback | 到餐桌后播放菜品名稱是文字語音合成(可以中、英文)。 When you arrive at the table, the name of the dish is text speech synthesis (Chinese and English). |
到餐桌后播放自定義語音是MP3文件,遇到障礙物播放語音是MP3文件(可以任意國家語言)。 Playing custom voice after the dinner table is an MP3 file, and playing voice when encountering obstacles is an MP3 file (any national language can be used). | |
顯示器 monitor | 11寸十點觸摸全角屏幕,亮度大于250cd/m2,屏幕比例16:9。 分辨率:1920*1080 FULLHD。 11 inch ten point touch full angle screen with brightness greater than 250cd / m2 and screen ratio of 16:9. Resolution: 1920 * 1080 Fullhd. |
顯示尺寸:22x14 cm。 Display size: 22x14 cm. | |
電腦配置 Computer configuration | 2G運行內存,8G儲存內存(接內存卡可以擴展)。 2G operation memory and 8g storage memory (connected to the memory card can be expanded). |
獨立USB口,獨立網口,獨立音頻口,獨立麥克風口。 Independent USB port, independent network port, independent audio port and independent microphone outlet. | |
可以wafi上網,可以連4G卡,有藍牙模塊。 You can surf the Internet with Wafi, connect to 4G card and have Bluetooth module. | |
續航能力 Endurance capability | 24V20AH聚合物鋰電池,可防水,充滿可以用9小時。 24v20ah polymer lithium battery, waterproof, can be filled for 9 hours. |
充電:慢充6小時充滿(推薦使用,因為對電池損耗不大),快充2~3小時充滿(不推薦,因為對電池損耗大)。 Charging: slow charging for 6 hours (recommended because of small battery loss), fast charging for 2 ~ 3 hours (not recommended because of large battery loss). | |
帶電量顯示模塊。 Electric quantity display module. | |
電量低時候可以自己回去充電。 When the battery is low, you can go back and charge it yourself. | |
軟件功能 software function | 可以遠程升級,圖形化的用戶使用界面。 It can be upgraded remotely and has a graphical user interface. |
可以語音對話模式打開業務查詢平臺。 You can open the service query platform in voice dialogue mode. | |
材料 Material Science | 塑料+玻璃纖維+亞克力+金屬鐵板。 Plastic + glass fiber + acrylic + metal iron plate. |
表面工藝 Surface technology | 噴漆。Painting. |