熱噴清洗機是一種專業化的清洗設備,通過應用高溫水、蒸汽或溶劑等技術,能夠高效地清洗各種物體的內部和設備表 面。該設備廣泛應用于工業、制造業、醫療衛生等領域,提供快速而高效的清洗解決方案。
其工作原理是基于高溫和壓力的雙重作用,通過快速加熱溶劑或水,使其達到高溫狀態,然后高壓下噴灑到待清洗的物件表 面上。在高溫和壓力的作用下,能夠在短時間內去除各種油脂、油污、污垢和難以清洗的污染物,使被清洗物體恢復干凈、 原來的狀態。清洗機通常配備多種清洗模式和噴嘴,以適應不同物體和材料的清洗需求。對于重質石油產品和各種瀝青試驗過程 中沾染了各種污染物的器皿,具有非常好的清洗效果。
A thermal spray cleaner is a specialized cleaning equipment that can efficiently and thoroughly clean the interior of various objects and equip- ment surfaces by applying technologies such as high-temperature water, steam or solvents. The equipment is widely used in industry, manu- facturing, medical and health care and other fields, providing fast and efficient cleaning solutions.
The equipment replaces manual cleaning, which can greatly reduce labor intensity; reduce pollution to the environment; And it can recycle the cleaning solvent to save cleaning agents. The instrument is simple in structure, easy to operate, safe and reliable. The instrument adopts the method of high temperature and high pressure washing, and it only takes 5 minutes to complete the cleaning, which greatly improves the work efficiency.