agile8nt 8168A 租賃8168A|8168A二手價格
- 公司名稱 深圳市瑞明通訊設備有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號 agile8nt 8168A
- 產地
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2016/8/24 7:43:08
- 訪問次數 322
Agilent 8168A
Description: The HP 8168A is a high performance desktop tunable laser source for the characterization of optical devices.
This unit has the following specifications:
Wavelength Range: 1447.000 to 1569.000 nm
Wavelength Resolution: 0.001 nm
Output Power: -20.0 dBm to 0.8 dBm
Modulating Frequency: 250 kHz to 300 kHz
Wavelength accuracy: Less than ±0.l nm
Built-in HPIB
Angled Contact Connector
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