Hangzhou Tianzhao Technology Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Tianzhao technology co., LTD. Is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the research and development, production, sales and service of liquid chromatography system (HPLC). At present, it has become one of the most professional liquid chromatography manufacturers in China. It has obtained a number of invention patents and Copyrights. Since its inception, the company has been "committed to the innovation and application of chromatographic instruments", and strive to become a domestic first-class chromatographic instrument production and service provider. Through the combination of independent research and development and cooperative development team technology platform, gathered a large number of outstanding professionals, and with a number of universities, scientific research institutions to establish close cooperation. The company has developed lc-500 high-performance liquid chromatograph, preparative liquid chromatograph, DAC dynamic axial phase system, simulated moving bed and other instruments, and widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food, textile and other components detection, traditional Chinese medicine and biological extraction. Adhering to the core values of "pursuit of excellence, respect for individuals, service to customers, integrity and responsibility", we are committed to building an enterprise with strong international competitiveness in the field of chromatography and become one of the models of innovative enterprises in China. 1

公司名稱 | Hangzhou Tianzhao Technology Co., Ltd. |
成立日期 | 2010年08月10日【已認證】 |
注冊資本 | 人民幣800萬元 【已認證】 |
法定代表人 | 吳建發【已認證】 |
注冊號 | 91330108557949037B【已認證】 |
營業期限 | 2010年08月10日-2010年08月10日【已認證】 |
登記機關 | 杭州市西湖區市場監督管理局【已認證】 |
企業類型 | 有限責任公司(自然人投資或控股)【已認證】 |
經營范圍 | 服務:生物技術、醫藥技術、儀器儀表、計算機軟硬件的技術開發、技術服務、技術咨詢、成果轉讓;批發、零售:計算機軟硬件,儀器儀表;制造:液相色譜儀;貨物進出口、技術進出口(國家法律、行政法規禁止的項目除外,法律、行政法規限制的項目取得許可證后方可經營);含下屬分支機構經營范圍;其他無需報經審批的一切合法項目。【已認證】 |
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