- 公司名稱 上海五鈴光電科技有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號
- 產地 中國臺灣
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 更新時間 2025/3/12 7:02:26
- 訪問次數 2449
聯系方式:袁冬梅13482574326 查看聯系方式
可見光光譜儀教學套件是五鈴光學(Isuzu Optics Corp.)針對教育單位所設計開發的光譜量測套件,內含光譜量測軟體及相關配件,可提供包括:光譜、發光源、吸收?、穿透?、反射?、濃?等多種光學?測。
Targeting undergraduate college‐level chemistry and physical lab settings, Isuzu Optics Corp., announced a compact VNIR (400~1000nm) spectrometer solution specifically for educational use. The VNIR spectrometer solution includes a compact spectrometer, balance light source, specific designed application software (SpectraSmart) and many accessories for demonstrating the fundamental principles of chemical and optical experiments that involve light sources (such as LED, solar,…) spectrum detection, a variety of spectral transmission, reflection and absorption measurements and color analysis.
1、光譜儀型號( Spectrometer Model):SE1040-25-VNIR
2、適用光譜波長范圍 ( Wavelength Range) : 350nm ‐ 1020nm
3、Linear CCD Array :Sony ILX554B
4、狹縫寬度 (Slit Width ) :25μm
5、光學波長解析度(Optical Spectral Resolution ):1.2 nm (FWHM)
6、波長準確度(Wavelength Accuracy ):±0.3nm
7、波長重現性(Wavelength Repeatability): +/-0.05nm
8、熱穩定(Thermal Stability):0.027nm/°C @650nm
9、積分時間(Integration Time):1m sec ~ 65 sec
10、動態范圍(Dynamic Range):1000:1
11、類比/數位轉換ADC : 16 bits, 15MHz
12、雜散光(Stray Light):< 0.15%
13、輸入電源型式(Input Power Type):USB, +5.25VDC
14、光纖連接頭(Optical Input Connector ):SMA 905
15、體積規格(Physical Dimension): 86 x 110 x 31.4 mm