參考價 | ¥ 400 |
訂貨量 | ≥1臺 |
- 公司名稱 上海圓馨能源科技有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號
- 產地 德國
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2023/7/20 17:21:49
- 訪問次數 2247
聯系方式:李經理19901762858 查看聯系方式
- 廣角版本,孔徑角為64° x 48°
- 工作原理:基于pmd技術的飛行時間測量
- 照明、時間時間測量和評估都在一個外殼進行
- 應用詳細評估的每次測量為3,072個距離值
- 4...20 mA / 0...10 V模擬輸出或2個開關輸出以提供結果
- Wide-angle version with an angle of aperture of 64° x 48°
- Operating principle: Time-of-flight measurement based on pmd technology
- Illumination, time-of-flight measurement and evaluation in one housing
- 3,072 distance values per measurement for the detailed assessment of the application
- 4...20 mA / 0...10 V analogue output or 2 switching outputs for providing the result
三維物體檢測 – efector PMD 3d
Object detection in three dimensions – efector PMD 3d
efector pmd 3d is the first industrial 3D sensor that can detect objects in three dimensions at a glance. The new wide-angle version provides a wider angle of aperture of 64° x 48°.
The time-of-flight measurement in three dimensions enables the assessment of different applications, for example the detection of volume, distance or level.
Special feature: The time-of-flight measurement and evaluation are integrated on one chip. The sensor chip has 64 x 48 pixels. Each pixel of this chip matrix evaluates its distance to the object. This results in 3,072 distance values at the same time.
efector pmd 3d是工業級3D傳感器,可以以三維快速檢測物體。全新廣角版本提供64° x 48°的更寬孔徑角。
特別功能:飛行時間測量和評估集成到單個芯片。傳感器芯片具有64 x 48像素。此芯片矩陣的每個像素會評估距物體的距離。這可同時帶來3,072個距離值。
芯片矩陣上的物體圖像和各自距離值對應于一個3D圖像。這些值允許詳細評估zui多5.5 m范圍內的物體或場景特性,模糊的范圍zui多48 m。
PMD 3D傳感器 · O3D型 · M12接頭
O3D222 - PMD 3D傳感器, 設備接口: 數字輸入/輸出,以太網 孔徑角64°×48°(垂直x水平) 圖像分辨率: 64 x 48像素 用于物體識別的PMD 3D ToF(飛行時間)傳感器,... Accessories
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- 硫化物測定儀
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- BOD測定儀
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- 氰化物測定儀
- 余氯測定儀/二氧化氯測定儀
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