MSO72004C回收示波器回收 二手MSO72004C 混合信號示波器收購
- 公司名稱 東莞市亞宸電子有限公司
- 品牌
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- 產地
- 廠商性質
- 更新時間 2017/9/7 11:56:46
- 訪問次數 349
二手MSO72004C 混合信號示波器收購
主要特點和優點*折衷的帶寬性能-全四通道上高達33 GHz,上升時間 快達9 ps,在高速串行標準上執行測量業界的高采樣率和定時分辨率在2 通道上提供了100 GS/s 的采樣率
帶寬 (用戶可以選擇DSP 增強功能) 4 GHz 6 GHz 8 GHz 12.5 GHz 16 GHz 20 GHz 25 GHz 33 GHz
硬件模塊帶寬(-3 dB) 4 GHz 6 GHz 8 GHz 12.5 GHz 16 GHz (典型值) 16 GHz (典型值) 25 GHz 33 GHz
李生 :(同號)
輸入通道數量 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
邏輯通道數 (僅MSO70000) 16 16 16 16 16 16
上升時間10% - 90%
(典型值) 98 ps 65 ps 49 ps 32 ps 24.5 ps 18 ps 16 ps 12.5 ps
上升時間20% - 80%
(典型值) 68 ps 45 ps 34 ps 22 ps 17 ps 14 ps 12 ps 9 ps
垂直噪聲(% 的滿刻度)
(典型值)*1 0.28% 0.32% 0.35% 0.36% 0.42% 0.59% 0.58% 0.58%
帶寬極限 視儀器型號而定: 32 GHz - 1 GHz,1 GHz 步進,或500 MHz
Think about this the next time you find yourself serving as a sounding board for someone else’s problems. Pretend, just for a few minutes, to be your dog, as if you can do nothing but listen sympathetically and nod. (Just don’t lick anyone’s face. It probably won’t end well).
僅硬件帶寬設置:33, 25, 20 和16 GHz
通道間隔離度(垂直刻度設置相等的任意兩條通道) ≥ 120:1 (輸入信號頻率在0 到10GHz) ≥ 80:1 (輸入信號頻率在10 到12GHz)
≥ 50:1(輸入信號頻率在12 到15GHz) ≥ 25:1 (輸入信號頻率大于15GHz)
≥ 20:1 (輸入信號頻率>20 GHz - 33 GHz)
DC 增益精度 讀數的± 2%
任意兩條通道之間的延遲(典型值) 對V/div 和耦合設置相等的任意兩條通道≤ 100 ps;在啟
Whether it’s been five seconds, five minutes, or five years, our dogs always greet us with a yip and a wagging tail. This likely has to do with that so-called short-term memory problem I mentioned earlier, but again, this works in our favor.
用帶寬增強功能(BW+)時≤ 50 ps
有效位數(典型值) 5.5 bits*2
信噪比 (典型值) 34 dB
輸入耦合 DC (50 Ω), GND
輸入阻抗 50 歐姆± 3%, 使用TCA-1MEG 適配器時1 兆歐
18GHz 和以下 10 mV/div - 500 mV/div (100 mV - 5 V 滿刻度)
20GHz 和19GHz 20 - 500 mV/div (200 mV - 5 V 滿刻度)
33 GHz and below 6.25 mV/div - 120 mV/div (62.5 mV - 1.2 V 滿刻度)
A dog treats each time he sees someone he loves as an opportunity to rejoice and reunite. Imagine how much sweeter our interpersonal relationships would be if we treated each other that way.
輸入電壓, 50 Ω <5.0 VRMSfor ≥100 mV/div; 1.0 VRMS for <100 mV/div 1.2VRMS
10 mV/div – 99.5 mV/div ±(0.35% (偏置值位置) + 1.5 mV + 1% 的滿刻度)
100 mV/div – 500 mV/div. ±(0.35% (偏置值位置) + 7.5 mV + 1% 的滿刻度)
10 mV/div: ±450 mV
20 mV/div: ±400 mV
50 mV/div: ±250 mV
100 mV/div: ±2.0 V
200 mV/div: ±1.5 V
500 mV/div: ±0.0 V
+3.4 V - -3.4 V
We share our food, our beds, and our spot on the couch with them, and never once do we complain. If we do, it’s a half-hearted complaint while the dog casually raises his head from his position in the middle of the bed, gives a look that, roughly interpreted, means “Yeah, right,” and goes back to sleep.
端接電壓范圍 +3.4 V to –3.4 V
帶內平坦度 (20, 50, 100, 250 mV/div) (典型值) 直到標稱帶寬的50% 為± 0.5 dB
波形位置范圍 ±5 div
垂直分辨率 8 位(采用平均功能時11 位)
*1 50 mV/div, 帶寬濾波器打開
*2 50 mV/div, 帶寬濾波器打開, 帶寬高達13 GHz, 采樣率
*3 還取決于TekConnect附件。
MSO72004C回收示波器回收 二手MSO72004C 混合信號示波器收購
MSO72004C回收示波器回收 二手MSO72004C 混合信號示波器收購