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HP8753A HP85046A 矢量網(wǎng)絡(luò)分析儀

  • 公司名稱 北方思源電子技術(shù)中心
  • 品牌
  • 型號 HP8753A HP85046A
  • 產(chǎn)地 美國
  • 廠商性質(zhì) 經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時間 2017/7/29 15:12:11
  • 訪問次數(shù) 337


北方思源電子技術(shù)中心,自1990年開始經(jīng)營閑置通用電子儀器設(shè)備。為全國各地廠商、學校及電子愛好者提供了上萬臺儀器,得到廣大用戶的青睞。真正的做到了質(zhì)優(yōu)價廉和優(yōu)質(zhì)的售后服務以及測量方面的技術(shù)咨詢。售出的儀器7~9成新。價格為原值的5%~40%。經(jīng)過專業(yè)技術(shù)人員逐臺進行校準,保證各項功能均達到使用要求。儀器自售出之日保修一年!為用戶提供良好的售后服務,竭誠滿足用戶的要求。為了方便用戶,我公司備有以下公司的現(xiàn)貨:美國泰克、惠普;日本松下、日立、巖崎、菊水;德國R/S;英國馬可尼;荷蘭飛利浦等各種儀器上千臺供您挑選。 儀器種類有:模擬示波器、數(shù)字存儲示波器、取樣示波器、立體聲示波器、矢量示波器、多通道示波器、高靈敏度示波器、慢掃描示波器、邏輯示波器、教學演示示波器、雙線示波器、記憶示波器、頻譜分析儀、傅立葉頻譜分析儀、動態(tài)信號分析儀、調(diào)制度測量儀、音頻分析儀、邏輯分析儀、無線電綜測儀、合成信號源、函數(shù)信號源、脈沖信號源、高頻信號發(fā)生器、微波信號源、抖動分析儀、抖動測量儀、高頻掃頻儀、低頻掃頻儀、晶體管圖示儀、電子管測試儀、集成電路測試儀、耐壓測試儀、功率計、失真儀、頻率計、微波頻率計、直流穩(wěn)壓電源、交流穩(wěn)壓電源、萬用電橋、毫伏表、電工表、標準電阻箱、標準電容箱、標準電感箱、多位數(shù)字萬用表、調(diào)壓器、彩電信號發(fā)生器、彩顯信號發(fā)生器、進口示波器高頻探頭、電流探頭等各種儀器。


HP8753A HP85046A 矢量網(wǎng)絡(luò)分析儀

廠商: 美國惠普


  • 300kHz - 3GHz
  • Integrated 1 Hz resolution synthesized source
  • Direct save/recall to an external disc drive
  • Time domain analysis
  • 100 dB of dynamic ranges
  • Group delay and deviation from linear phase
  • 0.001 dB, 0.01 deg, 0.01 nanosec marker resolution
  • Built-in accuracy enhancement

The HP 8753A provides excellent RF network measurements for the lab and production test areas. When combined with a test set, it yields a complete solution for characterizing the linear behavior of wither active or passive networks, devices or components from 300 kHz to 3 GHz. With two independent display channels available, you can simultaneously measure and and display the reflection and transmission characteristics of the device under test. The easy-to-use soft-key selection of measurement functions allows you to quickly measure the magnitude, the phase, or group delay characteristics of the device under test. Directly measure the electrical length of a single device or phase match multiple devices. Data can be displayed in a log magnitude, linear magnitude, SWR, phase, group delay, polar, real or Smith Chart formats. The two independent display channels can be viewed separay or simultaneously in overlay or split screen formats.

The HP 8753A's integrated synthesized source provides >100 mw of output power, 1 Hz frequency resolution, and linear or logarithmic frequency sweeps.

All of the functions of the HP 8753A are compley programmable from an external computer through the Hewlett-Packard Interface-Bus. Draw/label custom graphics into the CRT of the HP 8753A using Hewlett Packard Graphics Language commands. The entire CRT display - including the custom graphics can be copied to a compatible HP-GL plotter or printer.

Time Domain Analysis

The HP 8753A (with Option 010) has the capability of displaying the time domain response of a network obtained by computing the Inverse Fourier Transform of the frequency domain response. The time domain response displays the reflection coefficient versus time, yielding the magnitude and location of each individual discontinuity of the network. It can also display the transmission coefficient versus time, yielding simulated transient response analysis of the network.

The HP 8753A offers two time domain modes. The Low Pass mode provides the traditional Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) measurement capability and gives the response of the network to ma (mathematically-simulated) step or impulse response. This mode gives information of the type of impedance (R, L, C) present at the discontinuity. The Band Pass time domain mode, which has only the impulse stimulus, may be used over any frequency range to give the time domain response of frequency selective devices such as SAW filters or antennas.

Gating is another powerful time domain feature that may be used to selectively isolate a single response in time and them convert just that response back to the frequency domain. For the reflection measurements, this provides the capability to view the return loss of individual portions of a high frequency component without disturbing the actual circuit. For transmission measurements, one can view the frequency and time domain responses of individual transmission paths.

: 010 - 62123258 / 62123259   : buy17


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