- 公司名稱 舜極機電設備(上海)有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號
- 產地 德國
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2016/10/22 14:36:49
- 訪問次數 903
舜極機電設備(上海)有限公司優勢供應歐美備件,歡迎詢價!!! 業務員:王振 : :
company building in K?penicker Street was compley destroyed. When the rebuilding began, nobody new about the separation of Berlin that would later take place. Bad luck, that a site in East Berlin was chosen to dare a new start. The trade company was thus later managed as a trust and in 1972 the company was officially converted into public property. The branch in West Berlin, which had been started at the same time, took a different development. After the war it became the new basis for company development. But: the strong competition of the free-market economy made the company change its approach. The main goal was now to find new, promising market niches. And really, one sector that was perfectly suited could be found: gear elements, gear units, geared motors, machine building elements, standard parts and threaded spindles with accessories offered good future perspectives. And the further development showed how correct this estimation had been. 1959 the branch in Stuttgart was founded, followed by Dusseldorf in 1963. An even bigger step followed in 1968: Due to supply shortages and the high demands we have always had on quality we started to be interested in building up our own production and in 1968 we got the chance to join up with a company. This cooperation went so well, that in 1984 our first own production site, the toothing and gearing technology company M?dler GmbH, was founded. At the same time a number of other things happened: 1970: the company headquarters are moved from Berlin to Stuttgart. 1975: the subsidiary in Hamburg is founded. 1977: the business premises in Berlin are being closed. 1978: the Transnord GmbH in Hamburg is founded, with participation of the M?dler GmbH. 1978: M?dler also starts trading in the neighbouring countries. The company M?dler Norm-Antrieb AG in Feuerthalen/ Switzerland starts making business. 1988 the headquarters in Stuttgart move into their new, own premises. 1990 the subsidiary in Dusseldorf moves - for the same reason. 2004 the area in Stuttgart is extended by about 3000 sqm.
- 試管
- 樣品杯
- 樣品管
- 量筒
- 標準漏斗
- 短管漏斗
- 滴液漏斗
- 分液漏斗
- 過濾漏斗
- 安全漏斗
- 稱量瓶
- 廣口瓶
- 比重瓶
- 茶廣口瓶
- 真空活塞
- 載玻片
- 球型冷卻器
- 量器類
- 過濾球
- 平底燒瓶
- 圓底燒瓶
- 三口燒瓶
- 三角燒瓶
- 蒸餾燒瓶
- 碘值燒瓶
- 凱氏燒瓶
- 標口三口燒瓶
- 具塞三角燒瓶
- 過濾坩堝
- 測定器
- 抽出器
- 蒸發器
- 蒸餾器
- 水份測定器
- 酒精燈
- 密度計
- 燒器類
- 三角燒杯
- 帶把燒杯
- 錐型燒杯
- 高型燒杯
- 收口燒杯
- 水槽
- 培養器
- 漏斗類
- 干燥器
- 試管架
- 容器類
- 龍頭/污水/過濾瓶
- 萬能夾
- 紅水表
- 冷凝類
- 量瓶
- 量杯
- 標本瓶/缸
- 麥式真空規轉動式
- 水銀表
- 載玻片及蓋玻片類
- 比色皿
- 升降臺
- 滴定臺
- 真空活塞油脂
- 精密表
- 滴定管
- 平底蒸發皿
- 研缽
- 電爐
- 比色管
- 直式油擴散泵
- 烘箱表
- 管件類
- 吸管
- 圓底蒸發皿
- 細口瓶
- 直型冷卻器
- 瑪瑙乳缽
- 離心管
- 軟硬玻璃接頭
- 導電表
- 真空類
- 容量瓶
- 結晶皿
- 下口瓶
- 蛇型冷卻器
- 蓋玻片
- 電熱套
- 調劑棒
- 真空鐘罩
- 比重計
- 溫度/密度/比重計
- 石英制品
- 成套玻璃
- 標準口類
- 其它玻璃儀器