099C E2000 美國Glas-Col手動微型研磨器 Complete mill/HOMOGENIZER
- 公司名稱 上海涸宇機電科技有限公司
- 品牌 其他品牌
- 型號 099C E2000
- 產地
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2024/10/6 14:54:47
- 訪問次數 1327
聯系方式:范先生17317611498 查看聯系方式
產地類別 | 進口 | 出料粒度 | 0.01mm以下 |
價格區間 | 5千-1萬 | 樣品適用 | 硬性樣品 |
儀器種類 | 研磨機 |
099C E2000美國Glas-Col手動微型研磨器 Complete mill/HOMOGENIZER
指甲均質化器是一種手持式磨碎機,可以輕易粉碎小的指甲樣本,用于更可靠的皮膚病測試。當處理10% KOH時,微粉化的樣品迅速均勻地分布在蓋層下面,使研究更容易,更準確。使用指甲均質劑提取的同類樣品增加了在標本中發現真菌菌絲的機會。此外,使用霧化樣本增加了培養隔離的可能性,通過允許更多的潛在活真菌細胞進入直接con - tact與隔離培養基。
099C E2000美國Glas-Col手動微型研磨器 Complete mill/HOMOGENIZER
The Nail Homogenizer is a hand-held attrition mill that easily pulverizes small nail samples for more reliable dermatological testing. When treated with 10% KOH, the micronized samples spread out rapidly and evenly beneath a cover slip, making study easier and more accurate. The homogeneous sample derived from using the Nail Homogenizer increases the chances of discovering fungal hyphae in a specimen. Additionally, using pulverized samples increases the possibility of culture isolation by permitting greater numbers of potentially viable fungal cells to come into direct con- tact with the isolation medium.Pulverizing in the Nail Homogenizer is a simple task, and laboratory safety is improved since no sharp-edged tools are required. The technician places a specimen in the mill cavity, presses the two mill halves together, and rotates the halves in opposite directions several times. This process is successful with other tough, resilient materials in addition to nail clippings.Cutting head inserts are replaceable, and the entire unit is autoclavable in preparation for the next sample
Construction: 100% stainless steel.Work Surface Of Cutting Head Diameter:.625".
Clearance Between Cutting Heads:Adjustable (set at .004").
Overall Diameter: 2".
Overall Height: 1.5".
099C E2000
099C E2000美國Glas-Col手動微型研磨器Complete mill/HOMOGENIZER
- 1000ml 500ml 進口Glas-Col高溫鋁質硬殼燒瓶加熱套650度
- 108A TOW-TCM12 美國Glas-Col 12通道溫度數據記錄儀 12-Channel Data Logger
- 100B TM573/TM577 進口美國Glas-Col樹脂實驗硬殼加熱套 適用于康寧6947Corning玻璃
- 100B TM567/TM569 美國Glas-Col樹脂反應硬殼加熱包 適用于ACE玻璃反應釜
- 100B TM513/TM509 美國Glas-Col樹脂反應鋁殼電熱套 適用于Kontes K612000玻璃反應器
- 108D S-20/30 美國Glas-Col手套袋/雙口手套袋 Glove Bag
- 108D X-17/27/37 美國Glas-Col手套袋、Glove Bag
- 099C E90 美國Glas-Col氣動打蛋器PNEUMATIC EGG PUNCH