變色、沾色灰卡 Grey Scale For assessing Change in Colour and Sta
- 公司名稱 東莞市莞城科誠儀器經營部
- 品牌
- 型號 變色、沾色灰卡
- 產地 英國
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 更新時間 2017/4/6 10:26:13
- 訪問次數 207
James-heal. Grey Scale For assessing Change in Colour and Staining評估灰色樣卡(變色、沾色)/ 變色、沾色灰卡
There are two types of Grey Scale, comprising two series of chips,
against which the degree of colour change of a specimen and the
staining of undyed adjacent fabric can be visually assessed and rated
on a 1-5 scale, grade 5 being no change and grade 1 severe change in
some standards.
The ‘Change in Colour’ Scale is used to assess change in colour in
fastness tests (eg washing, dry cleaning, water, perspiration and
This Scale consists of nine pairs of grey coloured chips ranging from
grades 1 to 5 (with four half steps).
The ‘Staining Scale’ is used to assess the degree of staining on
undyed adjacent fabrics during fastness tests.
This Scale consists of nine pairs of grey and white coloured chips ranging from grades 1 to 5 (with four half steps).
- Manufactured strictly in accordance with the requirements of ISO 105-A02 and -A03
- Free Certificates of Conformity available
- Robust Construction – withstands constant handling
- Attractive PVC Case – protects the Scale from damage or contamination
- 填重布/陪洗布 James-heal. Makeweights/Ballast/Loading Fabrics-Eu
- Blue Wools ~NO.8 ISO Blue Wools ~NO.8 日曬色牢度用藍羊毛布~NO.8級
- 摩擦布/摩擦白布 Cotton Lawn or Crocking Cloth or Cotton Rubbing Cl
- James Heal PVC 膠紙 KCJH009 James Heal PVC Tape / PVC 膠紙
- 織物起球軟管 James Heal Moulded Polyurethane Pilling Tubes織物起球
- DW多纖貼襯布 James H.Heal Multifibre Adjacent Fabric DW/ DW 多纖維
- 瑪莎泛黃測試玻璃板 KCJH006 M&S Phenotest Glass Plates / M&S 瑪莎標準泛黃測試玻璃板
- KCJH005 James Heal Phenotest Glass Plates 泛黃測試玻璃